
Krinitsa is a resort village on the Black Sea coast, 43 km from Gelendzhik, positioned by guidebooks as an ideal place for a quiet, measured and, most importantly, inexpensive vacation.

For several decades, the sunny village at the mouth of the Pshada takes resort guests from all corners of the post-Soviet space, generously sharing with them clean mountain air and a picturesque piece of beach. Paradoxically, but despite the wild nature and convenient location, in Krinitsa has not yet rushed many thousands of holidaymakers, which means that the local beaches will always find a comfortable place, and in hotels – inexpensive and cozy room for the occasional tourist.


Video: Krinitsa


History of the village of Krinitsa

Hard to believe, but the territory of the modern village and the adjacent lands were inhabited more than 5 thousand years ago. At first, tribes of the dolmen culture lived here, and by the IV century BC, a whole ancient settlement grew on the bank of the local river.


Officially, the year of Krinitsa’s foundation is considered to be 1886: it was then that the People’s Voluntaryist community set up camp here, which was later joined by the first Russian downshifters – Tolstovites. The name of the village is usually associated with the name of Viktor Vasilyevich Eropkin, an aristocrat-nationalist. Fascinated by the ideas of simple labor life, this nobleman joined the Tolstovtsy community and bought land near Mikhailovsky Pass, naming it Krinitsa. For some time the community was still somehow feeding on the fruits of its own labors (mainly viticulture and private lessons that Eropkin gave to the undergrowth of the surrounding rich people), but by 1920 it finally collapsed. The village, however, continued to live its normal life.

Nature and climate

Krinitsa is the place where the swift mountain river Pshada flows into the Black Sea. The bubbling ice stream mixes with warm sea waves, so the temperature of the water washing the local beaches is significantly lower than in other Gelendzhik resorts. However, it is almost impossible to catch a cold in Krinitsa, as the air in the village is perfectly warmed. Not the least role in the microclimate of Krinitsa is played by the mountain Shakhan, because of which the northern winds do not reach the village. Affects the air temperature and the proximity of Pshada – the fast mountain river acts as a natural “air conditioner”, which brings a pleasant coolness to the life of the village.


The climate in Krinitsa is semi-dry, pronounced subtropical. The gentle slopes of the local mountains are covered with broad-leaved forests, the main pride of which are mighty oaks and hornbeams. There are also wonderful sunny valleys and impenetrable thickets where bushes of alder and elderberry are interspersed with dogwood, wild cherry and caliche. Strolling through the local tracts, it is easy to stumble upon fantastic branches of southern lianas, wild grapes and ivy, which wrap around any available support, turning it into a magnificent natural tent.


The best months for a vacation in Krinitsa are July and August. By this time the Krasnodar summer enters in full force, excellently warming the water in the sea. But by September resort life in the village stops. Vacationers move away, empty beaches and gesthouses, curtailed rustic attractions …


Krinitsa beach: what to do yourself and how to enthuse children

The beach in Krinitsa is pebbly, so before visiting it, you should take care of buying appropriate shoes. In addition, get ready for a thorough hike: almost all local guesthouses are located on a mountain slope, and the descent to the sea is carried out on a metal staircase and takes time.


A characteristic feature of the local coast – a sharp slope, which begins as early as 5 meters after entering the sea. Along the coastline lined unpretentious local attractions. For vacationers with children in Krinitsa there are bright rubber trampolines, inflatable slides, funny mazes and miniature jet skis. Adults can appreciate the skills of local masseurs, looking in a tiny salon on the beach, to quench the longing for simple Soviet entertainment at the attraction “The Power of Impact” and try to win the grand prize in the pneumatic shooting gallery.


For supporters of more dynamic recreation will be suitable so-called slippery soccer: water-filled inflatable platform with gates will be a great place for sports fights. If you wish, you can go to any of the tents spread on the beach to play a game of billiards or table tennis. Well, and to expand the entertainment program can drive to the nearest village Betta, where local instructors will ride everyone on a banana, and the owners of beach spas will offer their crowning chip – exotic peeling fish.


In cases when you want privacy, you can try to get to the wild beaches of Krinitsa. The approach to the sea there is not so convenient, and pebbles are replaced by gray boulders, but the atmosphere of silence and tranquility in such places is simply amazing.


Excursions and interesting places

Own significant sights in Krinitsa there are no, so almost all excursions are field trips. The first place in popularity among tourists is occupied by the village of Pshada. It is here that the famous cascading waterfalls and clumsy, but concealing a powerful energy, dolmens are located. Besides, one of the oldest Orthodox churches in the Caucasus – the Church of St. Great Martyr Demetrius of Solunsk is located in Pshada. Here you can not only come to pray, but also listen to a historical lecture from the rector himself, as well as taste honey from the temple’s own apiary.


Continuing the honey theme, it is worth saying that not far from Pshada is located near the model apiary “Divnomedie”. The place is purely tourist, so it is equipped accordingly: the territory has its own cafe, Russian bath and, of course, colorful beehive stakes.


For families with children the best options will be a visit to the Gelendzhik Dolphinarium and famous for its equestrian club, as well as theatrical performances tourist complex “Russia”. To grill a kebab in nature, sit with a fishing rod on the shore of the cleanest lake and try the healing power of the Black Sea blue clay, it is better to choose the route to Melnichnaya cleft. Krinitsa organizes traditional trips to Bigius waterfalls. Luxurious water cascades falling from relief ledges are truly magical spectacle that can delight even people indifferent to natural beauties. You can gain impressions and be charged with positive energy in the valley of the river Zhane, not far from Gelendzhik. Dolmens, small waterfalls, bathing bowls, filled to the brim with clear cool water and lurking in the lush bushes charming huts of stalls – all this turns a walk through the valley in an incredibly exciting journey.


While vacationing in Krinitsa, try to make time to visit the vineyards of the main domestic producer of sparkling wines – “Abrau-Durso”. Learn what grapes are used to make the most expensive champagne, take photos at the funny sculptures and models located on the territory of the plant, and taste the most popular types of foamy drink, which the producer is so proud of.


Food in Krinitsa

Coming to small secluded resorts, a vacationer has to make sometimes difficult choices: to cook on their own or rely on the skill and integrity of the staff of local catering outlets. Since there are no large restaurants in Krinitsa, those who decided to eat outside the rented accommodation, will have to be satisfied mainly with cafes and snack bars. For example, if you set a goal to taste real Ossetian pies, go to “Breeze”. Fans of complex 3-course dinners will go to the canteen “Na Mira”. You can treat yourself to sea delicacies at Villaggio del Mare. The pathos cafe positions itself as a restaurant, whose menu is a “hodgepodge” of dishes from different cuisines of the world. You can have a snack and take local fast-food – shawarma, shashlik, chebureks and gyros – in any snack bar (“Ely. Pili”, “Volna”, “Cheburechnaya and Shashlychnaya”). And the best place to taste alcoholic cocktails and enjoy live music is “Florida” bar.


Where to stay in Krinitsa

Traditional “habitats” of vacationers in Krinitsa are guest houses, summer houses and mini-hotels like “Alice”, “Old Garden”, “Millennium” and “Swallow’s Nest”. By the beginning of the holiday season prices for housing in the village increase, but compared to the same Gelendzhik, renting a room here is much cheaper. For example, in July you can get a decent double room in one of the gesthouses Krinitsa for only 1000-1500 rubles.


If you want to bet a little money, you can rent a separate cottage in the nearby forest. The pleasure will cost in the neighborhood of 6000 rubles per day. For this amount, the owners of the cottage will give you the opportunity to appreciate the benefits of environmentally friendly housing (all interior decoration is made of natural wood). But take into account the fact that such cottages usually have a limitation on the term of rent (on average, the minimum threshold – 5 days).


Option for those who prefer to travel by private vehicle – local auto-camping (“Gelendzhik”, “Krasnaya slit”, “Sarmat”). Facilities here are the most primitive, so it is preferable to go to such places not for comfort, but for new acquaintances and romantic atmosphere.


Since more than half of all coming to the village are families, it is worth mentioning the children’s health complex “Krinitsa”. Its resident can become any child from the age of 7 years. The complex is located just 30 meters from the beach and is focused on sports and recreation. Equipped sports grounds, tennis courts, swimming pools, entertainment events and five meals a day – all this awaits little pranksters in “Krinitsa”. If you came to the resort with your family, but dream of creating at least a partial illusion of freedom, you can take care of a voucher for your child in advance.


How to get there

You can get to Krinitsa from almost any major city of Kuban. For example, from Gelendzhik bus station “Prigorodnaya” several times a day runs a bus to the village of Betta, from which to Krinitsa some 3 kilometers. If you start from Novorossiysk or Anapa, then buy a ticket for any intercity flight that goes through Gelendzhik, Sochi or Dzhubga and get off in Pshada, where you will have no problem taking a cab to Krinitsa.


Going to the resort in your own car from Gelendzhik, go on the highway M4, passing Mikhailovsky pass and not reaching Pshada, turn off at the sign “Beregovoye”. If the trip starts in Krasnodar, go on the same federal highway, using the turn at Pshada as a reference point. About 500 meters after it there will be a sign announcing that you need to turn left towards Beregovoye, from which Krinitsa is a few minutes away.
