
Bogd-Khan-Uul mountain range can be seen from any corner of Ulaanbaatar. The summit of the Bogd-Khan-Uul mountain rises 2256 meters above sea level and almost 1000 meters above the Tolya River valley. Only a narrow strip of the Tola River separates it from the city. The area of this protected land is 36,600 hectares.


The lower tier of the mountain – deciduous taiga, above it is replaced by cedar forests, mixing in some places with bizarre birch curvilinear forest. Here live wild boars, roe deer, red deer, lynx, foxes, chipmunks, squirrels.


Video: Climbing Bogd-Khan-Uul

General Information

The Bogd-Khan-Uul Reserve is considered to be the oldest in Asia. In fact, it was founded in 1809, but Mongolians have been sacredly honoring this unique area for about eight centuries. Legend connects the name of the mountain (“Bogdo” – in Mongolian “Sacred”) with the name of Genghis Khan, who found a shelter in the wooded wilds of the mountain’s gorges, where he hid from his enemies. In gratitude for his rescue, the great conqueror made a sacrifice to the mountain and bequeathed to his descendants to honor it as a sacred deity and to make sacrifices to it every year. The tradition of annual sacrifices on the mountain Bogd-Khan-Uul was preserved until the beginning of the twentieth century.

.https://trevaladvisor.com/img%img/Bogd-Han-Uulreterte/bogd_khan_29.jpg” alt=””/>

This southernmost region of Siberian taiga in Mongolia has only been preserved due to the sacred status of Bogd-Khan-Uul. The dense forests surrounding these places from the south and north were cut down by the locals long ago. Now there are vast green pastures on the territory of the reserve. Here, the river is dominated by soft-green deciduous taiga, which is cut through by dense thickets of barberry, honeysuckle, currants and rose hips. Steep slopes of gorges are bordered by bushes of crimson Daurian rhododendron, which in Siberia is called Ledum. On the shady glades of the northern slopes of the mountain flash yellow lights of buttercups, fragrant pink clouds of peonies, blue sleep-grass.

.https://trevaladvisor.com/img%img/Bogd-Han-Uulreterte/bogd_khan_4.jpg” alt=””/>

To see all this beauty, you need to get up early to be at the foot of the sacred mountain at dawn. Residents of Ulaanbaatar do just that on weekends. Armed with special sticks and wearing sturdy shoes, they climb as high up the mountain as possible to energize themselves and spend time with pleasure.


It is convenient to get here by car (the road from the center of Ulaanbaatar takes about half an hour, and the southern slope of the mountain adjoins directly to the edge of the city limits). At the foot of the mountain there is a parking lot, here on the boards there is information about the hiking route with an indication of the distance. The tour itself starts from this parking lot, the longest route is 5.5 km. During the trip you can see the ruins of Manzushir Monastery, just stroll through the leafy park, or climb the Tsetsae Gung Peak, which offers a magnificent panorama of Ulaanbaatar.

.https://trevaladvisor.com/img%img/Bogd-Han-Uulreterte/bogd_khan_52.jpg” alt=””/>


The best time to visit the reserve is June-September.


The entrance fee to the area is 3000 MNT.


One-day organized tour from Ulaanbaatar in a group of 4-6 people – $58, if the group is larger, the price is correspondingly lower.
