Valley of the Kings in Luxor (Wadi el-Muluk)
The Valley of the Kings at Luxor is an archaeological location of world significance located in Egypt. It was here that the famous tomb of Tutankhamun was found with thousands of priceless artifacts. In the Valley of the Kings there are dozens more tombs of pharaohs who ruled Egypt in the II millennium B.C. The underground catacombs are decorated with marvelous frescoes and mysterious inscriptions. To look at these beautiful works of art from the Bronze Age, tourists from all over the world rush to the ancient necropolis.

Video: Valley of the Kings in Luxor
Contents- Highlights
- History of the Valley of the Kings
- Geography and climate
- Walking through the Valley of the Kings in Luxor
Practical information - Shopping
- Cafes and restaurants
- Where to stay
- How to get there
The Valley of the Kings has been the burial place of Egypt’s rulers since the 16th century BC. Sloping shafts, corridors and halls have been carved into the rocks of the desert gorge. The walls and ceilings are covered with remarkable paintings, multi-ton stone sarcophagi and sculptures are installed in the crypts. In 1979, UNESCO experts included the Luxor Valley of the Kings among the sites of the World Heritage of Humanity.
Part of the underground tombs are open to visitors. Tickets are sold at the entrance to the pantheon, and tourists are driven to the catacombs in open cars, stylized as steam trains with small cars.
Unfortunately, almost all the tombs have been robbed over the centuries, the rich burial equipment has long disappeared. But perfectly preserved wall paintings, intact and sculptural bas-reliefs. These works leave vivid impressions.