Church of Feodor Stratilat on the Ruchu
The Church of Fedor Stratilat on the Ruchey is located in Veliky Novgorod, at the crossroads of Andreyevskaya Street and Fedorovsky Ruchey. The church was founded in 1360 by decree of the Novgorod governor Semyon Andreevich on the bank of the brook. The church building is a 4-pillar 1-domed cubic type construction. Many decorative elements can be seen on the facade, especially on the drum and apses. Some niches of the facade were previously decorated with frescoes. According to Semyon Andreevich’s plan, the church was to serve also as a stone chest-safe. On the western side to the church of Feodor Stratilat adjoin the annex and bell tower, built in the XVII century. In Soviet times the stream bed, on the bank of which the church stands, was filled up and became a part of the highway Leningrad – Moscow. To date, the Church of Feodor Stratilat on the Brook is an object of the Novgorod Museum-Reserve and is open to the public.