St. Vladimir’s Cathedral in Kiev (Volodymyrsky Cathedral)

St. Vladimir’s Cathedral in Kiev is one of the most beautiful temples of the city, rising on Taras Shevchenko Boulevard. Today St. Volodymyr’s Cathedral is the main temple of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kyiv Patriarchate. In 1852, Metropolitan Philaret in his letter to Emperor Nicholas I expressed the idea of the need to build a temple in Kiev, which would be a monument to Grand Prince Vladimir – the Baptist of Russia. The date of foundation of St. Vladimir’s Cathedral is August 20, 1896, when Metropolitan Ioannikiy of Kiev consecrated it in the presence of the imperial family, dignitaries, high clergy and clergy. The exterior and interior decoration of the cathedral is made in the Old Byzantine style, which is inherent in the churches built in the times of Yaroslav the Wise and Prince Vladimir. On the other hand, in the architecture of the temple clearly visible and features of the Nicholas style, prevalent in many buildings of the XIX century. St. Vladimir’s Cathedral in Kiev is crowned with 7 domes; the length of the temple is 55 meters, width – 30 meters, its height together with the cross reaches 49 meters. A visit to this landmark is included in most tourist routes in the Ukrainian capital.
