Tsar Bell, which is located in the Moscow Kremlin, namely on Ivanovskaya Square, at the foot of the bell tower “Ivan the Great”, is a unique monument of Russian artistic casting of the XVIII century. Being without exaggeration a real work of art, the Tsar Bell strikes the imagination of everyone who finds himself near it. The dimensions of this landmark are truly grandiose: the height – 6.6 m, and the diameter of the widest, that is, the bottom part of the bell (the so-called “skirt”) – 6.14 m.

- General information
- History of creation
- Features of the external decoration
Legend of the Tsar Bell - Interesting facts
- Visiting the Tsar Bell
- How to get there
General Information
The Tsar Bell has never rung, but it has become perhaps the most famous bell in the world. And not only due to its impressive dimensions, but also due to its weight, which is about 202 tons. But this is not all its advantages: our giant impresses with its external decoration, not to mention the history of its creation – interesting, amazing, unique and somewhere not yet fully explored. To touch the Tsar Bell means to touch the History itself, and to be photographed with it as a souvenir is tantamount to time travel: it feels as if you are in the distant past…
History of creation

Empress Anna Ioannovna decided to surpass all predecessors and in memory of her reign ordered to cast a new bell from the debris of the previous one, increasing the amount of metal to 160 tons (10 thousand poods). In 1730 the idea of the Empress began to materialize. True, at first many people did not believe in the reality of the project, especially if we take into account that not all masters were ready to take on such work. One of those who refused was the famous French mechanic Germain. Having received such an offer, he even thought that he was being played a joke. The Frenchman had no idea how such an impressive bell could be made.
The Legend of the King Bell
This incredible legend takes us… where would you think? In the late XVII – early XVIII centuries, that is, in Petrine times. It was then, according to legend, that this world-famous landmark was cast.

Visiting the Tsar Bell

Admission to the territory of the Moscow Kremlin is from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily, except Thursday.
.A single ticket to visit the architectural ensemble of Sobornaya Square costs 500 rubles, students and pensioners have a 50% discount, people under 16 and privileged categories of citizens visit the Kremlin for free. In addition to viewing the Tsar Bell and Tsar Cannon, a single ticket gives the opportunity to see the Assumption, Archangel, Annunciation Cathedrals, the Church of the Rizpozheniye, the Patriarchal Chambers with the Church of the Twelve Apostles, as well as several permanent expositions and current exhibitions
.How to get there
Take the metro to Alexander Garden, which is located near the walls of the Moscow Kremlin, and get off. Here, at the metro station, there are also ticket offices to the Kremlin.
After buying a ticket, you go up to the Kutafya Tower, then walk across the bridge and, having passed the Trinity Tower, you find yourself on the territory of the Kremlin. Now you need to reach the Senate Square, turn right and head towards the Ivan the Great Bell Tower. Passing by the Tsar Cannon, on the other side you will see this unique masterpiece of Russian artistic casting – the Tsar Bell.