Tobolsk Kremlin

Tobolsk Kremlin is a part of the city museum-reserve, being one of the brightest representatives of Russian fortress architecture. The austere and at the same time majestic complex of stone buildings is located in the highland part of Tobolsk, on the Troitsky cape, which offers a delightful panorama of the Irtysh and picturesque neighborhoods of Nizhny Posad.


Video: Tobolsk Kremlin


History of the construction of the Tobolsk Kremlin

In the XVII century Tobolsk received the status of the capital of Siberia, which became a kind of impetus for the construction of its own ostrog (fortress). Well, since the most available material in the taiga was wood, the ancestor of the modern Kremlin became completely wooden. However, after several fires destroyed not only the fortification itself, but also part of the settlement, Moscow decided that the city was worthy of a stone Kremlin.


Siberia was not rich in architects at that time, so the first masters were sent to Tobolsk from the Mother See itself. Already in 1686, Moscow masons Gerasim Sharypin and Gavrila Tyutin built the Cathedral of St. Sophia and Dormition on the bank of the Irtysh River, which later became a part of the Kremlin architectural ensemble. Subsequently, the complex acquired several other buildings and temples, which were surrounded by a four-meter high fortress wall, interspersed with towers. Most of the Kremlin structures of that time have not survived, as in total the unique historical monument was rebuilt at least 6 times.


By the end of the 17th century, the Tobolsk craftsman, cartographer, historian and architect Semyon Remezov, whose monument can be seen today on the square in front of the Kremlin, began to work on the project of the fortress city. The talented architect realized his own vision of the administrative center of the Siberian capital. Without changing the general design of the walls and towers of the fortress, Remezov filled its interior with buildings in true Moscow style – Gostiny Dvor, Prikaznaya Chambers.


Tobolsk Kremlin today

To get to the Kremlin ensemble, you will have to overcome 198 wooden steps of the Pryamskiy Vzvozd going uphill. The steep staircase connects the foothill and highland parts of Tobolsk and is famous among locals as a mystical object. Rumor has it that some people on its steps have strange visions from the past and the future.


The architectural complex of the Tobolsk Kremlin is divided into four main zones:

  • The Bishop’s Court;
  • Voivodeship Court;
  • Prison Castle;
  • Gostiny Dvor.

According to the original architectural plan, the Gostiny Dvor was supposed to play the role of a kind of hybrid hotel and commodity warehouse, where foreign merchants and trade caravans would be sheltered. However, foreign merchants did not like this part of the Kremlin for some reason, so, starting from the middle of the XVIII century, its premises were alternately occupied by a Tatar commission, a court, and a prison. Today the stone halls of the Gostiny Dvor are occupied by the nettle workshop “Grass and Fire”, the Museum of Siberian Entrepreneurship, a hotel and a buffet room “Povarnya”. In addition, marriage ceremonies are organized here, so if you are still in search of a colorful and romantic place to hold a wedding, you can book vacant chambers with the administration of the museum-reserve.


The building of the Prison Castle, rebuilt in 1855 at the behest of Grand Duke Alexander Nikolayevich, has an interesting fate. By the beginning of the XIX century, the old Kremlin stockade had fallen into such a dilapidated state that it horrified the representative of the royal family, who unexpectedly came to Tobolsk with a visit. In order not to incur the prince’s wrath, the local authorities hastily began to build a new prison, which, in their opinion, was to improve the living conditions of the Tobolsk “sitters”. By the way, at different times, the convenience of the dungeons of the Prison Castle was appreciated by the writer V. G. Korolenko and literary critic N. G. Chernyshevsky. At the moment in the premises of the dungeon there is a museum of prison life and a hostel “Prisoner”, where for 600 rubles any seeker of “atmosphere” can organize a modest overnight stay. Periodically, exciting quests and escapes are organized in the former walls, so there are always enough visitors at the Prison Castle.


In addition to the oldest stone building of the Tobolsk Kremlin – the Cathedral of St. Sophia and Assumption, on its territory there is another church – the Church of the Intercession. The construction of the second temple was dictated by the harsh Siberian climate. The fact is that during the construction of St. Sophia Cathedral, it was not equipped with ovens, so in the winter months to serve in the icy church was an unbearable torture. During the construction of the Church of the Intercession the unfortunate omission with heating was corrected: now in the cold season services were held in the warm halls of the new church, and the majestic white stone cathedral temporarily ceased its activities.


Another legendary place of the Tobolsk Kremlin is the Sophia Bell Tower. Spectacular construction in the style of classicism is currently the highest building in the fortress, from the observation deck which offers a magnificent view of the city. However, it did not get its fame because of its outstanding size. It was on the bell tower of the Tobolsk Kremlin in 1592 “exiled” to the tolling bell, which notified the inhabitants of Uglich about the murder of Ivan the Terrible’s son, the minor tsarevich Dmitry.


Many of the Kremlin buildings were eventually converted into museums and workshops. For example, the Rentereya, created specifically to store the state treasury, today houses an extensive collection of everyday objects of the Tobolians. In the Viceroy’s Palace you can see a fascinating photo exhibition telling about the main stages of development of the former capital of Siberia, and taste local gingerbread, which is baked according to ancient recipes and is a kind of local souvenir. For a closer look at the history of Siberian Orthodoxy, check out the Bishop’s House, which houses a collection of church art from the 18th and 18th centuries.


Interesting facts

  • The Tobolsk Kremlin is the only stone Kremlin ever built on the territory of Siberia.
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  • In 2010, a photograph of the Tobolsk Kremlin was sold at a charity auction in the Northern Capital, taken by D. A. Medvedev. The cost of the lot amounted to 51 million rubles
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  • There is an assumption that under the Kremlin in Tobolsk is a tangled network of secret passages, which was used as a dungeon for apostates. So far, the existence of an underground road junction is evidenced only by the sinkholes in the territory of the fortress, which opened part of the half-collapsed tunnels and chambers.
  • Visitors

    Entrance to the territory of the Tobolsk Kremlin is free and free of charge. Well, for those who would like to learn more about the architectural complex, there are organized tours, which can be ordered by phone +7 (3456) 22-37-13, as well as by sending a letter to the e-mail of the museum-reserve:


    How to get there

    You can get to the Tobolsk Kremlin by cab or by city bus – routes № 2, 6p, 6r, 8a, 9, 10a, 16, 19, 20.
