Resort Sveti Stefan

Sveti Stefan peninsula is a kind of business card of Montenegro. Although, in fact, it is just a luxury hotel, but located in a very picturesque place and this attracts tourists, no matter how thick the purse they have. Located 10 km from Budva

General information

Formerly Sveti (St.) Stephen was a village, was on an island and lived there mainly fishermen, but now the village is on land, and the island itself because of the built dam became a peninsula.


In the 15th century the village or mini-town of Sveti Stefan was quite developed, it was trading and was the cultural center of the Paštrović region. The name of the region was given by the Paštrović tribe who lived on this territory, by the way, it was on the island where they tried their criminals. In 1442 (this is not verified), a fortress was built on the island. However, the Pashtrovic people did not feel strong enough, despite the fortifications built, to fight the Turkish troops that were to attack the territory. Foreseeing their defeat, the Pashtrovic people concluded a treaty with the Republic of Venice. They paid it tribute and promised it assistance in military operations in exchange for protection. With strong support, the island began to develop, making a living by fishing and trading with the same Venetian Republic.


However, things changed in the 19th century. The Habsburg Empire seized power, and the Adriatic settlements, including Sveti Stefan, began to decline. Fewer and fewer people lived on the island and in 1955 savvy entrepreneurs realized that they could move the couple hundred people who remained to the mainland and make the island an isolated hotel. The plan, as you can see, came to fruition.


The outside of the hotel was not remodeled, they wanted to keep the atmosphere and attractiveness of the place. So the houses remained the same, and around them were planted gorgeous flower plantings. Inside the fishermen’s houses were remodeled into luxurious rooms with all amenities. The hotel became world famous and was visited by many celebrities. There were Sharon Stone, Monica Vitti, Sophia Loren, Sylvester Stallone, Sergei Bondarchuk, Marina Vlady, Maya Plisetskaya and even the Soviet cosmonaut Gagarin, and many more famous Soviet marshals. Most of the celebrities lived in room 118, now the most popular and expensive room in the hotel.


The peninsula of Sveti Stefan may seem a very expensive place, but it is quite realistic to save up for a room, although you will have to save up not a month and not two. It will be much cheaper to rent an apartment on the mainland of Sveti Stefan. In this case, the beautiful views will remain the same, and you will not lose anything.


Near the village is the Orthodox monastery Praskvica. It used to be the religious center of the Paštrovićs. It was first mentioned in 1307. Russian rulers knew about the monastery and even cared for it, as donations came from Catherine II, Paul I, Alexander I. However, the former luxury of the monastery was ruined when Napoleon’s troops attacked it and plundered all the little valuable things. However, even now there is a library with valuable books and an archive at the monastery.


For those who are not afraid of hiking, there is a road between Budva and the village of Sveti Stefan. The journey will take about 2 hours, but during this time you will be able to see the magnificent scenery, pass through parks, olive groves, resort villages, embankments. And those who do not want to spend time on a walk can take a bus to Budva or vice versa to Sveti Stefan (depending on where you stay) for 1.5 euros. The arrival or walking tour is worth it, because the magnificent landscapes captured in photos will remind you of your trip to Montenegro for a long time to come.


How to get to Sveti Stefan

Olimpia Express buses connect Sveti Stefan with Budva and Petrovac. They run every hour in summer, less frequently in winter. The schedule is posted at the bus stops along the road.
