Casino du Monte Carlo

Casino Monte Carlo, located in the largest district of one of the smallest countries in the world – Monaco, is among the oldest gaming establishments on the planet. It is also the first gaming house on the Old Continent, the popularity and prestige of which has not diminished over the years. Perhaps there is no other casino in the world more majestic and enjoys the same fame as the Monte Carlo Casino!


Video: Casino of Monte Carlo

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Interestingly, citizens of the tiny principality are forbidden to even visit the establishment, let alone play in it. However, for wealthy and famous foreigners, the Monte Carlo casino is a real paradise, where you can try your luck at roulette and poker, play on the machines. Monte Carlo is regularly visited by gamblers from different cities around the world: London, Paris, Berlin, Moscow and even overseas New York and Washington.


However, the famous casino is of interest not only for its direct purpose, but also as an architectural landmark. Its building, located on Monte Carlo Avenue, can be easily recognized by the fountain and green lawn located right in front of it. Since the gambling establishment starts operating after noon, all tours are held here before lunch so as not to disturb the players – usually from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.


Many vacationers on the Côte d’Azur in Monaco in their free time with pleasure and interest visit this shining gold palace – some as players, others as tourists. But regardless of the purpose, the vivid impressions received in the Monte Carlo casino remain for a lifetime. Especially sophisticated and creative natures can even feel like the heroes of James Bond movies, because such movie novels about the famous Agent 007 as “Casino Royale”, “Never Say Never” and “GoldenEye” were filmed in its luxurious halls.


History of the Monte Carlo Casino

By the second half of the 19th century, the princely house of Grimaldi, which rules Monaco, a dwarf state associated with France, was on the verge of bankruptcy. To save the aristocratic family from an unenviable fate, it was decided to open a casino.

The idea, strange as it may seem, came to mind not the representatives of the ruling dynasty and not even businessmen, but … ubiquitous journalists. Back in the 1950s, representatives of the “second oldest profession” Albert Aubert Aubert and Leon Langlois convinced the government of the Principality that the right way to avoid financial ruin and at the same time to raise the prestige of the country – is to open a gaming establishment.


The first gaming parlor, which was not a casino in the modern sense, appeared in the Condamine quarter in the harbor area. It was then moved to Palace Square, in the Hôtel de Russie. However, the business did not live up to expectations, as there were few visitors. For the simple reason that at that time the road to Monaco ran along a dangerous path. It was precipitous, and potential players were frankly afraid to drive along it. As a result, in 1857, the staff of the first “gambling” institution in the Principality was disbanded, and it was sold.

However, the idea of casinos did not die, and Prince Charles III, then ruling Monaco, decided to adopt the experience of the German resort town of Bad Homburg, which was literally transformed by Duke Ferdinand, who turned it into the gambling center of Europe. By the way, the great Russian classic Fyodor Dostoevsky visited here three times and tried his luck in the local casino. All his emotions from the game – excitement, delight from winning and despair after losing – he then described in the work “The Gambler.”


And what about Charles III himself? He, too, decided to combine in his small state “useful with pleasant”, that is, treatment with the waters of thermal springs with a game of roulette. It was this “combination” and provided later prosperity miniature principality on the coast of the Ligurian Sea.


The year of opening of the casino was 1863. At that time, the management company Société des Bains de Mer, which still exists today, was founded. It was and remains one of the country’s city-forming enterprises: not only the entire gambling, but also hotel business in Monaco was transferred to it.


The exclusive rights to run the gambling business in the Principality were given to François Blanc. He was the successful entrepreneur, the billionaire who actually turned the German Bad Homburg into a prosperous and wealthy city. “No matter how the chip lies, on black or red, the winner will always be White,” – this famous phrase belongs to him. The surname “Blanc” in Russian translates as “White”. That is, with this statement, the owner of the casino wanted to show that in any case, the winner will always be him.


Casino in Monte Carlo almost immediately loudly declared itself as a prestigious gambling establishment. Every visitor was greeted by employees in smart uniforms made of blue cloth. They completed their recognizable image of gaiters and short pants. Every year the casino attracted more and more new visitors, for whom gambling was not the last place in life. In 1869 alone it was visited by 170 thousand people.

In some three years, once deserted and isolated hill Spelug, where the casino was opened, turned into a luxurious neighborhood. Thus François Blanc managed to achieve incredible success and attract huge financial resources – that is, to achieve what was beyond his predecessors.


In 1866 Charles III “modestly” named this luxurious gaming quarter of Monte Carlo – in his honor. In the same three years, the new casino was able to make so much money that the prospect of bankruptcy, the sword of Damocles hanging over the house of Grimaldi, dissipated like a morning fog. The state treasury was overflowing, which had never happened before, and the government even abolished direct taxation of citizens. Also, according to the prince’s decree, military service was abolished. Needless to say, the inhabitants of Monaco were delighted with the rule of their monarch? The principality turned into a real legend of modern times, became a symbol not only of gambling, but also of high society receptions, balls and other entertainments. And in Monte Carlo flocked not only players, but also movie actors, show business stars, politicians – in a word, celebrities of all stripes, including representatives of the ruling dynasties of Europe.


However, the casino as it is known now, appeared a little later. Marie Blanc, the widow of a billionaire, in 1878 approached the architect Charles Garnier, creator of the Paris Opera, with a noteworthy project – to build an opera house in Monte Carlo, as well as new premises for the casino. The architect gave his consent, and construction began. Day and night, tirelessly, worked day and night, four hundred workers involved in it. The recently invented electricity made their efforts much easier, and six months later the new building was commissioned.


The casino continued to expand until 1910. The gallery, decorated with bronze candelabras, is supported by 28 stone columns covered with marble plaster – this is the famous Atrium designed by architect Dutroux. The Hall of the Two Americas, which still exists today, was designed in 1881 by the same Charles Garnier. The two new halls, which are separated by wide openings, are decorated with colored stained glass windows by architect Touzet. On them you can see scenes-allegories depicting the four seasons, as well as Love, Evening, Madness and Wealth. In 1999, the gaming establishment was completely renovated.


At different times, the Monte Carlo casino was visited by such famous personalities as the Prince of Wales (future British monarch Edward VII), Prince Napoleon, the Duc de Gramont, Baron Rothschild. Famous Ottoman general Mustafa Pasha, Baron Osman, writer, author of “The Three Musketeers” Alexander Dumas, composer Jacques Offenbach, the great tenor Enrico Caruso, Russian opera and chamber singer Fyodor Chaliapin, French actress Sarah Bernhardt visited here. Here performed and the troupe “Sergei Diaghilev’s Ballet”, founded by the famous Russian theater and art figure S. P. Diaghilev. P. Diaghilev.


Casino Monte Carlo today

The Monte Carlo Casino is the most famous and majestic in the world, and there’s no exaggeration in that. And even if you’ve never been beckoned by the clatter of chips and the rustle of bills, be sure to visit if possible. However, if you’re under 18, you won’t be allowed in.


In addition to the casino, the building houses an opera house where world celebrities perform (it is also called the “Salle Garnier”), a club called “Cuban Smokehouse” with a dance floor and three restaurants: Les Prives, Buddha Bar and Train Bleu, where gourmet food is served. The opera should be mentioned separately: it impresses with its interior – stunningly beautiful frescoes, massive yet elegant sculptures and outlandish stained glass windows.


The interior decoration of the gaming establishment is very pompous, especially the lobby, which survived to this day after a large-scale fire in the second half of the XIX century. A special atmosphere of strict classicism imbued the rooms for roulette and poker. In contrast to them, the room where slot machines are installed, has quite a modern design. Having bought tokens, you can try your luck not only on slot machines, but also on slot machines. All machines are so popular that their chance to catch luck does not miss even those who are not called avid players. In the Monte Carlo casino, modern machines are next to antique ones.

Travelers wonder: what gambling games can be played in the famous casino? Let’s list them: European, English and American roulette, as well as video poker, “black jack”, “thirty and forty”, “punto banco”, “craps”, “railroad”, “bank on two tables.”


Tourists to Note

Everyone who decides to visit the Monte Carlo casino should bring identification documents. The gambling establishment is open every day from 12:00 noon until dawn. May 1 is the only weekend of the year.


There is a strict dress code for visitors to the casino. If you came “at home”, for example, in shorts and flip-flops, then to get inside do not even dream. At least you must wear a jacket and tie. It is forbidden to appear in military uniform. It is said that the ban appeared after the story of a certain Russian captain from pre-revolutionary times. He gambled away the entire ship’s treasury in roulette. Then, having sailed on a warship, decided to fire a cannon on the ship on the princely rock.


There is a fee to enter the Monte Carlo Casino. For a simple inspection of the building and the general gaming rooms will have to pay about 10 euros. Twice as much is a tour of the private halls. Children under 12 years old pay 7 euros for admission, younger than this age are admitted for free. Access to the slot machines is also free. However, if you want to play in a separate room, you will have to pay 20 euros. For roulette, the entrance minimum is 200 euros. Only those who place very large bets are allowed to enter the private gaming rooms.


Interesting facts

The Monte Carlo Casino has witnessed impressive winnings and numerous dramas throughout its history, and is steeped in many legends.

  • Thus, his majesty Leopold II, King of the Belgians, secretly met his young lover, the courtesan Blanche Delacroix, whom he eventually married… five days before his own death.
  • In addition to the James Bond films, in the premises of the Monte Carlo casino also filmed films: “To Catch a Thief” (directed by Alfred Hitchcock) and “Coco”, dedicated to the incomparable Madame Chanel.
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  • The owners of the casino have a very competent and thoughtful personnel policy. Among its employees you will not find random people, very many have been working here for 25 years or more.
  • Decks of cards are stored in a special room, which maintains a temperature of +20 degrees Celsius. Someone on this occasion even joked: “The conditions of their storage – like expensive vintage wines.” The Monte Carlo casino has a total of 36,000 decks of cards.
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  • Many players followed certain rituals here, some of which are quite bizarre. For example, Arthur Rothschild, if he smiled at luck and he won, then after that did not get up from the gambling table for a whole hour, always betting on 17 and 0. Thus he tried his luck and only then left the casino. Prince of Nepal, being a gambling man, played only five days a year, and this his restraint explained by religious motives. But one of the richest American businessmen before the last century Cornelius Vanderbilt did not start the game until the table did not sit down with his family. He would then lay out 40,000 francs in the shape of a cross and begin his pursuit of fortune. Farouk I, King of Egypt and Sudan in 1936-1952, was not only an avid player, but also a collector: he collected all the tokens.
  • And for many players, fate did not just smile – it literally enclosed them in its arms. Relatively recently, in 2015, the record for the most stunning winnings was broken. A citizen of Italy, who remains unknown, carried away with him from the famous casino 1 million 920 thousand dollars. Not exaggerated if we say that the Côte d’Azur in its history has not yet seen someone to tear up such a big score.
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  • And such an interesting case. In 2013, in the casino of Monte Carlo played Tom Fabius, son of the then French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius, who had a debt of 700 thousand euros. It is not known how and when the scion of a high-ranking official would have repaid this amount, if the casino management did not forgive him such an impressive debt.

How to get there

To get to the Monte Carlo Casino you can take public transportation or rent a car.


Many tourists prefer the first option. Buses #1 and #2 go to the Place de la Visitation stop. Once you get off, walk a little bit and the world’s most famous gambling house is already in front of you.
