Rizopolozhensky Nunnery in Suzdal

Rizopolozhensky Monastery is one of the oldest Orthodox shrines of Russia. The abode is located in the northern part of Suzdal, near the Kremlin and the picturesque Kamenka River. The temple complex has existed for more than eight centuries, but for about 75 years it was in desolation, and spiritual life here has been revived relatively recently. The monastery is known thanks to the ascetic life of the now canonized Euphrosyne of Suzdal. Inonic monastery is a unique architectural monument, open for free visit to tourists.


Video: Rizopolozhensky Monastery


History of the monastery

The Rizopolozhensky Nunnery was founded by Suzdal Bishop John in 1207. Initially, the lands belonging to the monastery were located outside the city at the crossroads, not far from the tower of the posad. This is evidenced by notes in ancient chronicles, in particular, by the cathedral clergyman Ananii Fedorov. The location of the shrine is also mentioned in the hagiography of the Venerable Euphrosyne. Today the monastery is located almost in the center of Suzdal, and its bell tower remains one of the tallest buildings in the city.


Initially, all the buildings were wooden, so they were not preserved in their original form. The name of the monastery was given in honor of the Feast of the Risopologia. In the middle of the XVI century, the oldest of the extant buildings of the monastery were erected of stone. Presumably the construction of the main church of the complex was financed by Ivan Shigonya-Podzhogin, one of the boyars close to Vasily III, who was involved in the exile of Solomonia Saburova.


By the end of the 17th century, a new round of development of the Rizopolozhensky monastery began. Metropolitan Hilarion in 1688 initiated the erection of elegant two-chambered Rizopolozhenskie gates and the addition to the western end of the temple richly decorated porch. At the same time the church of the nearby Trinity monastery and the fence around it were realized in stone. The most famous Suzdal architects of that time were involved in the work: Ivan Gryaznov, Andrei Shmakov and Ivan Mamin.


Today only the corner tower and the entrance Holy Gates remain from the Trinity Monastery. In 1764, by decree of Catherine II, the whole territory was given to the Rizopolozhenskaya monastery. In 1813 the Reverend Bell Tower was erected in honor of the victory over Napoleon’s troops at the expense of the townspeople. The works were carried out under the direction of the mason Kuzmin. The youngest building on the territory of the monastery was the Sretenskaya Refectory Church, built in 1882. The red brick pseudo-Russian style building is now ruined and unused.


The Rizopolozhenskaya monastery suffered greatly during the years of Soviet power. Despite the status of an architectural monument, in 1923 the shrine was closed, 12 bells were sent for melting, and on the territory were placed guards of the political isolation center, located in the Spaso-Evfimieva monastery. In 1929 the OGPU gave this territory for the creation of a power station. The interior decoration of the main cathedral was badly damaged by high-voltage equipment, and the domes with drums were completely demolished.


The Holy Gate was used for a time as a fuel warehouse, later as a rabbit house. The refectory church was turned into a movie theater, the remains of posters of which can still be seen today. In 1969 there was a major restoration, which was led by O. G. Guseeva. The work returned the cathedral to its former appearance, but the premises were handed over to a warehouse for cultural goods.


Spiritual life of the Rizopolozhensky monastery resumed only in 1999, when this territory was transferred to the Vladimir-Suzdal diocese. In 2007, the main shrine returned here – a particle of the relics of St. Euphrosyne, a generous gift of one of the pilgrims. People come here to pray for the appearance of children, bodily and mental health.


Life of St. Euphrosyne in the Rizopolozhensky Monastery

The history of the shrine is inseparably connected with the nun Euphrosinia (1212-1250), who before tonsure bore the name Theodulia. She was the daughter of Prince Michael Vsevolodovich, to whom the Chernigov lands belonged. In 1246 he was accused of not observing pagan customs and was martyred by Horde priests under Batyi.


The life of the saint says that she always dreamed of devoting herself to the service of Christ, but in 1233 she was married to Alexander Nevsky’s brother, Novgorod Prince Fyodor Yaroslavich. The annals say that the groom died unexpectedly right during the wedding celebration. After that Theodulia, without hesitation, took monastic tonsure in the Rizopolozhenskaya monastery, and her parents submitted to the will of the girl, taking the tragedy as a sign from above.


In 1238 Suzdal was devastated by the troops of Batu Khan. The only surviving part of the city was the monastery. Legend has it that the god heeded Euphrosyne’s prayers by obscuring the monastery with a thick cloud, and the invaders simply could not see it. The Suzdal saint was famous for her gift of healing, which attracted many pilgrims here. For some time Euphrosyne managed the Rizopolozhensky monastery, where she died in 1250. In 1699 she was canonized, and her relics were opened for the worship of the faithful. Later they were transferred to a museum, then to the Church of Constantine and Helen.


Rizopolozhensky Cathedral

The main church of the Rizopolozhensky Monastery was erected in stone between 1520 and 1560. It is an original example of a pillarless structure, which is unusual for church architecture of that time. The small tetrahedral is covered with cross vaults. At the intersection of the roof elements there are three thin and high drums, which end with helmet-shaped chapels. The lack of additional support inside the structure required the architect to use the lightest possible structures.


The domes are covered with wooden shingles – aspen shingles. The architects envisioned a helmet-shaped form of this architectural element, but in the 19th century onion-shaped tops were installed. The historically correct form of the domes was returned only in the process of restoration in the XX century.


Three apses were added to the altar part. The sides of the facade are divided into three parts by pilasters, decorated with false vaults and scapulars. The central side is decorated with inserts with semi-columns, perspective portals. The somewhat sparing design of the facade contrasts with the carved porch adjoining the temple from the west. This architectural element is richly decorated with tiles, the windows are framed with platbands with original braids and melons. In the middle of the porch there is a portal decorated with exquisite stone carving.


Holy Gate

The Holy Gate is the most architecturally interesting building of the Rizopolozhensky monastery. The two-spherical structure has two different-sized arches: for transportation and pedestrians. The larger part is characterized by a simple semi-circular form, the smaller half is finished with a thin rustication. The oblong quatrefoil is decorated with irrigated tiles and stone carvings. Low octaves serve as a base for graceful high hipped roofs decorated with small hearing windows. Small chapels are used as tops. Despite the massiveness of the building, it does not look heavy.


Reverend’s Bell Tower

The structure in the style of classicism has a height of 72 meters. It was erected instead of the tent belfry, which burned down in the second half of the XVIII century. The bell tower of the Rizopolozhensky Monastery is still one of the tallest buildings in the historic part of the city. The three-tiered structure consists of successively smaller parts and is completed by a long spire. The lower tier has a large entrance portal. The facade of the belfry is painted in ochre color, against which the white columns stand out beautifully.


Today the bell tower is subject to restoration, but remains a functioning monastery building. In its upper part there is an observation deck, which offers a beautiful panoramic view of Suzdal. It is easy to climb up the internal stairs. Work is also underway to organize a museum of bells, although the exposition is not yet ready.


Sretenskaya Church and fence

The building was erected of red brick, judging by the remains of the decoration, in a pseudo-Russian or Russian-Byzantine style. Unlike other buildings on the territory of the monastery, the refectory church was not restored, so today only the walls remain of it. The gate of the Trinity Monastery and one wall tower became a part of the fence of the Rizopolozhenskaya monastery. These are rather modest buildings in the Baroque style. Externally, they resemble the gates of the Alexander Monastery in Suzdal, as they were erected by the same architect – Ivan Gryaznov.



The Rizopolozhenskaya Hotel is located here. Its modest rooms are located in a building that was once a fraternal building. Guests can choose an economy room or a suite, with or without lunches. Parking is available for visitors. The hotel and most of the buildings on the territory of the monastery do not belong to the Rizopolozhensky Monastery.



For tourists and pilgrims entrance to the territory of the Rizopolozhensky monastery is free. The cost of climbing to the observation deck of the Reverend Bell Tower is 100 rubles for adults. Children are free of charge. Phone: +7 (49231) 2-35-30.


How to get there

The Rizopolozhensky Monastery is located at the address: Suzdal, 77-79 Lenina St.


It is convenient to get to Suzdal by shuttle bus. There is a direct route or a variant with a transfer to Ivanovo. The city bus station is located on the outskirts of the city, but it is easy to get to the center with a cab or public transport. There are regular trains from Moscow (Kursk station) to Vladimir. From there, buses to Suzdal run every half hour from the train station.


Gathering for a trip in your own vehicle, the traveler should follow the M-7 highway towards Vladimir. At the entrance to the city there will be a turn to Ivanovo. On this road it is necessary to move 12 kilometers to the sign to Suzdal.
