House of the Blackheads

House of the Blackheads is an ancient architectural monument located in Riga. The building is located in the center of the city, on the Town Hall Square. Merchants used to gather here, but today the building houses a museum and a concert hall, as well as organizing ceremonial receptions. The Riga City Council and the famous Peter’s Tower are just a stone’s throw away from the Blackheads’ house. You can’t pass by this unusual red and white house – in the old part of Riga, all the sights are located nearby. The building is new: it is a rare case when an architectural monument of the Middle Ages has been lovingly restored to its original form.


The House of Chernogolovs was considered a merchant’s house. After bombing and demolition, the old building was rebuilt almost from scratch – for the 800th anniversary of Riga. Today, the house is once again beautiful for tourists – with graceful sculptures, artistic forging and intricate clocks. Inside are magnificent halls. In the past, a brotherhood of merchants gathered here – the Blackheads. Now they hold festive events, where everyone can visit.

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“King Arthur’s Court”

The building was erected for the Grand Guild, a merchant and craft organization. In historical chronicles it is first found in the XIV century. A hundred years later, the building changed owners – it was rented by the Blackheads. This was the name of the brotherhood that united foreign merchants who had not yet found families.


The youth association with the mysterious name “Blackheads” operated since the XIII century. At first the community was believed to be patronized by St. George, and later by St. Mauritius. The symbol of the new patron became the head of the Moor in the coat of arms of the brotherhood. This sign gave the name first to the association and later to the building. Earlier the House was called “King Arthur’s Court”. The building received its present name in the second half of the 16th century.


The new owners of the house were active, directly supplying goods to Riga. The association of Chernogolovs was created for a reason, but as a counterbalance to the Great Guild. Before that, it was difficult to compete with the community of settled merchants of Riga, who were engaged in re-buying products from abroad. But almost until the end of the 17th century, the new brotherhood was under the control of the Grand Guild.


Times changed, and the house was fully transferred to the merchant community of Chernogolovs. The new owners found time for both work and leisure. For the first part of the day, the building was a kind of business center – a stock exchange. Here they exchanged information and concluded deals. Goods were stored in the premises. It was possible to use the underground passage, which stretched to the private pier on the River Daugava.


When business was over, it was time to rest. Balls, evenings, concerts – the entertainment program was rich. Every evening in the house of Chernogolovs gathered to “rest from the labors of the righteous.” Young merchants had time to engage in social activities. The organization was considered quite rich and managed the city life on a par with the Big Guild and the church power of the order. By the end of the 19th century, the community gradually became a club of German merchants, and then stopped its own activities after repatriation in the 40s.


Restored greatness

Today, none of the scientists can say what the house of Chernogolovs originally looked like. The building has been rebuilt many times, but the main hall has always been untouched. It is he who represents the greatest historical value. Under the hall there was another floor, combining several rooms. A little lower was the basement. The layout was often changed.


In the XVII century, merchants decided to complete the porch and stairs to the upper floor. A century later they made an additional extension on the top. At the beginning of the XIX century on the river side of the building was still completed, and instead of a spacious porch built a covered entrance. The last significant change was made in the XIX century. The building was embellished with statues. The Second World War destroyed the house of Chernogolovs – up to the 50th instead of a majestic building were ruins. Later they were dismantled, but the structure remained half-destroyed.


Initially no one was going to restore the building, but by the 800th anniversary of Riga, the authorities decided to give the residents such a gift. From 1999 to 1995, almost the entire house of the Blackheads was rebuilt. Several options for restoring the building were considered, and even archaeological excavations were carried out. The prophetic phrase on the building’s gate is believed to refer to this: “If ever I fall, you will lift me up!”. Though researchers believe it is more about ideas of community and interaction.

Mysteries of a mysterious house

At first glance, this architectural monument is just a beautiful structure. But every symbol on the facade of the House of Blackheads is thought out. Almost every element carries its own message. Here is a figure of the goddess Ceres, giving the harvest. Next to it is a priestess who usually hid the key to the secrets of nature behind her belt. Often it was depicted on the Aditum, a sacred place where only the initiated could enter. The key is symbolically located on the façade near the goddess.


The French lily, the fish mounted on a tree, Our Lady on a crescent moon – every detail has some meaning. And keys again, but this time crossed. Find the paired symbol above the lattice gate of the coat of arms, located at the entrance. At the time, it was the Pope’s symbolism that adorned his coat of arms. But if you dig deeper, it turns out that this is an ancient emblem of the god Janus. He was well acquainted with the mysteries of life and death, the laws of earthly and celestial existence.


In the upper part of the facade, King Arthur attentively observes the rhythm of Riga’s life. How can one not think of the first name of the building here. King Arthur was considered the patron saint of festivals and tournaments. The astronomical clock on the facade also beats out the time. They show not only minutes, but also days, months and even phases of the moon. If you’re lucky, you’ll hear a charming melody played by the chronometer.


Unknown Author

Looking at the magnificent building, tourists wonder about its creator. The House of Chernogolovs is created in the style of European mannerism. According to scientists, the author should be sought among the masters of Danzig, Denmark and Bremen. Admiring the luxurious facade, attentive observers can distinguish details of different styles and eras. They are combined skillfully – the building looks like a fairy-tale gingerbread house. It rightfully takes the top spots on local photos, souvenirs, calendars, covers, and candy boxes.


Treasures of the Blackhead House

It is desirable to see the building not only from the outside, but also inside. You can get into the premises both independently and as part of a tour. On the first floor there is a tourist information center. Here you can look right after arriving in Riga. The guest will be given a free map of the city, consulted, answer all questions.


Also in the basement of the house of Chernogolovs is a museum. You can see the items that once belonged to the brotherhood of merchants: old snuff boxes, silver and ceramic products, paintings. When recreating the old furnishings, the craftsmen did their best. Chandeliers made of crystal, armchairs and sofas, stained glass windows with ornaments – it seems as if you get into the past. But all this is the result of the labor of Latvian craftsmen and restorers.


The House of Chernogolovs also has a concert hall. The room has excellent acoustics, so the music sounds special. Symphonic music concerts are popular with guests. When foreign heads of state visit Riga, ceremonial receptions are held in the halls of the House of Blackheads.


Looking around the interior, one can imagine old festivals, receptions and concerts in the days of the brotherhood. It is interesting to look at the painted ceiling of Celebration Hall and the crest of the Blackhead community. The armchairs and sofas that are located in the building are exact copies of those that were in the XIX century. Details of the house’s furnishings and finishes can be found in other local museums. You should check out the Museum of Riga History and Navigation, and then the Architectural Museum.


Today, the interior of the House of Blackheads is so beautiful that it is not ashamed to make this place the temporary residence of the president. From 2012 to 2015 the building was closed to visitors. While the Riga Castle was being renovated, the office of the head of state moved here.


In the night lights

In the dark time the building is decorated in evening “dress” – the backlight is turned on. The House of Chernogolovs looks at dusk not like a gingerbread house, but like a fairy-tale castle. Golden and brown colors transform the building. Both day and night the old house is guarded by the statue of Rolland. It is a symbol of the protection of trade, judicial power, freedom and independence of the medieval city.


How to get there, opening hours

The House of Blackheads is located on the territory of the Old Town in Riga, the oldest part of the Latvian capital on the right bank of the River Daugava. You can reach the famous building on foot, while admiring the famous cathedrals and other historical buildings. You can also get to the House of Blackheads by bus. Routes No. 8, 9 to the Rātslaukums stop.


Address of the House of Blackheads: 7 Town Hall Square.


Phone: + 371 (67) 043 678.


Entrance fee: €3 (€1.5 for children).


Opening hours: from May to September from 10:00 to 17:00, from October to April from 11:00 to 17:00.
