Taimyrsky State Biosphere Reserve
Taimyrsky Reserve is one of the largest in the world and the most extensive in the Arctic latitudes of the planet. With few exceptions, its territory could accommodate any of the countries of Europe, Africa or South America. The protected lands extend in the northern limits of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, 120 kilometers east of the city of Norilsk. The reserve is separated from Moscow by 2890 kilometers. Communication with this amazing region of the country is provided by aviation, with airports built in Norilsk and Khatanga. In the Taimyr Reserve travelers are attracted by the pristine landscapes, natural beauty of the untouched Arctic tundra, the opportunity to engage in extreme sports.

Video: Taymyrsky Reserve
Contents- Highlights
- History of the Taimyr Reserve
- Geography
- Climate
Natural attractions - Entertainment
- Shopping
- Practical information
- How to get there
Since its creation, the Taymyrsky Reserve has been closed to the general public. The protected area even today is not intended for mass tourism. But still, several ecological routes are available for travelers, revealing a bright variety of untouched polar nature. However, there are not so many people willing to explore these lands: the climate in Taymyr is harsh, tourist infrastructure is not developed here, and the considerable cost of travel to the Far North is a barrier to the mass influx of curious visitors.
.Tourists who decide to come here are offered group hikes, helicopter tours, wildlife watching, fishing. For extreme athletes are available mountaineering ascents on mountain ranges, rafting on rivers. In Norilsk, Dudinka and Khatanga, which have a connection with the reserve, colorful festivals, ethnographic holidays, interesting museum expositions are arranged.
.The most favorable weather conditions for visiting the Taimyr Reserve are in July-August. The best period for traveling along the protected trails is the second half of August. At this time pesky mosquitoes and midges disappear, and the air temperature remains quite comfortable. And also in August the Polar Region amazes with a stunning palette of sunsets. Once having seen these epic spectacles, you will look at any fireworks with a slight smile.
.History of the Taymyrsky Reserve
The idea of creating a reserve of pristine Arctic nature on the Taymyr Peninsula has been discussed in academic circles since the 1930s. Scientists rightly pointed out that a unique ecosystem had developed here, under extreme climatic conditions. But ecological considerations were traditionally opposed to economic interests, because the peninsula is rich in mineral deposits. Gold, platinum, copper, nickel, as well as rare-earth metals such as iridium, cobalt and rhodium are mined here. Back in the century before last, geologists explored significant deposits of steam coal in this territory. At the same time, open pits and mines cause irreparable damage to the natural environment.
Finally, a reasonable compromise was found, and in February 1979 the State Reserve in Taymyr was established. Protected areas alternate with zones of traditional land use of indigenous peoples. The needs of the mining industry were also taken into account.
In 1991-1992, the International Arctic Expedition was organized with the participation of the World Wildlife Fund. A group of scientists explored hard-to-reach regions in the east of the Taimyr Peninsula. As a result, an Arctic section of over 430,000 hectares was added to the reserve.
In the following years, the reserve was enlarged with new lands. For example, in 1994 it included the Bikada Reserve, where since the 1970s they had been acclimatizing Arctic musk oxen brought from Canada. In 1995 the unique ecosystem of the Taymyrsky Reserve acquired the status of a biosphere reserve and was included in the global international project “Man and Biosphere” under the auspices of UNESCO. Cognitive tourism began to develop in the reserve in the early 21st century.
The Taimyr Biosphere Reserve, covering an area of 27,196 km², is located on the Taimyr Peninsula in the Polar Region, in the Dikson and Khatanga districts of the Dolgano-Nenets Autonomous Okrug of Krasnoyarsk Krai. This protrusion of Eurasia into the Arctic Ocean is defined by geographers as the northernmost point of the continent.
The reserve includes several separate zones (clusters) spreading from the Byrrang mountain ranges in the east and Arctic tundras in the south to the shores of the Arctic Ocean. The landscape of most of the protected areas consists of flat tundras transitioning to hilly foothills. These lands are inhabited by lynxes and wolves, ermines, reindeer, polar bears. Ornithologists count 110 species of birds here.
.In the Taimyrsky Reserve there are many water bodies and swampy lowlands. They bring living diversity to the landscape of moss-lichen tundra, create favorable conditions for the life of aquatic plants and animals. The rivers flow here, flowing into the full-flowing Khatanga, the largest among them is the Upper Taymyra River, 570 km long. In the south-west there is a large lake Taimyr, where waterfowl birds live: geese, loons, gulls. In the first days of June rare birds – tundra swans – appear on the lakes. Here they breed, and in September swan families migrate south. Other red-listed birds are also found in the reserve – white-billed loon, red-breasted goose, golden eagle, white-tailed eagle.
.In June, the dull tundra suddenly transforms. Thawed ground is decorated with a carpet of flowers – forget-me-nots, northern geraniums, violets. At this time bloom purple and fragile bushes of briarberry, also known as frost-resistant Arctic raspberry (Rubus arcticus).
.Polar flora on the peninsula is represented by hundreds of species of mosses, lichens. There are vast areas of land surface, completely devoid of vegetation. In the southern part there are alders and willows. Ary-Mas, one of the northernmost forest areas in the world, is a part of the Taymyrsky Reserve. Only Daurian larch has taken root here. Some trees reach 10 meters high.
.The reserve includes the Arctic branch – an area of coastal tundra on the eastern tip of the Taimyr Peninsula with an area of more than 430,000 hectares. The water area of Pronchishcheva Bay, a bay of the Laptev Sea, is also protected. This narrow, winding fjord is covered with ice hummocks for most of the year. Sea birds nest on the shores, walruses and seals live here. The rookeries of pinniped animals are on record. Scientists note an annual increase in the number of marine mammals that were on the verge of extinction. Polar whales, beluga whales, killer whales often swim into the protected water area.
The protected area on the Taimyr Peninsula is located in the strip of severe subarctic continental climate. The ground here is frozen to a depth of up to 500 meters. The Taymyr Reserve is so large that the microclimate on its opposite cordons is somewhat different. The southern regions meet spring in the middle of May, while in the north the long-awaited thaw comes later, at the turn of June-July. The relatively warm summer season lasts only two months, from July to August. During this period the average temperature in the southern part is +12.3 °С, in the area of Taimyr Lake the air warms up to +6.5 °С, and on the coast of the Laptev Sea, in the protected bay of Maria Pronchischeva – up to +4 °С. Short-term anomalous warming up to +30…+33 °С is noted. However even at the height of the polar summer frosts and snowfalls occur here. The greatest volume of precipitation falls in August and September.
At the end of November comes a long polar night, which lasts 65 days, until mid-January. At this time, strong Arctic winds often rise over the Taymyrsky Reserve, scorching frost, in the sky are observed sprinkles of auroras. In January-February mercury thermometer columns record air temperature up to -45…-30 °С, and on the slopes of Byrranga mountain massif cross the index of -60 °С. In the mountain gorges during the winter a layer of snow accumulates many meters long, and the sun of the short Taimyr summer is not able to melt it. At plus temperatures, the ice only thickens, and firm ice forms under its loose surface.
In the second half of May the sun rises above the horizon for a long time. There comes the time of another natural phenomenon – a long polar day lasting until July 25. Then, until about the second half of August, white nights reign over the Taymir.
Natural attractions
From the Yenisei Gulf of the Kara Sea through the Taymyr Peninsula for 1100 kilometers stretches a series of mountain ranges that have a common name – the Byrranga Mountains. This inaccessible massif is still poorly explored. The highest peaks rise to 1125 meters. The mountain massif, divided by deep valleys, is composed of diabases, ferruginous sandstones and shales. Byrrang subsoil is rich in gold and silver, semi-precious stones, polymetallic ores. In some places there are domes of dolomite marbles. The mountain slopes are covered with a dense network of rivers and streams.
.The north-facing highlands are an arctic desert covered with rock fragments and glaciers. Willow and alder bushes grow on the southern foothills, and the tundra is covered with a variety of herbs. Relict ferns have been found here.
.The beds of mountain rivers run in picturesque canyons, abound with rapids and waterfalls. In the southern foothills of the ranges there are many lakes. Numerous herds of wild reindeer are preserved in the valley between the Pura and Pyasina rivers. In the eastern part of the mountain plateau, in the basin of the Bikady River, live relict musk oxen, contemporaries of the extinct mammoths. Their long, thick wool allows the musk oxen to survive any polar frosts. The Taymyrsky Reserve includes the habitat of these amazing animals. The “Bikada” site occupies almost a million hectares.
.Almost in the center of the peninsula, at the foot of the Byrranga Mountains, is Lake Taymyr, the largest freshwater body of water in the Arctic with an area of 4,560 km². The indigenous Nganasans call it “Dyamu-Turku”, which means “lake-sea”. The lake bed is a tectonic depression in the rock from 2.8 to 26 meters deep. The lake stretches 165 kilometers from east to west and its coastline is rocky. The southwestern part of the reservoir is included in one of the clusters of the Taymyrsky Reserve. To the east are two other large lakes up to 20 kilometers in diameter – Kungusalakh and Portnyagino.
.The full-flowing Upper Taymyra River flows into Lake Taymyr. From its headwaters in the Byrranga Mountains it first flows to the southeast, and then, rounding the rocks in a loop, continues in the opposite direction – to the northwest. A biosphere reserve has been organized in the swampy floodplain. In the lower reaches the river overflows, the width of the water stream reaches 900 meters. Only the most desperate “walruses” can swim here, the water temperature in August does not exceed +7 °С. The Lower Taymyra River flows out of the lake. It heads northward and after 187 kilometers flows into the icy Kara Sea.
In the basin of the Novaya River, in the southern part of the Taimyr, grows the northernmost in Russia’s territory forest massif Ary-Mas. The ground beneath the roots of the trees is frozen to a depth of up to 200 meters. In summer, the tundra surface thaws by 30-12 cm and is covered with grasses and polar flowers. This sparse forest is located on an area of 156 km² and is in the protected zone. From the village of Khatanga to the protected forest, dog sled expeditions are organized for tourists.
The Taimyrsky Reserve has developed an exciting multi-day trekking route to the Putorana Plateau, the Ary-Mas tundra forest, and the shores of the Laptev Sea to walrus rookeries. Extreme sportsmen are going to storm the rocky mountains of Byrrang. On rapids rivers rafting and fishing tours are organized. Several base camps are equipped for tourists, helicopter landing sites have been built.
.Fascinating fishing – the main entertainment on a trip along the protected trails of the peninsula. In the lakes and rivers of the Taymir live delicacy fish species: omul, Ryapushka, nelma. Lucky fishermen catch salmon and grayling, whitefish and burbot on their hooks. Beginners should consult local fishermen before buying necessary tackle and bait. The fish here are large. For example, the weight of Arctic char reaches 15 kg, and it is caught on scraps of reindeer fur. Fishing is available only during June-September, when the reservoirs are free of ice cover.
In mid-autumn, the Taymyrsky Reserve hosts small groups of tourists, for whom dog sledding trips with visits to indigenous settlements are organized. In April it is suggested to take part in the traditional reindeer herders’ festival.
In Khatanga it is interesting to look at the Museum of Nature and Ethnography, created in the administration building of the Taimyr Biosphere Reserve. There is a unique paleontological collection, presented items of everyday life of the indigenous peoples of the Taymir. The gallery of works by photographers who have captured the flora and fauna of the reserve clusters attracts attention. Don’t forget to visit the recently built village church. There is nothing special in it, but it is the northernmost Orthodox church in Russia. In early September, the reserve’s staff holds a colorful festival of traditional crafts of the peoples of the North in Khatanga.
.In Dudinka it is worth visiting the Taimyr Museum of Local Lore (30 Sovetskaya St.). In the halls of the three-story building of the museum you will get acquainted with the diversity of the Arctic nature of the peninsula, with the culture of the indigenous peoples of Taimyr – Nenets, Evenks, Nganasans and other ethnic groups.
.On the first floor there is an art gallery of local artists. The paintings depict landscapes of tundra and mountain landscapes, everyday scenes, cult rituals.
The exposition of the halls of the second floor is devoted to the theme of man’s relationship with the natural environment. The Arctic region is depicted in all details on a volumetric map. Spatial compositions recreate the corners of the main natural zones. Artifacts found by archeologists during excavations of ancient settlements dating back to the Stone Age are displayed here. The ethnographic collections of ritual idols, shamanic masks, outfits and accessories, everyday objects of northern peoples are of great value. The galleries of the third floor present the history of the development of Taymyr by pioneers of the XVII-XIX centuries, as well as the main events of the present day.
The region’s best selection of goods can be found in Norilsk. The large shopping center “Arena” is built on Metallurgov Square, 10. Another shopping center awaits you on Rudnaya Street, 3, and Talnakh Shopping Center on Baumanskaya Street, 9 is in no way inferior to it. Before your trip to the Taimyrsky Reserve look in specialized departments where you can buy reliable camping equipment, thermoses, metal utensils, fishing gear. There is a souvenir and gift store “Rendezvous” at 12 Leninsky Prospekt. Not a bad choice of souvenirs offers and “Gallery of gifts” (Leninsky pr., 26).
.In fur salons in Norilsk you can buy great products – fur coats, hats, socks, mittens. On a camping trip you will need unty – warm boots made of reindeer skins lined with fur. At the markets look for knitted scarves, sweaters and mittens, woolen thermal underwear. As a memento of your trip beyond the Arctic Circle, you can bring a poster of the northern lights, reindeer antlers, animal figurines carved by local craftsmen from stone, bone, wood.
.For tasty guests go to the supermarket “Ocean”, which is on Kirov Street, 36. It offers a large selection of seafood. Food markets are located on Metallurgov Street, 3-A, and on Talnakhskaya Street, 12. In season, fresh berries are sold at the markets. If you see one, be sure to buy a cup of kniajenika. In the taste of dark purple polar berries you will suddenly feel the exotic flavor of pineapple. From the delicate fruits of the “princely berry” make jams and jams, prepare juices, liqueurs, liqueurs. Dried berries serve as a brew for tea. Knyazhenika has tonic properties, contains useful minerals, vitamins.
.A popular Arctic delicacy is yukola – smoked or frosted balik. Yukola is made from fish (muksun, nelma, whitefish), as well as from the best parts of reindeer carcasses. You should also bring slices of stroganina and venison sausage from here. In addition to them, buy sweet and sour sauces made of cranberries, lingonberries, cloudberries, they are combined with any meat, as well as suitable for fish dishes.
.Practical information
Application for a hike in the protected areas should be sent to zapoved.taimyra@mail.ru 10 days before the visit. Permits for excursions are issued at the tourist administration office located in Norilsk on Talnakhskaya Street, 22. Another office of the directorate of the Taimyrsky Reserve is located in the settlement of Khatanga, on Sovetskaya Street, 18.
.How to get there
Most tourist routes in the Taimyrsky Reserve start in Norilsk. Moscow is connected with Norilsk by direct air service. Flights are operated by airliners of S7 Airlines and Nord Star Airlines. Airplanes depart from Domodedovo airport, flight duration – 4 hours. 10 min. Norilsk Airport receives direct flights from St. Petersburg, Krasnoyarsk, Yekaterinburg, Ufa and other cities of the country.
From the airport to the center of Norilsk there are buses of route No. 33, cab services are available. As a rule, tour organizers send their own transport to pick up arriving travelers.
The regional airport is located in the village of Khatanga, from where trips to the Taimyrsky Reserve are also organized. Flights from Norilsk and Krasnoyarsk fly to Khatanga. Flights are often postponed due to unfavorable weather conditions.
.During the summer navigation period, passenger motorboats run from Krasnoyarsk to Dudinka along the Yenisei River. If you wish, you can precede your trip to the Taimyrsky Reserve with a spectacular river cruise. Vessels cover the distance of 1992 km, the journey along the great Siberian river will last more than three days. Buses and shuttle buses run between Dudinka and Norilsk.