Wall Street
Wall Street is a small narrow street in lower Manhattan, leading from Broadway to the shore of the East River Channel. A street that can be compared to a beehive during rush hour. Today, Wall Street is known in business circles around the world as the main financial and commercial center of the planet.

General Information

The name Wall Street, a real street and the metaphorical birthplace of American commerce, comes from a wooden barrier built by Dutch settlers in 1653 to protect New Amsterdam from Native Americans and the British. A comprehensive overview of the American economy, including its ills, is on view in contemporary exhibitions at the Museum of American Finance (Tel: 212-908-4110; www.moaf.org; 48 Wall St; adult/child $8/free; 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Sat-Sat) in the former Bank of New York building. For a personal and in-depth look at the spring of the financial world, sign up for a tour at the Federal Reserve, going for an hour or a little more (Federal Reserve; 212-825-6990; www.nps.gov/feha; 26 Wall St; free admission; 9 a.m.-5 p.m.).