Taman Peninsula

Taman Peninsula (Taman), washed by the waters of the Black and Azov Seas, belongs to the historical region of Kuban, bordering the foothills of the North Caucasus. The administrative center of the peninsula, located in the Krasnodar region of Russia, is the port city of Temryuk. It is located 130 kilometers northwest of the regional capital, Krasnodar. A favorable climate, 270 sunny days a year, curious sights attract tens of thousands of tourists to the Taman Peninsula. In seaside resort villages, sandy beaches, small hotels, private apartments await guests.


Video: Taman from a bird’s eye view



Traveling on the Taman Peninsula, as a rule, begins in the town of Temryuk, which is on the northern coast, near the mouth of the Kuban River. Here is the bus station, 4 km from the city is a seaport.


Vacationers receive 11 villages, which are part of the Temryuk municipal formation. Decent resort infrastructure is created in the villages Peresyp, Golubitskaya, Kuchugury. In the village of Volna there is a club of divers, where they teach scuba diving, rent equipment. Not far from the village of Sennaya and the village of Taman, known for the story of the same name by Mikhail Lermontov, there are archaeological locations with excavated ruins of ancient Greek cities.


In recent years, the Taman Peninsula, washed by two warm seas, has become a popular destination for domestic tourism. In resort villages, a network of mini-hotels is actively developing, museums, cafes, restaurants await guests. The total length of Taman sandy beaches exceeds 100 kilometers.


History of Taman

In the last century, traces of early Stone Age settlements were discovered on the northern coast of the Taman Peninsula. The oldest of them is the Kermek site, where primitive people lived about 2 million years ago. In the I millennium BC in this region lived Scythians, and about VI century BC there were Greek colonists who founded several polis – Phanagoria, Hermonassa, Achilleion and others. In 480 BC the city-states that flourished in the region of the Bosporus Cimmerian (Kerch Strait) united into the Bosporan Kingdom, which owned Tauris (Crimea) and the eastern coast of the Meotis (Sea of Azov). This state then became part of the vast Pontic Kingdom, which fell under the onslaught of the legions of the Roman Empire.


In the Early Middle Ages, Taman belonged to the Khazars. Chronicles report that in 969, Prince Svyatoslav Igorevich of Kiev defeated the Khazar Khaganate. A few years later on the peninsula formed an enclave of ancient Russia – Tmutarakan principality, which existed until the XI century. In that era, the famous Tmutarakan Stone, found on Taman, was created. The inscription on the massive marble slab informs that in the winter of 1068 Prince Gleb ordered to measure the distance from Tmutarakan through the frozen strait to Korchev (Kerch), the result was 14,000 fathoms (about 23 km). Today this artifact is kept in the Hermitage.


Taman pleases archaeologists with new surprises. In 2018, during the excavation of the necropolis of the times of the Bosporan Kingdom near the village of Volna, scientists discovered the remains of musical instruments. In the season-2020 in the area of the ruins of Phanagoria was found a treasure, confirming the wide trade relations of the region in the Middle Ages. On the showcases of museums went silver coins of Prince Vladimir of Kiev, Arab dirhams brought from Baghdad, gold solidi minted in Byzantium.


Around 1100 the peninsula was occupied by nomadic Cumans tribes, and in 1239 the region was devastated by the Mongol-Tatar hordes. Until the 80s of the XVIII century Taman was part of the lands of the Crimean Khanate, some time belonged to the Ottoman sultans. As a result of the Russian-Turkish war, the region was included in the Russian Empire. According to the decree of Catherine II, in 1792 thousands of Zaporozhye Cossacks were sent to settle in Taman, to whom these lands were granted “in perpetual possession”. Descendants of the Cossacks live in Taman stanitsa even now.

Since that time, the Taman Peninsula has been a remote province. During the Great Patriotic War, it became a bridgehead for the military operation of the Soviet Army, which liberated Crimea from German occupation.

Since the beginning of the XXI century, the tourist hospitality industry has been dynamically developing here, viticulture and winemaking are flourishing. Taman successfully competes with neighboring Black Sea resorts – Anapa, Gelendzhik. The modernization of the region’s transport infrastructure contributes to the activation of tourism. In 2018, Russia’s largest 19-kilometer bridge crossing was erected, connecting the Taman Peninsula with the shores of Crimea.



The Taman Peninsula lies in the western part of the Kuban Lowland, facing the shores of Crimea, which is separated from the Kuban by the narrow Kerch Strait. The southern coast of Taman is washed by the waves of the Black Sea, in the north, the wide semicircle of the Temryuk Bay of the Sea of Azov falls into the land.


In ancient times there was a shallow lagoon with an archipelago of islands. They existed in the ancient era. But already in the Early Middle Ages the straits were covered with silt, loam, gravel and sand. These sediments were carried to the sea by the full-flowing Kuban River, which originated in the Caucasus Mountains. Nowadays the former islands are marked by relief hills, the highest one rises 164 meters. The landscape of Taman is decorated with orchards and vineyards, in the lowlands irrigated by the river are green rice fields.


The area of the Taman Peninsula is about 2000 km². About half of the territory is occupied by sandy spits and limans, swampy plavni, overgrown with reeds and sedges. There are nesting ducks, hares, muskrat, foxes, raccoons and wild boars.


The coastline of the peninsula is 250 km long and abounds with shoals, capes and bays. From Cape Tuzla to the village of Taman shores with heights up to 15-30 meters steeply steep to the sea, at the surf line waves washed narrow strips of beaches. In the south and west the coasts are low-lying. The eastern part of the peninsula is occupied by a swampy delta of the Kuban River with branched arms, old rivers, lakes.


There are oil and gas fields in the depths of Taman. Rising through cracks in the bedrock, gas and oil mix with underground water, forming on the surface of the earth clay cones with mud lakes. The contents of these volcanoes are thick healing muds saturated with iodine, hydrogen sulfide, bromine and many other useful substances and minerals. Mud is used at balneological resorts located in Temryuk and in the village Golubitskaya.



Nature has gifted sunny Taman with a mild, moderately continental climate. The peninsula boasts a comfortable average annual temperature: +14 ° C. Winters here are warm, even in January the air rarely cools down below -2 °С. However, the amplitude of temperature “swings” on the Taman Peninsula is quite large. So, in February 1954, a short-term extreme frost was recorded here: -28.7 °С. Sometimes the Kerch Strait is bounded by an ice cover. Recently, such anomalies were observed in February 2014 and 2017. In the meteorological annals there is a record of February warming – up to +19.5 °С. Usually early spring comes to the peninsula in March, April and May are saturated with the aromas of blooming orchards.


Dangerously stormy at the shores of Taman not often, about 20 days a year. The strong wind rises in spring, usually in March, and in the first month of winter. During these periods, a 6-9 magnitude storm can last 12-20 hours in a row.


The beach season on the seashores of the Taman Peninsula lasts more than 4 months, from late May through September. It is not uncommon to swim in the warm sea until mid-October. In summer months the air, as a rule, warms up to +25…+28 °С, but from time to time temperature indices exceed 30-degree mark. However, the fresh sea breeze brings coolness even in the hottest days.


Water temperature at the coast in summer varies within +22 … +25 ° C.

. On the shallow beaches of the Gulf of Temryuk it is always slightly higher than the Black Sea coast. In August in both water areas there are a lot of jellyfish.


Sights of the Taman Peninsula

The Taman Peninsula is famous for the monuments of Antiquity and the Middle Ages. History buffs will be interested to see the ruins of ancient Hermonassa, excavated by archaeologists in the Kuban delta. Later the ancient Russian city of Tmutarakan was located here. On the territory of the excavations organized a museum-reserve.


Near the village of Sennaya open for inspection ruins of the ancient city of Phanagoria. Many artifacts found here are stored in the Temryuksky Historical and Archaeological Museum (Lenina Street, 28). The museum courtyard exhibits ancient stone sarcophagi, tombstones, statues. To the west of here is the museum “Military Hill”, where in the open air are demonstrated combat armored vehicles, artillery guns.


On the outskirts of the village Taman is located colorful ethno-cultural entertainment center “Ataman”. There is a museum complex of several dozen farmsteads, where tourists are introduced to the life and crafts of the Cossacks, treat tasty dinners. In this location are theatricalized shows with folklore ensembles, costume performances.


Combine an informative walk with a home-cooked lunch can be in the museum “Planet of donkeys” (Temryuk, 354 Veteranov St.). The private estate has a thematic “donkey” collection of 3500 items: porcelain figurines, ceramic figurines, toys, plates, dishes, vases with prints of cute four-legged animals tamed by people many thousands of years ago. Two good-natured donkeys live on the farmstead.

Before touring the museum, visitors are invited to familiarize themselves with the menu and make an order. Dishes are prepared while the guests explore the exposition, listening to interesting stories of the enthusiastic hostess of the collection. The owners of the estate accept all comers from 09:00 to 18:00.


In Temryuk, on Kalinina Street, 289, there is another curious private museum. The exposition is devoted to the history of navigation. On the showcases are about 200 models of sea vessels. Before you will unfold a retrospective of shipbuilding: from ancient Egyptian papyrus boats, Roman battle triremes to pirate sailing ships and exact copies of famous ships, including modern battleships and submarine cruisers. Several miniature models are skillfully assembled inside clear bottles. On the tour you will learn about the sea trade routes of the Bosporan kingdom, about the famous battles in the waters of the Black Sea, illustrated with reproductions of paintings, geographical maps.



The coastal strip of the Taman Peninsula, indented by bays and coves, is a chain of beaches convenient for bathing. The coast facing the Black Sea and the Kerch Strait is covered with coarse sand. The Azov coast is covered with a mixture of quartz sand and coquina. In some places there are muddy or clay areas.


Poseidon beach in the village Peresyp – one of the best on the peninsula. Here, on the shore of the Gulf of Temryuk, created a hotel complex, a town of beach entertainment with amusement rides and mini-oceanarium. Sports grounds, a spa, mud baths and bathing in wine barrels are at the resort guests’ disposal. There is a tasting bar and a cafe serving hot dishes. There are locker rooms, lockers, showers, toilets. Entrance to the beach paid – 400 rubles, for children under 14 years – 300 rubles.


Not well equipped lively Central Beach resort village Golubitskaya. It offers sun beds and umbrellas, you can fly over the sea on a parachute, rent a catamaran and ride a “banana”. Vendors spread on trays light snacks: pastries, boiled corn, crayfish, offer shrimp, fruit and other treats. Fans of secluded bathing should go a little farther, to the wild coast, and choose a favorite spot. The entrance to the water is gentle along the entire length of the coast.


From the pier on Morskoy Street in Temryuk boats depart to a separate sandbank, where the beach club “Lost Island” is located. The beach is well equipped, there is a cafe with an extensive veranda facing the sea. The cost of visiting the club (700 rubles) includes boat transfers, tasting of Taman wines, use of inflatable slides, mud baths. Additionally paid for water entertainment, buggy rental, sports equipment. Beach club is open for visits from 10:30 to 18:30.


Video: Beaches of Taman


Fishing is one of the most popular entertainment of vacationers on the Taman Peninsula. You can cast a rod in the open sea and in numerous freshwater reservoirs. In the Kuban delta in abundance there are crucian carp, pike, pikeperch, pikeperch, pikeperch, catfish, bream, taran, mullet in the estuaries. Local residents willingly rent paddle boats to fishermen. Offering motorcycles, they themselves sit “behind the wheel” and go to the fish places.


In the village Golubitskaya open club windsurfing and sailing. At the moorings you can rent a yacht for boat trips. Boat rental is available in any seaside village.


Every year in early August Taman village becomes the center of the Taman Vine winemaking festival. Kuban winemakers bring their best products to this festival. Many tasting tents are set up in the festival town, where dozens of wine brands and all sorts of treats are offered for sampling. There is also a fair of seasonal products. On the stalls – melons and watermelons, juicy peaches, farm vegetables and fruits.


Since 1999, the Taman Bike Festival has been held on the seashore near the village of Amber. On the coast of the Taman Peninsula is marked out the track for motocross, set up a stage for concerts of rock stars. In the evenings discos rumble, night swimming and fireworks are organized. The spectacular event attracts up to 10,000 guests.


In the village Golubitskaya is located water park “Amazons”. There are 5 slides and a large swimming pool. There is a cafe, equipped with a bandstand stage with a dance floor. There is a children’s pool with mini slides for small resort guests. The water park is open from 09:00 to 20:00. In Golubitskaya you should also go to the dolphinarium “Nemo”, to the zoo “Lukomorye”, watch alligators at the crocodile farm, and in the evening go to the nightclub “Malibu”. The institution is located near the beach, on Naberezhnaya Street, 57.


With children you can go to the village of Kuchugury for the day. Here is built amusement park “Emelya” with a Ferris wheel, autodrome, carousels, pools. In the neighborhood works rope park “Madagascar.”


In Temryuk popular billiard club “Start” (ul. Promyshlennaya, 10/1). The hall has 10 game tables, the bar offers beer and light snacks. Sports competitions are broadcasted on the big screen. Another billiard parlor “Piramida” is located on Buvin Street, 184/1. The local bar offers a large selection of drinks, those who wish are served hookahs.



The Central Department Store in Temryuk (1 Kirov Street) is the largest shopping center on the Taman Peninsula. In the company store “Fanagoria” on Shevchenko St., 44, tourists will find a wide selection of fine wines, aged cognacs. Here you can buy souvenir sets, bottles and glasses are packed in gift boxes. You will find stores of the “Fanagoria” network in other villages of the peninsula.


At the village markets, products of Taman craftsmen are sold. Popular carved wooden figures in Cossack outfits. From Taman tourists take home and delicious gifts: fresh fruit, grapes, smoked and salted fish.


Local cuisine

In the resort villages of the Taman Peninsula, many restaurants and cafes are waiting for vacationers. Basically, establishments specialize in the preparation of dishes of Kuban cuisine. It is based on Ukrainian culinary traditions, laid by the Zaporozhian Cossacks in the XVIII century. Here Cossack menu is supplemented with seafood, Caucasian dishes, Russian pickles, oriental desserts and grape wines. Local cooks actively use juicy seasonal vegetables, spicy herbs (parsley, cilantro, tarragon, basil).


The meal is preceded by appetizers: slices of fresh and smoked lard, slices of homemade sausage with spicy Cossack mustard. Among the festive dishes is kholodets (jelly) flavored with grated horseradish. Wheat pampushki with garlic sauce and sour cream are served with hearty borsch. For the second course there are dumplings with various fillings, potato derunes with appetizing scallions, roast with prunes in pots. Pork ribs stewed in honey, chops, fried fish, kebabs are popular. For dessert you will be brought uzvar, pies, honey, jam from fruits and berries.


Wonderful authentic cuisine can boast ethnic restaurant “Dikanka”, which is on Shmidta Street in Taman village. Among the specialties guests praise potatoes with meat and porcini mushrooms in portioned pots sealed with dough, aromatic kebabs with baked eggplants. You can continue tasting local delicacies in the cafe “Cossack inn” (Golubitskaya village, Kurortnaya street, 34). Here is a good selection of dishes from seafood and river fish.


Among the best restaurants of the Taman Peninsula is “Beluga” (Temryuk, Morskaya St., 11). The menu offers European, Kuban and Caucasian cuisine. Average check for two people is 2500 rubles. On Thursdays there is a karaoke day, on Saturday and Sunday the restaurant works as a nightclub.


European cuisine is presented in the atmospheric restaurant “Hermonassa” (Taman village, Karla Marksa street, 88). Sommelier will recommend the best wines from Taman winery “Fanagoria”.


Where to stay

In the resort villages of the Taman Peninsula tourists are offered rooms at recreation centers, in guest houses. Rooms and individual cottages are rented in the private sector of the villages. Camping sites in the settlements of Peresyp and Kuchugury welcome auto tourists. In the summer season prices for a daily stay start from 950 rubles, but you can find cheaper options.


In the village Taman guests will find a comfortable two-story villa Richi (Ostrovskogo Street, 6-B). The cozily furnished house has two bedrooms, a common living room, on the first floor is equipped with a kitchen. In the courtyard is a swimming pool, there is a parking lot. The cost of living – from 3000 rubles per day.


In the same village you will find several small hotels. Among them is the hotel “Old Town”. The price range for a daily stay – 2814-4665 rubles, breakfast included.


Inexpensive you can rent a room at the recreation center “Dolphin” (village Peresyp, ul. Kalabadka, 84). The base has a guarded parking lot, equipped beach. On the territory built gazebos with barbecues, summer cafe, sports fields. There is a grocery store. Guests are offered excursions, organization of fishing on boats in the water area of the estuary. For a double room you need to pay from 900 to 2100 rubles. Meals are paid separately. Daily rental of a house for 2-4 beds will cost 1300-4200 rubles.



On the roads of the Taman Peninsula run buses and shuttle buses connecting resort villages with Temryuk and Anapa. On this small picturesque territory is convenient to travel and on bicycles. There is a bike rental office in Golubitskaya village (Kurortnaya street, 39). You can also rent a bike in some hotels. This service is becoming increasingly popular.


How to get there

Tourists usually get to the Taman Peninsula via Anapa, where the nearest airport to Temryuk is located. Here airliners from Moscow and other Russian cities land. The flight duration from the capital’s airports to Anapa is 2 hours. 10 min. A train traveling on the Moscow – Anapa route takes about 34 hours.


From the city bus station to the peninsula are buses. The trip takes a little more than two hours. From the airport to the bus station of Anapa is convenient to get by route number 113, from the railway station – by route numbers 114, 128.


From Moscow you can go directly to Temryuk by bus. Transport departs from the bus station “South Gate”, which is located near the metro station “Alma-Atinskaya”. Travel time is about a day.


Auto tourists who are heading to the resorts of Taman, should leave Moscow to the south, on the highway M4 “Don”. The 1,518-kilometer road runs through Voronezh and Rostov-on-Don.
