Mdina torture museum

The Mdina Torture Museum is one of the most terrifying museums in the world, recounting the horrific episodes of the Middle Ages. It features scenes of torture and death of prisoners who languished in the prisons of the Middle Ages. Figures of people are made in life-size, dressed in the clothes of those times. All kinds of weapons and devices for torture are made so that the blood runs cold in the veins. Creepy place, besides in some torture chambers there is musical accompaniment with screams, groans and cries of victims, crying of the dying. In general, the museum is absolutely not suitable for people with weak psyche.


General information

The museum is located in the former capital of Malta, in the city of Mdina. The population in this fortress city is no more than three hundred people. Nevertheless, Mdina has a long and eventful history, because in the old days it was a city of aristocratic nobility, who decided the fate of the inhabitants of the whole island. Thousands of tourists arrive in Mdina every year to see the uniquely beautiful monuments of architecture.


The Museum of Torture is located in a former prison, just outside the city gates. In front of its entrance stands a medieval instrument of torture – neck blocks. Careless tourists from all over the world take great pleasure in having their pictures taken in them.

The founding of the museum on this site is not accidental. During the dark Middle Ages, when the Holy Inquisition reached its highest peak, here, deep underground was a prison, where in dark, damp cells prisoners were subjected to brutal torture, now presented in the museum’s exhibition. Thus, from 1561 until 1813, thousands of “heretics” perished in the Mdina dungeon.”


Now the Mdina Torture Museum has created conditions as close to reality as possible, creating an eerie, ominous feeling of fear and near death. From the inside, the museum is a cold, dimly lit dungeon with many chambers and damp corridors. In each cell, horrifying pictures of torture are recreated in an unusually realistic way. The role of executioners and their victims is played by figures made of wax. Their realistic images are made in full height, dressed in accordance with the fashion of the medieval era and placed in natural, reconstructed scenery. Also the instruments of torture, match the originals. Painted bodies and faces fully convey the feeling of pain and horror. In addition, an unusual realism creates an eerie soundtrack, which imitates the moans, screams, cries and cries of the tortured prisoners.


Quite remarkable is the fact that the role of a tour guide is played by the caretaker – a hunchback.


The Museum of Torture in Mdina is unique in that it has the most complete collection of instruments, compared to all museums in the world (Spanish boot, rack, guillotine, vise, nail pliers and other equally horrible devices).


It is impossible to remain indifferent after such a tour. However, if you have always been interested in torture, the cellars of the Inquisition and other bloody things, then you will definitely like this museum.



Ticket price:

Adults: 1.60Lm, approximately 3.75€.Students, pensioners: 0.5Lm, approx. 1.16€Children: 0.80Lm, approx. 1.86€


Opening hours:

All days of the week.10.00 – 16.00



St. Publius Square.MdinaTel: 21450267
