
Koktebel is an urban-type settlement in the eastern part of Crimea, known as a popular summer vacation destination. The main identifying symbols of the resort are the Koktebel Bay and the extinct volcano Karadag, at the foot of which are settled houses of local residents, hotels and resorts.


Despite the fact that in the XIX century this picturesque place was favored by the creative intelligentsia, today Koktebel can be called an average resort “without pretensions”. Vacationers are attracted here flooded with generous steppe sun valleys, ideal for aeronautics and paragliding, low, but extremely picturesque mountains, well, and, of course, the products of the local winery, famous far beyond the Crimean peninsula.


Video: Koktebel and its surroundings


Geography and climate

Panorama of Koktebel

History of Koktebel: from a Tatar village to a bohemian resort

The distant past of Koktebel is covered with mystery and gloom. Among Crimean historians are real legends about the mysterious ancient Greek city, allegedly located on the territory of the modern village and disappeared from the face of the Earth without a trace back in the era of antiquity. True, no traces confirming the existence of this settlement, archaeologists have not found.

Koktebel in the times of the USSR
Koktebel embankment

Koktebel’s beaches

Despite the fact that the seabed in the area of the village is sandy, the coastline is dotted with large pebbles, so it is better not to save money on the purchase of special shoes.


All beaches in Koktebel can be divided into private (“Popeye”, “Primorye”) and free. The advantage of the first is that the cleanliness of the territory is usually monitored here, which means that the visitor who came here will be spared the “pleasure” of viewing the mountains of cigarette butts and plastic bags left on the shore by careless tourists.


https://trevaladvisor.com/img%img/Koktebelreterte/Plyazhi-Koktebelya-2.jpg” alt=””/>
Koktebel Beaches

Free bathing places in Koktebel traditionally includes the beach area at the pension “Blue Bay”. The place is popular because of its convenient location and relatively wide shore. Not far from the foot of Karadag is the beach “Priboy”. Once in its pebbles it was possible to find crystals of rock crystal and semi-precious stones. Today, the search for beach “treasures” is no longer fruitful, because tourists who are hunting for souvenirs have taken out all the more or less valuable pebbles, but it is still great to rest here. The resort idyll is somewhat overshadowed by sewage, which periodically run off from the residential sector directly onto the beaches, becoming a source of unpleasant odor, and at the same time a carrier of all sorts of infections.

Dolphinarium in Koktebele
Koktebel Aquapark

One of the most valuable natural attractions of the village – bumping into Koktebel bay volcano Karadag. Today, the gentle stony slope is a protected reserve, to get to which you can only with organized excursions. The five-hour hiking route passes through mountain rises and requires a certain physical endurance, but from the volcanic sites open magnificent views of the bay and the visiting card of Koktebel – the rock Golden Gate. By the way, a huge number of legends and legends are connected with Karadag, which is successfully used by local guides.

Karadag – the remains of a volcano that was active about 150 million years ago
Devil’s Finger on Karadag
Maximilian Voloshin’s House
The grave of the founder of Koktebel – Eduard Junge
Mount Koklyuk
Cape Chameleon
Neighborhoods of Kokteblya
Dancing on the seafront


The center of nightlife Koktebel is not exactly called: after the closure of the scandalously famous club “How You Belle”, at the disposal of vacationers remained only a couple or three decent disco bars. Young people usually prefer “Gemini”. Treat yourself to delicacies here is unlikely to succeed, but the range of cocktails and spirits in the bar is hardly the best in the whole resort. Not a bad alternative to it can be a disco-cafe “Phoenix”. Here you can count not only on dancing, but also on a full dinner. The dance floor of “Trojanda” does not suffer from the lack of visitors, so if you are looking for a noisy and crowded place, look here.

Club Gemini Barbos
Troianda Nightclub
Phoenix Nightclub

Food in Koktebel

The most popular points of Koktebel catering – small canteens and cafes, most of which are concentrated on the village embankment. Standard for the Black Sea resorts chebureks, kebabs and kebabs can be bought in almost every second cafe. There are enough establishments with accentuated oriental cuisine (“Aladdin”, “Shashlychok”), where you can sip fresh shurpa or “refuel” with juicy shashlik with wheat flatbread from tandyr. To taste fragrant samsa and smoke hookah, go to the village teahouse “Eski Kyrym”.

‘ Villa Classic Hotel. On average, a day’s stay in this stylish establishment will cost 3,315 rubles. For this amount you get the opportunity to frolic in one of two heated pools, breakfast in the hotel’s own restaurant, and a room with internet and air conditioning to top it off.


In the case when you want to avoid spending too much on housing, you can look for a cozy guest house, which in Koktebel about a hundred (“Mriya”, “Dionis”, GreenHouse, “Koktebel”). Prices for a room in such guesthouses vary from 1200 to 2500 rubles, as the living conditions in them can be very different from each other.


For romantics who prefer to drive on Crimean roads on their own, local campgrounds (“Rancho”, “Freedom Territory”) are suitable. For a nominal fee here you can get not only a place to sleep, but also a minimum set of amenities in the form of a toilet, shower and electric light. Well, and for those who do not cease to nostalgia for rest in the “Soviet” style, there is a good old private sector.


How to get there

It is most convenient to get to Koktebel from the major cities of the peninsula (Feodosia, Simferopol). From Feodosia bus station to the resort village can be reached in half an hour by bus, shuttle bus or cab. Leave Simferopol in the direction of Koktebel can be from the central bus station, or station “Kurortnaya”. On average, such a trip takes about 2.5 hours. For those traveling by car will be a reference point will be the highway P-29 (if the exit is planned from Feodosia) and R-23 (if the point of departure – Simferopol).
