Chatuchak Market

Chatuchak Market in northern Bangkok is one of the largest and most picturesque markets in the world. It is open on Saturdays and Sundays, with around 10,000 stalls popping up on these days, selling everything imaginable. 25,000 visitors come here. You could spend every weekend here for a whole year and you wouldn’t have time to see everything there is to see!


General Information

At the edge of Chatuchak Market are two other markets open on weekdays. One is a food market selling fish and oysters, meat, fruits and vegetables, and groceries. The other market is Bangkok’s largest flower and plant market, also selling seeds, tools, pots, planters, statues, and anything else a discerning gardener could wish for.

The main market is like Aladdin’s cave – it seems to be full of treasures. The market is divided into departments such as clothing and fabrics. You can buy anything from fake “rags” from “famous designers” to stunning hand-woven items, as well as antiques from opium scales to precious teak screens covered with exquisite carvings. If you’re going to settle in Bangkok, you can buy everything from furniture, beds, kitchenware, paintings, lamps, rugs, sound systems, CDs, musical instruments, Buddha images, and even pets.

If you’re hungry, there are plenty of stalls selling delicious treats; if you’re thirsty, you can buy fresh fruit juice, wonderful coffee or alcohol at one of the bars. Even if you don’t intend to buy anything, it’s still fun to wander the market.
