Bashkir Reserve
Bashkir State Nature Reserve Bashkirsky Reserve is a specially protected natural area located in the picturesque forested mountain spurs of the Southern Urals. The reserved lands are spread over an…
Continue readingBashkir State Nature Reserve Bashkirsky Reserve is a specially protected natural area located in the picturesque forested mountain spurs of the Southern Urals. The reserved lands are spread over an…
Continue readingBogoyavlensko-Anastasiin Monastery in Kostroma Bogoyavlensko-Anastasiin Monastery is a female (formerly, until 1847 – male) monastery located in Kostroma on Simanovsky (Bogoyavlenskaya) Street. The Bogoyavlensky Cathedral houses the Theodorovskaya Icon of…
Continue readingАркаим Arkaim is a unique archaeological monument, interesting not only to a narrow circle of specialists, but also to numerous tourists. This fortified settlement, dating back to the Bronze Age…
Continue readingNovotorzhsky Borisoglebsky Monastery Boris and Gleb Monastery in Torzhok is a large male Orthodox monastery in the Tver region, considered one of the oldest in Russia. The picturesque monastery complex…
Continue readingValdai Iversky Iveron Bogoroditsky Svyatoozersky Monastery Valdai Iversky Iversky Bogoroditsky Svyatoozersky Monastery is one of the three Orthodox monasteries built during the church schism, under the patronage of Patriarch Nikon….
Continue readingValdai Lake Valdai Lake is a large picturesque body of water located in the Novgorod region of Russia. This clear freshwater lake is considered the most beautiful in the blue…
Continue readingGreat Gatchina Palace The Grand Gatchina Palace is the former residence of Russian emperors 45 kilometers from St. Petersburg, built in the style of a European hunting castle, which is…
Continue readingVasyuganskie bogs Vasyuganskie bogs – one of the largest bogs on Earth, located in Western Siberia, between the Ob and Irtysh rivers, on the territory of the Vasyuganskaya plain, located…
Continue readingVeselovka village Veselovka is a popular resort village located among the steppe plains of the Taman Peninsula. Veselovka is located in the southern part of the Temryuksky district of Krasnodar…
Continue readingAstrakhan Drama Theater Astrakhan Drama Theater is one of the oldest provincial Russian theaters, founded in 1810. For more than a century of history, its stage has hosted such famous…
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