
Trancoso, a serene fishing village located on the jungle-covered shores of Bahia, in the northeastern part of Brazil’s vast coastline, is a paradise for anyone seeking seclusion with a touch of glamor. Surrounded by pristine rainforests, turquoise bays and white sandy beaches, Trancoso is one of the earliest Portuguese settlements in Brazil.


General Information

The Portuguese influence is well felt in the 16th century church of St. John the Baptist, which stands on a cliff above the emerald sea. From here you have panoramic views of the beaches running north and south from the town, as well as the quadrado, the central grassed square, the center of town. Here, traditional fishermen’s huts are painted in shades of electric, pink bubble gum or bright yellow bananas, and between them are trendy boutiques and cafes, with tables extending out onto the sidewalk, under the shady canopy of palm fronds. In the afternoon, children play soccer in the town square and old people stroll under long rows of palm trees while sarong-clad tourists, with umbrellas and cameras, flock to Brazil’s most beautiful beaches.


In the evening, it’s time to go horseback riding and enjoy a glass of wine or a fancy cocktail, as this is when the magic begins. As soon as dusk descends, the quadrado is illuminated by the lights of hundreds of candles, musicians begin to play drums and guitars, and there is time for endless dancing under an equally endless starry sky.

Despite its status as a trendy resort, Trancoso remains a charming village that doesn’t forget its past. Wrinkled fishermen still fish the sea and brightly colored boats anchor in the shallow waters of the bays.
