Vasyuganskie bogs

Vasyuganskie bogs – one of the largest bogs on Earth, located in Western Siberia, between the Ob and Irtysh rivers, on the territory of the Vasyuganskaya plain, located mostly within the Tomsk region, and small parts of the Novosibirsk and Omsk regions and Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug.

These bogs are a very interesting natural phenomenon, which is characterized by a variety of landscapes. In 2007 the Vasyugansky bogs were included in the preliminary list of UNESCO heritage sites in Russia.

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Vasyuganskie bogs are located in places where small-leaved forests transition to southern taiga. The area of this bog is the largest in the world and is about 53-55 thousand square kilometers, which exceeds the size of such European countries as Switzerland, Denmark or Estonia. Measuring approximately 570 by 320 kilometers in length, the swamp is truly enormous. It is approximately two percent of the total area of all peat bogs on Earth.


The Vasyugansk bogs were formed about ten thousand years ago and since then their territory has steadily increased. They extend for about 570 kilometers from west to east and more than 300 kilometers from north to south.


The swamping of the area has been particularly rapid in recent times, so that in the last five hundred years alone the area occupied by swamps has increased by about 75%.


During the warm season, the Vasyugan bogs are almost completely impassable for any machinery.


The movement of geological parties and cargo transportation to the developing oil fields is carried out only in winter.


How the swamp appeared

According to scientists, swamping of the area began about 10,000 years ago. But the growth of the swamp has not stopped even now. Over the past 500 years, the natural area has increased about 4 times. There is a legend that mentions the ancient Vasyugan sea-lake. However, studies have shown that this natural zone was formed not as a result of waterlogging. In this case, everything happened for another reason. The unique natural zone was formed as a result of swamps encroaching on the land. It happened under the influence of favorable orographic conditions, as well as a humid climate.


Initially, there were 19 plots on the site of the swamp. Their area was about 45 thousand square kilometers. However, the quagmire gradually absorbed the surrounding land. This can be compared to the advance in the desert of the sands. It is worth noting that the Vasyugan swamp is a classic example of “aggressive” and active swamp formation.


Legend of creation

There is a legend about the creation of the Vasyugansky bog, according to which there was only water on earth at first, and nothing else. The Lord was walking on the water and noticed a murky bubble floating on the surface, from which a devil suddenly jumped out. The Lord ordered the devil to go down deep to the bottom and retrieve the land.

While carrying out this command, the devil gained and hid some earth behind both cheeks. The god scattered the earth delivered by the devil from the bottom, and it was in the places where it fell that dry land with lush vegetation appeared. But plants began to sprout not only on the dry land, but also in the mouth of the devil himself, and he, unable to stand it, began to spit out the earth.


Climate of the swamp

The climate in this natural area is humid and continental. The average temperature is about 20° C below zero in January and 17° C above zero in July. The snow cover lasts about 175 days a year and its height is between 40 and 80 centimeters. Thanks to this climate, the Bolshoy Vasyuganskoye bog is a unique reserve, where many endangered species of birds and animals live.


Flora and fauna of the Vasyugansk bogs

The Vasyugansk bogs are home to numerous local fauna, including rare ones. The bogs are home to reindeer, golden eagle, white-tailed eagle, osprey, gray magpie, and peregrine falcon, among others. There are significant numbers of squirrels, moose, sable, grouse, white partridges, grouse, grouse, and in smaller numbers mink, otter, and wolverine. The flora also includes rare and endangered plant species and plant communities. Among wild fruits the following are widespread: cranberries, blueberries, cloudberries.


Now the fauna and flora of the bogs are under threat due to the development of the territory during the exploration and exploitation of oil and gas fields. Whereas falling second stages of launch vehicles launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome, which bring unburned heptyl residue into the territory.


In summer, the swamps are practically impassable even for specialized equipment. Cargo transportation to oilfields and exploration parties is carried out in winter.


Importance of bogs

The Vasyugansk bogs are of great ecological importance for the whole region, and also fulfill a number of biosphere functions. They represent a natural reserve for various bog landscapes and the flora and fauna living in them.


There are approximately 400 cubic kilometers of water, making them an important freshwater storage area. Numerous small lakes are located here. The Vasyugan bogs contain the headwaters of the Vasyugan, Tara, Om, Parabig, Chizhapka, Uy, and several other rivers.


In addition, the area is rich in peat. As studies show, known deposits contain just over 1 billion tons of useful rock. This is approximately 2% of the world’s reserves. The average depth of peat is 2.4 meters, and the maximum depth is 10 meters.


It should not be forgotten that the main function of bogs is to purify the atmosphere. It is for this reason that they are also called a “natural filter”. It is worth noting that the peaty Vasyuganskoye bog absorbs toxic substances, binds carbon, saturates the air with oxygen and prevents the formation of the greenhouse effect.


Environmental issues

Although there are almost no settlements and minimal economic activity in the Vasyugansk bogs, humans still cause damage to the unique and rather fragile ecosystem.


Among the environmental problems of the region are deforestation, peat extraction, development of oil fields, poaching, etc.

. The development of local fields is associated with the negative impact on the soil of all-terrain vehicles, oil spills and other adverse factors.

A serious problem is created by falling here second stages of rockets, which are launched from Baikonur Cosmodrome. These stages pollute the territory with the substance heptyl, which has a strong toxic effect.


Until recently, there were almost no attempts to protect this unique natural landscape. Only in 2006, in the east of the Vasyugansky bogs, the complex preserve “Vasyugansky” was created, with a territory of 5090 square kilometers.


In 2007, they were included in the preliminary list of heritage sites in Russia. It is understood that the nominated site will include the territory of the existing zakaznik. There is a question of giving at least part of the Vasyugansky bogs the status of a reserve, which would practically exclude any economic activity here.


How to get there?

The Big Vasyugansky bog is characterized by its extreme inaccessibility. It is still possible to get to some villages lying on the outskirts of the swamp by a cross-country vehicle, but the further way will most likely have to be traveled only on foot.


A trip on a tracked all-terrain vehicle is possible, but its use is also quite limited due to the swamps. There is also an opportunity to see the bogs from the air – some Tomsk travel agencies organize helicopter tours.


Visiting the Vasyugansky bogs is quite dangerous and requires some preparation and experience in moving through such places. There are numerous swamps and a huge number of bears.
