Sevkabel Port

“Sevkabel Port” is a point of attraction for citizens and tourists, located in the harbor of Vasilievsky Island in St. Petersburg. The redevelopment of industrial zones into public cultural and business territories is a trend of recent years. On this wave the Northern Capital received an unusual business card. The former industrial zone suddenly became a fashionable space, a platform for various events – educational, sports, exhibition, musical, gastronomic. The industrial cluster of the plant “Sevkabel” on the initiative of its management was turned into a cultural regional center, which is a must-visit.


Video: Sevkabel Port


History of the transformation of the factory squares

‘ Vasilyevsky Island in St. Petersburg, and especially the coastal area is a tidbit for real estate developers. The more remarkable fact is that the factory territories freed up after the densification of production areas were not sold to developers for the construction of housing complexes. In 2017, the modernization of the industrial district and its gradual transformation into a cultural and business space began. The authors of the project took as a basis the successful experience of European colleagues who opened centers of cultural and business activity in place of unclaimed warehouse terminals, factory yards and seaports.


A brief excursion into the past

Everyone knows about Siemens, but few people know that it was in St. Petersburg in the 19th century that a branch of Siemens & Halske was established under the leadership of Carl Heinrich Siemens, brother of the brilliant German engineer Werner Siemens. Construction began in the spring of 1879, and already in October the cable factory began production. This is the progenitor of the modern enterprise – PK Sevkabel.”


In 2019, “Sevkabel” had an anniversary – 140 years since its foundation.


And now, in the XXI century, on the territory of the legendary plant began the realization of no less legendary project – “Sevkabel Port.”


Development of the space is carried out in stages – this is the concept of the project development. At each of the stages there was restoration of industrial architectural objects, their adaptation to modern needs and arrangement of zones for cultural events. Sevkabel Plant invested in the reorganization of its own abandoned territories and turned them into a creative zone that brings profit to the enterprise. Sevkabel Port was officially opened in September 2018, but guests were able to attend the first event a month after the start of the renovation – in June 2017.

By opening access to the shores of the Gulf of Finland with views of the Marine Station, the impressive bridge of the ZSD expressway and the boundless water space of the Baltic Sea, the organizers ensured a continuous flow of those wishing to visit the already iconic place. Creative studios, retail outlets, cafes and restaurants, exhibition areas, and concert venues have appeared in the former administrative and industrial buildings.


The phased renovation of the territory is still underway – the realization of the ambitious project continues.


Where to go and what to see

‘ Gulf of Finland, and regardless of the weather and time of year. The Baltic Sea is always beautiful: both when the wind raises formidable waves, and when the ice restrains the unruly waters, and in the heat of the afternoon, when the mirror surface is disturbed by a light breeze that causes silver ripples. From the quay you can go on a boat trip to see from the water the inexpressible beauty of the bay at sunset. Having enjoyed the sea view, it’s time to move on to earthly entertainment…


Connoisseurs of works of art are recommended to look into the art space, visit the galleries. For the inquisitive are organized excursions on the territory of “Sevkabel Port”. And when different festivals are held here, visitors get a full range of unforgettable impressions. And this is just the beginning…


The infrastructure of “Sevkabel Port” is designed to be comfortable and interesting for people of different ages and with different interests.


Street Art

Graffiti on street walls – murals – deserve special attention. There are five of them in “Porto.” When the Present Perfect festival was held, artists created grandiose works of monumental painting. Impressive public art is the result of the talented work of designers and artists from different Russian cities – Alexei Kio, Artyom Stefanov, Vladimir Net, Andrey Berger and some others.

‘ ‘
Sevkabel Port’s Muraly


Music lovers are invited to the Morse Club & Festival, a two-level hangout space for 1,700 guests. The second place for music-loving visitors is the Masts Bar. The two-story building located in the promenade zone has a stage and a dance floor in addition to the food zone itself. And those who study the playbill in advance will have the opportunity to get to a concert, DJ set or party and even see star performers.



On the territory of Sevkabel Port, shoppers will find numerous corners, show-rooms and shops where you can find stylish, including author’s items – tableware, interior items, toys, clothes, sporting goods, jewelry, unique stationery and many, many other things that literally scatter your eyes.


The stores open at 11:00-12:00 and are open until 19:00-20:00. You have to remember that some of them are closed on weekends.

Shopping in Sevkabel Port

Winter Skating

Ice rink by the sea is more than two thousand square meters of mirror ice and a gorgeous view of the snowy expanse of the Gulf of Finland. The ice arena is waiting for adults and children. Experienced instructors offer free master classes for those who are not confident on skates.


Entrance to the rink is paid, and tickets are best purchased in advance online – there are always many people wishing to visit the romantic ice attraction, especially on weekends and holidays. Those who bought a ticket can get bonuses of Sevkabel Port residents – discounts on shopping, food and drinks, master classes and other pleasures. There is skate rental.

‘ Skating rink by the sea

Boys and girls and their parents

The developers of the project tried to make “Sevkabel Port” a place for family recreation, so the territory is equipped with entertainment zones for kids and teenagers. The first will be interested to visit the interactive theater – the age limit is 1+. The second are invited to the skate park. And of course, there are unusual playgrounds for children. One of them is 120 m² in size and features a 4-meter high slide, stylized as Wigge the monster – a green plush toy of the popular brand sela moms & monsters. Another platform is even more futuristic, equipped with ladders, by climbing which you can get into the “sea container” made of glass, located at the height of the second floor. There are also traditional attractions – slides, swings, merry-go-rounds.


Active children are welcome at master classes, invited to the school of young cooks, numerous studios, creative laboratories, showroom of author’s toys and virtual reality zone with the area of 160 m².

‘ St. Petersburg, Kozhevennaya Liniya, 40 (on the territory of the harbor of Vasilievsky Island). The art space is open from 10:00 to 23:00. You can walk along the quay around the clock, also some bars are open all night.

For guests arriving by car, there are two paid parking lots, one of which is only open on weekends. Other travelers are encouraged to take a cab, public transportation, a shuttle from the nearest metro station or get to Sevkabel Port by water.


Motorboat on the Neva River

Tourists who enjoy the architectural masterpieces of the center of St. Petersburg are offered to make a romantic cruise on the Neva: during the navigation period in “Sevkabel Port” sails a motorboat, boarding which is organized at the Palace or Senate wharf. The water journey will take about one hour, during which time you will enjoy the views of the city from the water. Tickets are sold both at the pier and online – on the website of the Unified Center of Water Tourism of St. Petersburg.


Free shuttle #1879

A free comfortable shuttle for 20 passengers departs from Primorskaya metro station approximately every hour. The stop is located across the street from the metro station on Nalichnaya Street. The shuttle runs every day from 10:00. The last trip from the subway is at 21:15; from “Port” to the subway is at 21:30.


Did you know that the number 1879 is assigned to the shuttle for a reason – it is the year of the beginning of the construction of the plant “Sevkabel”

Dancing on the Waterfront

Public transportation

City Center

From the metro stations “Nevsky Prospekt” and “Ploshchad Vosstaniya” to the stop “Vyoselnaya ul.”:

  • bus No. 7;
  • trolleybuses No. 10 and 11.
  • .

From the metro stations “Tekhnologichesky Institut”, “Sennaya Ploshchad” / “Sadovaya” / “Spasskaya” to the stop “Vyoselnaya St.”:

  • Bus No. 7;
  • Trolleybuses No. 10 and 11.
    • bus No. 262.
    • .
    .Vasilyevsky Island

    From the metro station “Vasileostrovskaya” to the stops:

    • “Gavanskaya Street” – streetcars #40 and 6;
    • “Sredny pr. (V.O.)” – buses No. 6, 249;
    • “Vyoselnaya Street” – buses No. 1, 128;
    • .
    • “V. Slutskaya Factory” – bus № 1, 128;
    • . Slutskaya Factory” – bus № 152.

    From the metro station “Primorskaya” to the following stops:

    • “Pl. Morskaya Slava” – trolleybus № 10 and buses № 151 and 128;
      • “Sredny Ave.
      • “Sredny pr. (V.O.)” – buses № 6, 249;
      • “Bolshoi Prospekt V.O.” – buses № 1, 262, 7.

      Note: bus No. 6 can also be taken from the Narvskaya metro station.

      .Petrogradskaya side

      From metro station “Sportivnaya” to the following stops:

      • “Gavanskaya Street” – streetcars № 40 and 6;
      • “Vyoselnaya Street” – buses № 1, 128 and trolleybuses № 10, 11;
      • .
      • “V. V. Slutskaya Factory” – bus No. 1, 128 and trolleybuses No. 10, 11;
      • . Slutskaya Factory” – bus № 152.

      From the metro stations “Chkalovskaya”, “Petrogradskaya”, “Sportivnaya” to the following stops:

      • “Vyoselnaya Street” – buses No. 1, 128;
      • .
      • “Sredny pr. (V.O.)” – bus № 249. – bus No. 249.