Temple of Heaven

Temple of Heaven is an ancient temple complex in Beijing. It is important both architecturally and culturally. The Temple of Heaven, like no other imperial structure, is saturated with various symbols.

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General Information

On the open terrace on the longest night of the year, the emperor offered sacrifices to Heaven and its elements (constellations, weather phenomena) in an hour-long ritual accompanied by music, and in spring in the northern temple hall he asked for weather favorable to a good harvest: that’s why this complex is called the Temple of Heaven.


The vast area – 2.5 kilometers from Tiananmen Square – is covered with trees. When the emperor performed the sacrificial ritual on the torchlit altar terrace, he was completely cut off from the bustle of the city. The conviction of the Confucian empire that it is the center of the world given by nature itself, and the consciousness of the rulers that they are responsible for the entire world harmony, are transmitted here to today’s visitors.


The Temple of Heaven originated in 1420, and took its present shape in 1530. After 1949, the outer area of the temple was mostly developed with residential neighborhoods and other buildings. The approaches to the south, north and east are also new. The complex is oriented to the south, and it is best to start your walk around it from there. If you want to go the way of the emperor, enter through the western entrance and start your tour at the Posta Palace.


Posta Palace

In the square hall complex near the west gate (its area is 4 hectares), completely surrounded by a stone wall and moat, the emperor fasted in preparation for the sacrificial ritual. When he went to perform the sacrifice, a “bell of supreme harmony” rang in the north of the outer front courtyard.”


Round as the heavenly dome, the altar terrace was the true center of the cult of Heaven. Geometrically, the Temple of Heaven is arranged in such a way that the main elements of the structure are multiples of “9”, that is, the sacred number. The terrace has three levels, the entrance to the terrace leads on three times nine steps, the stone in the center of the terrace is surrounded by nine concentric rings, the innermost of which consists of nine stone slabs. The second ring has twice nine, the third has thrice nine stone slabs, and so on – up to the outermost ring of the lower level, consisting of 3 x 9 x 9 = 243 slabs. The number of marble railing segments also follows this numerical symbolism. The supporting walls are decorated with reliefs depicting cloud swirls; “cloud dragons” dance in relief of the railing tips. The terrace is enclosed by a circular wall covered with blue glazed bricks. At the southeast corner of the square wall surrounding it stands a green stone vessel: a grill for roasting a sacrificial calf. Twelve large metal baskets served to burn the sacrificial silk.


Turning North

Nine times the emperor bowed low on this terrace as an obedient servant of Heaven, turning to the north, just as his subjects did to him. At the top of the terrace were placed the “soul tablets” of Heaven and his appearances in blue tents. In all, about ninety members of the court and high-ranking nobles, not counting the lower aides, were present at the ceremony.

Imperial Sky Vault

The blue-covered circular wall north of the terrace surrounds the halls in which the “soul tablets” of the recipients of the sacrifices are kept; today they are again displayed according to the ancient order: on the left, the soul tablets of the Moon, Rain, Clouds, Wind and Thunder, on the right, the Sun, the Northern Bucket (constellation of the Big Dipper), the five planets, the twenty-eight “lunar houses” (constellations), and the firmament. The most notable structure is the Imperial Vault of Heaven: a round hall on a high marble plinth. In it, the tablet of Heaven is kept on a pedestal resembling a throne; on either side, smaller pedestals hold the tablets of the late emperors of the last dynasty. The blue cone-shaped roof is carried by curved wooden beams forming a regular circle, a masterpiece of carpentry. The wall surrounding the Vault of Heaven is known for the phenomenon of echo: a word spoken in front of it is clearly heard on the opposite side. But this effect is hardly perceived because of the crowded visitors.


The path along the causeway

A white marble causeway path leads from the south altar area through the triple gates to the north range. Where the path from the west gate intersects with the causeway, a terrace protrudes on the east side of the causeway: there the emperor dressed for the spring ceremony in a special tent.

Harvest Prayer Hall

The structure that towers above the entire temple complex on the north side of the causeway path, the Harvest Prayer Hall, is undoubtedly the most perfect work of classical-Chinese architecture. After a fire in 1896, it was rebuilt anew. The three-stage round white plinth rising above the rectangular terrace is combined with a three-stage blue roof topped with a golden capitol. The hall is carried by 28 columns: four large columns on the inner side represent the seasons, the inner wreath of 12 columns symbolizes the months, the outer ring of small columns – 12 double hours in a day. Thus the whole building appears as time running in a circle, which finds its cult response in the annual repetition of sacrifices to nature. In the interior, “soul tablets” of Heaven and former emperors are placed on podiums resembling thrones in front of screens decorated with rich wood carvings. The wooden parts are painted with dragons and phoenixes. The floor is painted with animal patterns dominated by dragons and phoenixes. However, the most brilliant element of the structure is the dome, the center of which is formed by a golden relief, also depicting a dragon and a phoenix.


Secondary halls

In the two side halls of the Temple of Heaven, to the left and right in front of the round hall, special exhibitions visualize how the sacrificial ritual took place. In the hall on the north side of the large terrace stand the “soul tablets” of Heaven, which were brought here for cultic activities in the Harvest Prayer Hall.

Covered gallery, outbuildings

To the east of the Harvest Prayer Hall, a long covered gallery leads to the auxiliary buildings: the Sacred Kitchen where sacrificial gifts were prepared, the Sacred Storehouse for ritual utensils, and the Sacrificial Slaughterhouse. Opening hours of the inner altar area with the Harvest Prayer Hall: daily. 8.30-17.00.

Outdoor concerts

The long, south-facing gallery leading from Harvest Prayer Hall toward the east gate is a favorite meeting place for amateur musicians. Other musicians – especially non-professional singers – can be heard in the evenings in the public garden in the area from the altar along the ancient city moat, namely about 900 meters west of the south entrance, near the (recently rebuilt) Yongdingmen city gate. Arias from Beijing operas can often be heard.


Hongqiao Market

The multi-story market building just across from the eastern gate of the Temple of Heaven is colorful and exotic – from fresh fish in the basement, handbags and electronics in the mezzanine, to shoes, silk and cashmere, as well as arts and crafts of all kinds and a huge pearl department. Everything is very cheap – provided you bargain vigorously.
