Yaroslavl Art Museum

Yaroslavl Art Museum is located in the historical center of the city. It is the largest museum complex of the Russian province and a real gem of Yaroslavl. The exposition unites 9 centuries of art: from ancient icons of Kievan Rus’ to animated works of modern times.


Video: Yaroslavl Art Museum


General information

The art museum includes 5 architectural monuments at once:

  • Governor’s House on Volzhskaya Embankment in Yaroslavl;
  • Museum-bank “House on Novinskaya”, which is located in the town of Tutayev in the Yaroslavl region;
  • The Museum of Foreign Art, located on Sovetskaya Square in Yaroslavl;
  • The A. M. Opekushin House-Museum, located in the village of Rybnitsy, Yaroslavl Region;
  • Metropolitan Chambers on the Volzhskaya embankment of Yaroslavl..

The total number of unique works of art presented in the museum complex is 80,000 units! At the same time, the exhibits are distributed among the buildings depending on the theme, time period, and cultural direction.

Governor’s House

The Governor’s House is the main building of the museum. This branch of the Yaroslavl Art Museum is dedicated to Russian art. Visiting it, tourists will see: paintings by modern authors, paintings by avant-garde artists, works by famous painters (Shishkin, Aivazovsky), works of alternative and official art of the USSR.

The garden of the Governor’s House deserves special attention, combining the traditions of different countries and eras. It is especially beautiful in the warm season – from the first days of May to the end of October. During this period, the garden becomes a place for the demonstration of sculptures by the best authors from Russia and abroad.


In addition to exhibiting the objects of the museum collection, the Governor’s House is used for ceremonial receptions, presenting state awards, organizing concerts of classical and contemporary music, festivals, and staging plays.

View of the building from the side of the Governor’s Garden
View from the street

House on Novinskaya

The building is a real branch of a public bank, built in 1914. In its walls, after deep work with documentation and a long restoration, a real picture of the life of the institution was recreated.


Visiting the bank, excursionists will see: the director’s office, storage of things, authentic works of painters, office hall, real office furniture of the XIX-XX centuries, safe room, equipped with a fireproof door, objects of arts and crafts.


Museum of Foreign Art

The cozy building in the style of mature classicism presents Eastern and Western European art. Next to the house there is a wonderful garden, which complements the museum’s exposition. Manchurian apricot, spirea and sakura trees grow in it.


A. M. Opekushin House-Museum

The prominent two-story mansion, richly decorated with carvings, is not only a valuable branch of the Yaroslavl Art Museum, but also an incredibly atmospheric place. The museum tells the story of the life and work of A. M. Opekushin, a talented Russian sculptor and full member of the Imperial Academy of Arts.


Visiting the mansion, tourists will see: fragments of stucco decoration, photographs of numerous monuments Opekushin, including the most famous monument to Alexander Pushkin; map-scheme location of works, decorative plaster forms and busts, samples of drawings.


Metropolitan Chambers

Having visited the chambers, which were erected by Rostov Metropolitan I. Sysoevich, tourists will get acquainted with works of Old Russian art: ancient icons, works of the icon painting school of Yaroslavl, works by F. Zubov, S. Spiridonov.


One of the halls is dedicated to the dispute between Metropolitan D. Rostovsky and the people of Yaroslavl, who persuaded them to follow the order of Peter the Great and shave off their beards. The project combines authentic works of art with multimedia technology.

Metropolichi Chambers
House-museum of sculptor-academician A. M. Opekushin
Museum of Foreign Art

History of the Yaroslavl Museum of Art

The official date of foundation of the Yaroslavl Art Museum is 1919. But its history began much earlier, from the moment when the 5 architectural monuments that make up the museum ensemble were built.

XVII-XIX centuries


The oldest of the museum buildings is the Metropolitan Chambers, erected in 1680. At that time the structure was recognized as the largest civil construction of the XVII century. In 1705 the very “dispute about the beard”, which we mentioned above, took place within the walls of the chambers.


In the 50s of the XVIII century, the Metropolitan Chambers served as the seat of the governor. And in 1763 Catherine II herself stayed in them. It was in this building that the empress received the nobles of Yaroslavl.


In 1821, when the Metropolitan Chambers turned into a place of residence for the priests of the Dormition Cathedral and became known as the Cathedral House, the Governor’s House was erected by order of Emperor Alexander I.

The building was built.

In less than 100 years of existence, 17 governors ruled and lived in the building. In addition, foreign travelers, members of the royal family, and illustrious figures were received here.


The house, which today is called the Museum of Foreign Art, was also built in the early XIX century. In the period from 1810 to the beginning of the XX century the mansion changed five owners. Of course, each of the owners brought something different to the external appearance of the house: N. N. Vlyayeva ordered to add an annex to the building, and A. I. Pertsev – to add a mezzanine and erect a balcony on openwork cast-iron brackets.


Wooden richly decorated building, which today houses the House Museum of A. M. Opekushin, was built in the late XIX century. On the first floor was the office of the owner, merchant I. Ryabinin, and on the second floor – living quarters, where the owner lived with his family.


The first half of the XX century

The idea to create the Art Gallery belonged to the Yaroslavl Art Society, which in 1913 began to take active steps towards the realization of a great idea. To help its members – local historians, artists, teachers – the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts provided 14 exhibits.

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Ancient Russian Art
https://trevaladvisor.com/img%img/Yaroslavskii-hudozhestvennii-muzeireterte/Drevnerusskoe-iskusstvo-5.jpg” alt=””/>

Painting of the 18th – early 20th centuries


Works by Russian and Western European painters number over 1,000 items. Among them:

  • The breathtaking painting “View from the Karanai Mountains to Temir-Khan-Shura and the Caspian Sea”, painted by I. K. Aivazovsky;
  • a spiritualized painting by A. I. Kuindzhi entitled “Steppe. Niva”;
  • “Portrait of Elizabeth Ivanovna Bantysh-Kamenskaya”, painted by N. I. Argunov;
  • “The felled oak tree” by I. I. Shishkin.
Korovin K.A. “Korabli. Marseille” circa 1890.
Shishkin I.I. “The felled oak tree” 1892.
Vasnetsov A.I. “Vsekhsvyatskiy stone bridge. Moscow of the end of the XVII century” 1901.

Painting of XX-XXI centuries

3000 works reflecting the artistic culture of Yaroslavl and the history of Russian fine art include the following collection blocks:

  • works by representatives of the classical avant-garde – Lentulov, Kuznetsov;
  • works about everyday life and the life of Soviet people, portraits of leaders, landscapes and other paintings by the brightest representatives of socialist realism – Gerasimov, Samokhvalov;
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  • the work of Yaroslavl artists – Mukhin, Mosyagin, Petrov.
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Moscow. Landscape with passers-by and a dog. From the series “Leaving Moscow 1930s
Water station. 1937
Bratina with kvass. Still Life 1965


Homa Brutus with a witch on his shoulders. Illustration for N.V. Gogol’s story ‘Viy’
Homa Brutus with a witch on his shoulders.’ Zevin. Rocks at the old Turkish fortress

Engravings and Prints

The collection of this section of the Yaroslavl Art Museum was started more than 100 years ago – in 1920. And today the collection exceeds 8000 exhibits, including:

  • engraved portraits of members of the Musin-Pushkin family;
  • the album “Views of Amsterdam”, which tells about the life of the Dutch of the XVIII century;
  • 15 etchings of the end of the XVII century, made by the engraver J. Pesne.
%’ A feast disturbed by a lady. Based on a drawing by Braunlou North. 1804.
View of the fortress of the city of Pavlovsk from the side of the lake. From the original by S.Ya. Shchedrin. 1800.
Boys Skating. Based on an original by George Morland. 1790s.


‘ Russia and the Near Abroad.

A special highlight of the collection is a set of works of small graphics of China.


Exhibitions and events

Visitors of the Yaroslavl Museum of Art will be able to appreciate the permanent exhibitions: “Russian Art of the XVIII-XX centuries” (Governor’s House), “Western European and Oriental Art of the XVI-XX centuries” (Museum of Foreign Art), “Old Russian Art of the XIII-XVII centuries” (Metropolitan Chambers), expositions in the house on Novinskaya Street and the house-museum of A. M. Opekushin.


Also available to the attention of sightseers are temporary exhibitions, which are held at the current time: “Mysteries of Dutch painting of the XVII century”, “Icons of the Petrine time”, “Ivan Shishkin”, “When the sky came down to earth.”

Opening of the exhibition ‘Enigmas of Netherlandish painting of the XVII century’
Barokko Chamber Ensemble concert

Children’s programs are also implemented: “Obvious Nearby”, “Music of Russian Landscape”, numerous excursions for school groups. Of particular interest is the New Year’s interactive performance “Beauty and the Beast”, organized in the walls of the front hall of the Governor’s House.


The Yaroslavl Museum of Art hosts virtual exhibitions: “Japanese ex-libris”, “Medals of V. V. Alekseev”, “The founder of the study of the Russian book mark”, “To the 160th anniversary of the medalist Mikhail Skudnov”, “Alexei Kamensky”, “Bird of Happiness”, “Alexander Levitan”, “Ballet in ex-libris from the collection of the museum.”


Music fans will be able to appreciate the mastery of musicians of the chamber ensemble “Baroque”, representing “Music of Imperial Russia”. Especially inquisitive sightseers will surely appreciate the lectures for the exhibition “Icons of the Petrine Age” and the project “Art without Borders.”

Limon Music Festival
Music of the Garden

Ticket prices

Ticket prices for exhibitions, expositions and concerts organized within the walls of the Yaroslavl Museum of Art range from 80-600 rubles. Here are some of them:

  • “Ancient Russian Art XIII-XVII centuries.” – 150 rubles;
  • “Dispute about the beard” – 200 rubles;
  • “Enigmas of Dutch painting XVII century.” – 200 rubles;
  • exhibitions and expositions of the Museum of Foreign Art – 350 rubles;
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  • “100 parrots” – 80 rubles;
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  • “The Music of Imperial Russia” – 600 rubles;
  • “When the sky came down to earth. Alexander Smirnov” – 80 rubles;
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  • exposition of the Romanovo-Borisoglebsky Bank – 150 rubles.
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Guide’s services are paid additionally. An overview tour of the permanent expositions will cost 800 rubles, thematic – 900 rubles. Guide services in a foreign language will cost 1000 rubles. Theatricalized excursion will cost 1000 rubles. Audio guide costs 50 rubles.


The price of photography and videography is 2000 rubles for 1 hour.


The full price list can be found on the official website of the museum.


Mode of operation

The Art Museum in Yaroslavl is open from Tuesday to Sunday from 10.00 to 18.00. The Governor’s Garden is currently closed for technical reasons.

How to get there

The address of the Yaroslavl Art Museum is Volzhskaya Embankment, 23.


The easiest way to get to the museum is from Red Square. The routes run along Deputatskaya, Kirov or Nakhimson streets.


After reaching the Church of Elijah the Prophet, the road will turn towards Volzhskaya Embankment, where the Governor’s Garden is located.


The following modes of public transportation will help you get to the building:

  • trolleybuses No. 9, 1, 4, 8, 5;
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  • buses No. 140, 2, 44, 44K, 78, 8, 27, 21B, 139, 139A, 100, 18, 18K;
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  • route cabs #36, 37, 46, 47, 45, 51, 61, 71, 73, 80, 84, 143, 176, 82, 81, 96, 99;
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