Kanjon rijeke Tare

Tare Canyon is the longest and deepest in Europe – its depth reaches 1300 meters. Pine trees grow at unimaginable angles on the canyon walls and waterfalls appear seemingly out of nowhere, plunging into the river.


General Information

This gorge has been protected by UNESCO since 1980. If you spend the night on the banks of the Tara River, you can meet the local bat community. But you will have less chance to meet the Durmitor zvoncic flower, which grows only here.


The Tara River is the longest river in Montenegro. Its crystal-clear water remains equally alluring both when the river winds its way through the plains and when it bubbles through a magnificent canyon.

Rafting on this turbulent river lovers of this sport will fully appreciate it, getting a lot of adrenaline and pleasure; you can raft here in a kayak, rubber boat or a carefully made wooden raft. There are plenty of fish in Tara – enough for both you and the otters that live on its shores.
