Tavurvur Volcano

Tavurvur is an active stratovolcano in Papua New Guinea near the town of Rabaul on the island of New Britain.


The most recent eruption began on August 29, 2014. The previous one took place on February 13, 2009. On October 7, 2006, there was a large-scale release of ash into the atmosphere up to a height of 18 km. In the eruption of September 19, 1994, the former town of Rabaul was buried under ash and later rebuilt on a new site. Various government offices were relocated to the town of Kokopo.


Tavurvur is located inside a large caldera that varies in diameter from 8 to 14 km. It erupted in the 6th century in a massive eruption of 6 on the eruption scale (VEI). It is sometimes theorized to have been the cause of the global climate change of 535-536.
