Katunsky Reserve

Katunsky Reserve is located in the highest Altai Mountains – on the southern slope of the Katun Ridge and the northern slope of the Listvyaga Ridge. The territory of the reserve is adjacent to the highest point of Siberia – Mount Belukha (4506 m). It is on it that the Katun River originates.



‘ General Information
Katunsky Reserve


There are 663 species of higher vascular plants, 215 species of mosses, 793 species of lichens, 264 species of hat fungi, 22 species of plants are included in the Red Books of Russia and the Altai Republic. Among them – ferns Gymnospermium altaicum (Gymnospermium altaicum) and Kostenets scanty (Asplenium ehiguum), covered plants borets undiscovered (Aconitum decipiens), low onion (Allium pumilum), rhubarb altaicum (Rheum altaicum).


The vegetation of the reserve has features of the highland-taiga-forest-steppe type of belt. The main species are Siberian spruce, Siberian larch and birch. High in the mountains the leading role belongs to the cedar. Among shrubs the most typical are honeysuckle Altai (Lonicera altaica) and common raspberry (Rubus idaeus).


In the grass cover, the most common are Linnaea borealis, Cerastium pauciflorum, Pyrola minor.


Animal life

There are 51 species of mammals, 140 species of birds, 3 species of reptiles and 8 species of fishes on the territory of the reserve. Typical representatives of mammals are moose (Alces alces), red deer (Cervus elaphus) and musk deer (Moschus moschiferus); predators are brown bears (Ursus arctos) and wolverines (Gulo gulo).

‘ class=”fancybox” >The rarest representatives of the feline family – snow leopards, or irbis – are found on the territory of the reserve. The formidable predators are in need of protection.

In the highlands of the Katunsky Reserve you can meet the snow leopard (Uncia uncia). Otherwise it is called irbis, or snow leopard. Today this species is threatened with extinction and is listed in the red books of the IUCN and Russia. Scientists estimate that no more than 20 snow leopards remain in the Altai Territory.


High in the mountains live Siberian ibexes (Capra sibirica) – amazingly beautiful and strong animals, mentioned in many local legends and legends.


On the territory of the reserve there are many different species of birds. An interesting representative of the local avifauna is Junx torquilla, a bird of the woodpecker family. The bird got its name because of its ability to swivel its head quickly and nimbly.


The corncrake, or raksha (Coracias garrulus), is one of the most beautiful birds in Russia by the color of its plumage.


There are few reptiles here. The most massive species of reptiles is considered to be the Common Shieldbill (Gloydius halys), a venomous snake of the viper family.


This is interesting

It is difficult to list all the natural wonders of Altai in a few paragraphs. To touch the secrets of these amazing places, personal experience is necessary, and for now we will just admire the beauties of the Altai region and get closer to some unusual plants and animals. On the southern slope of Mount Belukha, at the headwaters of the Katun River, there is one of the most beautiful and highest waterfall cascades of the Altai Mountains – Rassypnoy waterfall, the total height of which is 200 m.


Reserve regime

Katunsky Reserve is open for visits, but for this you need to get a pass in the administration. Here you can get acquainted with the unique protected places of Altai: go to the Taimen and Multinskiye lakes, climb Mount Belukha, Terektinsky and Katunsky ranges, visit the Museum named after N. K. Roerich, as well as the ethnographic museum.


All tourist routes of the reserve begin in the village of Ust-Koksa. The main ones are focused on Multinskie lakes with visits to waterfalls, spurs of the Katun Ridge.


How to get there

By plane or train to Barnaul, then by bus to Gorno-Altaisk and to the village of Ust-Koksa. Possible delivery from Barnaul or Biysk by minibus or bus by prior arrangement.


Where to stay

You can stay in “green” houses provided by locals especially for visitors. All detailed information can be found on the reserve’s website.