Sajama National Park
Sajama National Park is located in Bolivia, in the Western Cordilleras, 230 kilometers south of La Paz. The total area of the protected area reaches 100 thousand hectares. Sahama borders the Chilean national park Lauca. The park’s landscape is typical of this region of the Andes, with altitudes ranging from 4200 to 6542 meters. The park is home to the snow-covered extinct volcano Sahama, the highest mountain in Bolivia. At its foot are thermal springs and geysers.

General Information
Historically, these places were inhabited by members of the Aymara Indian tribe, who, at one time, came down from the mountains and destroyed the famous civilization of Tiwanaku. At the foot of the volcano there are ancient chulpas – Indian tombs of pre-Inca times. Within the park there are thermal springs and geysers and a small village from which you can make forays to places of interest. In addition to the historical value and trekking, we can add that Mount Sahama is currently the only mountain in the world where there is a soccer field at an altitude of almost 7 thousand meters. It was built on the orders of the President of Bolivia – Evo Morales Ayma, and he also played on this field in the first match, which got into the Guinness Book of Records. In 2007, FIFA wanted to limit soccer activity to the three thousandth height, but Bolivia did not agree.
Due to its natural and cultural significance, Sahama National Park has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2003 and is one of the region’s main natural attractions.