Tuffeleva Grove Park
Tufleva Grove Park is the emerald necklace of Moscow. Since 2017, it has been resting in the “casket” of the capital’s industrial district, in the vicinity of the I. A. Likhachev automobile plant, known throughout Russia. “Tyufel’s Grove” territorially belongs to the elite residential complex “ZILART” and covers an area of 10 hectares. The etymology of the name of the park continues to worry the minds of inquisitive Muscovites and tourists. The generally accepted theory states that the name “Tufelova” came from the Old Russian word “tukhol”. The latter denoted musty and watery terrain, most often surrounded by lakes or swamps.

Video: Tuffel Grove Park
Contents- History of Tuffel Grove
- Organization of Tuffel Grove Park
- What to see in the “Tuffel Grove” area
- How to get there
History of Tuffel Grove
In the XVII-XVIII centuries on the territory of the modern park there were hunting grounds known as Tyukhalskie meadows and an adjacent falconry, where the feathered “helpers” were bred. Here, surrounded by colorful nature and cool lakes, famous august persons of that time used to take walks. Most often Alexei Mikhailovich, Peter I and Catherine II visited Tyufel’s Grove. During the reign of the latter, the hunting grounds fell into disrepair: the imperial treasury had no funds for their further maintenance and beautification.

On the territory of the “Tufeleva Grove” surrounded by lush flower beds grows more than 4000 shrubs and trees. For the artificial creation of flora were taken into account climatic conditions and air pollution of the capital. Among the main “inhabitants” of the park are pines, junipers, larches, roses and spireas. There is a place for an amphitheater, pavilions, sports grounds. The children’s zone is equipped with a mini rock-climbing wall, swings and trampolines. The common route for walks is marked by a 2-tiered canopy (pergola) with the length of 1.3 km. Its name – “Conveyor” or “Assembly Line” – reminds Muscovites of the industrial importance of the territory where the ZILART complex now stands. The role of the canopy is multifaceted: it serves simultaneously as a pedestrian zone, a viewing platform and a gazebo for resting on a hot day.
What to see in the “Tuffel Grove” neighborhood
Surrounded by the Moscow park are concentrated the main sports facilities of the capital: the building of the professional soccer club “Torpedo”, “CSKA Arena”, the Olympic center of synchronized swimming A. Davydova, the fitness center “Arsenal” and a fairly young Museum of Hockey, which first received visitors in May 2016. A 10-minute walk away is the Riviera shopping and entertainment center. It unites boutiques of well-known brands in Russia: LC Waikiki, H&M, Zara, Bershka, Oysho, MOHITO and others.
.Walking about 600 meters from the park “Tufleva Grove” in the direction of “CSKA Arena”, tourists come out to Avtozavodskaya Street. Overcoming the distance of 1 km, you can climb the bridge of the same name, thrown over the Moskva River. Its construction was completed in 1961 according to the architectural project of the Yakovlev brothers.

How to get there
There are four ways to get to the urban green space: