Tian Shan Mountains

This attraction is related to the countries:KazakhstanKazakhstan , KyrgyzstanChinaUzbekistan

Tien Shan Mountains is one of the highest mountain systems in the world, which is second only to the Pamirs. Hundreds of daredevils climb the peaks of the Tien Shan every year, because from the peaks you can see incredible landscapes: steep mountain slopes, rushing waterfalls and majestic meadows, as well as spreading at the foot of the ranges of deserts and steppes, filled with a variety of wildflowers. This beauty prompted the name “Tien Shan”, which translates as “Heavenly Mountains”.


The mountain system (2.5 thousand kilometers) spreads over the territory of Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan. Tien Shan unites more than 30 peaks above 6000 meters, while Europe and Africa are not ready to boast a single one. The highest point is Pobeda Peak (7439 m), just behind is Khan-Tengri Peak (6995 m).


Video: Tien Shan Mountains

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Moral of the Tien Shan

On the way to the Torugart Pass. Tien Shan Mountains

Exploring the mysterious mountain system

Mentions of the Tien Shan range are found in ancient writings and notes. Descriptions of expeditions to these places have been preserved, but they are more like fiction than reliable facts. Russian explorer Pyotr Semyonov discovered the mountain “country” and told about it in detail.

Passing Pointshttps://trevaladvisor.com/img%img/Gori-Tyan-Shanreterte/Perevalochnye-punty-2_2689.jpg” alt=””/>

“Lord of the Skies”

Victory Peak’s neighbor is the formidable Khan Tengri (6995 meters). It is called one of the most beautiful peaks in the world. The correct pyramidal shape and the mysterious name “Lord of Heaven” fascinate mountaineers. Kazakhs and Kyrgyz have their own name for the peak – Kan-Too. During sunset, the surrounding mountains are plunged into darkness, and only this peak acquires a reddish hue. The shadows of the surrounding clouds create the effect of flowing scarlet streams. This effect is created by the pink marble that is part of the mountain. Ancient Turkic peoples believed that a supreme deity lived on the elevation.


The “thinning” glaciers of the Tien Shan

The high altitude part of the mountain system is covered with glaciers. Some of them are hanging glaciers, which pose a danger to mountaineers. Glaciers are beneficial to local peoples – they fill the rivers of the four countries and are a source of fresh water for the population. But the ice reserves are beginning to run out. In the last fifty years, they have shrunk by almost a quarter. The area of glaciers has decreased by 3,000 square kilometers – a little more than Moscow. Since the 70s, the ice part began to disappear more actively. According to scientists’ calculations, by the middle of the XXI century, the “Heavenly Mountains” will lose 50% of their reserves. The changes could leave four countries without a water resource.

Melting glaciers on the Tien Shan

Flowers at the foot of the mountains

Lake Issyk-Kulhttps://trevaladvisor.com/img%img/Gori-Tyan-Shanreterte/Ozero-Tyanchi_2714.jpg” alt=””/>Lake Tyanchi

Hiking trails and biking tours

Hikes in the Tien Shan Mountains often cover a look at Issyk-Kul. Several days of passes surrounded by five-thousand-meter peaks, emerald mountain reservoirs, and an introduction to the most famous local attractions all comprise the hiking itinerary. Travelers admire local blue spruces and juniper thickets, abundant flowers and waterfalls, bathe in hot springs and relax on the shores of a healing lake. Sometimes itineraries include acquaintance with the simple life of nomadic herders.

‘ class=”fancybox” >Tien Shan Cycling Tour

Tourists are especially interested in the Northern Tien Shan and the Kyrgyz Range. Both areas are easily accessible. They are not crowded, untouched by civilization. You can make simple hikes or choose complicated routes. Comfortable time for traveling is July-August. Experienced tourists advise caution in trusting information from 20 years ago and more. Due to the melting of glaciers, some routes were easier, the rest became more difficult and dangerous to overcome.


Russian residents do not need passports to travel to Kazakhstan or Kyrgyzstan. After arrival, it is necessary to go through registration. The attitude to tourists is hospitable, and there are no language problems. Transportation accessibility of the mountains varies. It is easiest to get to the ones near Alma-Ata: Western Dzungaria and Zailiyskiy Alatau. There is also excellent access to the mountains located near Tashkent and Bishkek. It is also possible to get to the picturesque places that are near Lake Issyk-Kul. The rest of the Kyrgyz and Chinese Tien Shan areas are not very accessible.


There are also bicycle tours in the Tien Shan mountains. There are opportunities for bicycle trekking, cross-country and highway pedaling. The sultry Asian summer, sands and off-road will test the traveler’s strength. The landscapes change: semi-deserts, deserts, mountain ranges. After the bicycle tour you can stop at Lake Issyk-Kul and visit the cities of the famous Silk Road along the way.


Mountain Dwellers

‘ class=”fancybox” >Kyrgyz Hunter

The Tien Shan beckons not only adventurers. For some people, the mountain slopes are home. At the end of spring local nomadic shepherds set up the first yurts. Everything is thought out in such mini houses: kitchen, bedroom, dining room, living room. The yurts are made of felt. It is comfortable inside even during frosts. Instead of beds there are thick mattresses laid on the floor. Semyonov also observed the economy and life of Kazakhs and Kirghiz in the vicinity of the Tien Shan. In his personal reports, the scientist described visits to Kyrgyz villages, individual meetings with local residents during the expedition.


Before the revolution, the yurt was considered by the Kyrgyz as the main type of dwelling. Today, the structure has not lost its importance, as livestock farming is still given much attention. It is placed near ordinary houses. In the heat, the family rests there and welcomes guests.
