Lake Nicaragua
Lake Nicaragua Lake Nicaragua is the largest freshwater body of water in Latin America. It is located in the state of the same name, in the southwestern part of the…
Continue readingLake Nicaragua Lake Nicaragua is the largest freshwater body of water in Latin America. It is located in the state of the same name, in the southwestern part of the…
Continue readingSea of Fiji Sightseeing refers to the countries:FijiNew Zealand Fiji is an inter-island sea in the southwest Pacific Ocean. It is bounded on the north by Fiji Island, on the…
Continue readingAltai Mountains (Altai) The attraction is related to the countries:RussiaRussia , KazakhstanKazakhstan , MongoliaChina Golden Mountains – this is how Altai is translated from Turkic languages. Indeed, a rare place…
Continue readingWadden Sea This attraction is related to the countries:GermanyGermany , NetherlandsDenmark Wadden Sea is part of the Atlantic Ocean, a shallow sea area located between Denmark, the Netherlands and Germany….
Continue readingKalahari Desert This attraction is related to the countries:BotswanaBOTSWANA , SOUTH AFRICANamibia The Kalahari Desert is the largest of South Africa’s deserts, almost completely covering Botswana and occupying a large…
Continue readingMekong River This sightseeing attraction is related to the countries:ChinaChina , MyanmarChina , LaosChina , Myanmar , Laos , ThailandCambodiaVietnam The Mekong River is one of the largest and longest…
Continue readingInle Lake Inle is a freshwater lake in Myanmar. The lake is about 22 kilometers long and 10 kilometers wide. Inle Lake is surrounded by high mountains and has 17…
Continue readingShwedagon Pagoda Shwedagon Pagoda, a giant bell-shaped brick stupa, is Yangon’s (Rangoon) most imposing building, perhaps one of the most magnificent in Myanmar (Burma). The Buddhist monument is almost entirely…
Continue readingArchitectural ensemble Poi-Kalyan (Roi Kalon Ansambli) Poi-Kalyan is a unique architectural ensemble located in Bukhara. It rises on the parade square Registan and amazes with its grandeur. It is said…
Continue readingDamaraland Damaraland is a land of high mountains, endless sands, long-dry riverbeds and laccolith rock formations. Damaraland lies southwest of Etosha National Park, one of Namibia’s most famous landmarks, and…
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