Museum-apartment of Mikhail Zoshchenko

The Zoshchenko Museum

is unique for two reasons. First, it is the smallest museum-apartment in St. Petersburg: its area is only about 50 square meters. meters. And secondly, and this is the most important, it is the only literary museum-apartment in the city, all the furnishings of which are authentic, and not recreated later by photographs or descriptions. Here there is a rare opportunity to see exactly those furniture, carpet, personal belongings, wallpaper on the walls, which were in the writer’s lifetime.


General Information

In this old house in 1934 was organized in the so-called writer’s cooperative, where in addition to Mikhail Zoshchenko at different times lived such famous writers and poets as N. Zabolotsky, V. Kaverin, O. Forsh, E. Shvarts, V. Rozhdestvensky. Zoshchenko lived here for 24 years (except for the time of evacuation from besieged Leningrad), until his death. This house remembers both the times of his immense popularity, and the days when the famous satirist and feuilletonist was accused of anti-Soviet thinking and expelled from the Writers’ Union, and his books were almost among the banned.


Zoshchenko changed apartments in this house several times and in the last years of his life (1955-1958) lived in this small two-room apartment 119. The museum was opened here in 1992. Now one of the rooms is memorial, it is the writer’s study, in the second room (his wife’s) there is a literary exposition, where you can see photos of Zoshchenko, his collected library, some of his manuscripts.


To visitors

  • Address: Malaya Konyushennaya St., 4/2, square 119, entrance from the courtyard on the side of Cheboksarsky per. Metro “Nevsky Prospekt”.
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  • Open daily, except Mon and the last Wed of the month, from 10.30 to 18.30. Inspection – 20-30 min.
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  • Tel: 571-78-19.
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  • Entrance -50 p., schoolchildren and pensioners – 30 p., students – free. Foreigners – 80 p.