Gate of the Sun
Gate of the Sun is a stone arch belonging to the Tiwanaku civilization. The Gate of the Sun is located next to Lake Titicaca at an altitude of 3,825 meters above sea level. They are part of the Tiwanaku Exposition. The Gates of the Sun have impressive dimensions: height – 3 meters, width – 4 meters, thickness – 0.5 meters. Today we can only guess what the solid rock stone gate was intended for.

General information
Renowned researcher Vaclav Scholz says this about them: “This gate was apparently smashed in the past, later rebuilt and put upright again, but where it was originally located is unknown. There is a relief carved above the entrance doorway, in the center of which is a large human figure clutching a staff in his hands. The figure’s hair and the rods are decorated with the heads of condors and pumas. Human heads are suspended from a belt, and the creature appears to be crying. The impression is as if tears are flowing down his face… This monument was called the Gate of the Sun by the amateur archeologist Arthur Poznanski, who saw in the relief images the evidence of the Sun cult and a certain calendar. This name was adopted, although in the relief figures and not traced any connection with the Sun.”
Note that, in Poznanski’s opinion, the Sun Gate depicts a calendar, the cycle of which was equal to 290 days, corresponding to the calendar of the planet Venus! A. Poznanski’s hypothesis, connected with the change in the inclination of the ecliptic, allows us to attribute the erection of the gate in question to the 12th millennium B.C. and suggests that the duration of the year, and probably of the day was different … .Another fact deserves special attention. Among the various animal figures carved on the Gate of the Sun, researchers found several dozen images of toxodon – a three-legged mammal that lived in South America both on water and on land. So, it turned out that the toxodon became extinct exactly more than 12 thousand years ago. This fact is one of the strong arguments in favor of Arthur Poznanski’s hypothesis. The city of Tiwanaku has raised many questions, which until today is a deep mystery. Who built this mysterious city, we can only guess. However, the commonality of legends of different peoples in different parts of the world speaks in favor of the truth of the Inca story – Tiwanaku was erected by mighty giants, for whom all these stones did not seem so gigantic. However, the Flood put an end to the history of ancient civilizations, forever hiding their secrets.