Tate Modern Gallery
Tate Modern Gallery is the largest contemporary art gallery in the world. It is housed in a beautifully restored former power station building on the south bank of the River Thames. The whole south bank area has been rebuilt and transformed in the last ten years, from here you can head west or east to see other sights. Admission to the permanent exhibition spaces is free, but you have to pay to visit the exhibitions.

General Information
The best way to reach the gallery is to cross the Millennium Bridge, London’s only footbridge, the first of the bridges built across the river in the last hundred years. When you enter the Tate Modern gallery via the west ramp and enter the huge turbine hall, you will feel your breath catching. The stunning exhibition hall has been planned for special shows, with the exhibit changing every six months. Giant contemporary works of art like Louise Bourgeois’s work, the huge spider Mama, and her three towers made for the opening show, can be exhibited here.
The large and bright museum houses permanent exhibitions on the 3rd and 5th floors, with exhibitions on the 4th floor. Works by cubists, surrealists, impressionists, pointillists, abstractionists and pop art artists can be seen here, as well as multimedia installations. It is unusual that the exhibition is organized thematically rather than by historical periods, but this approach is rarely effective.