Taboga Island

Taboga Island is one of the most beautiful islands of Panama, because of its crystal clear waters, excellent climate and amazing flora and fauna. You can get there by ferry in less than an hour. You can also view it from far away if you are staying in Panama City. At night, the romantic moonlight illuminates the blue sea that will definitely enchant your heart and soul.


General Information

The earliest information about this amazing place dates back to 1524. At that time, the Spanish conquistadors, who knew nothing about the aesthetic subtleties of the worldview, began to use the island as the region’s first deep-water bay and strategic port. According to historians, it was from here that the colonizers sent ships to capture the “golden” territories.


It was not until the late 19th century that Taboga, with its unforgettable scenery, came to public attention as a promising tourist area. During the construction of the Panama Canal, the first sanatorium was built here. Since then, the island has attracted thousands of eco-tourism enthusiasts.


Thanks to the tropical climate, the average daily temperature never drops below 26-28 °C.

It is never very hot. It never gets very hot on the island, as the proximity of the sea softens the heat and brings a welcome coolness. Northern winds from April to November bring strong tropical rains, and the rest of the time the resort is quite dry. During the “dry” season, the island offers indescribable sunrises and sunsets, and during the rainy season, the island is home to mesmerizing thunder clouds and bright lightning bolts that split the sky in half.


The climate has also determined the ineffable beauty of the local diverse nature. Most of the island is inhabited by lianas, lilacs, oleander, jasmine, orchids, ferns, fruit trees, and perennial lush flowers. Taboga received its name “island of flowers” not by chance – only here you can observe such a riot of tropical colors. For more than a century here are grown amazingly tasty pineapples. Tourists coming here on vacation can also enjoy mangoes, mame, mushmulas, tamarind.


The local beaches are picturesque and sparsely populated. One is on the left side of the town of San Pedro and the other is on the right side of the town. There is another beautiful place where you can take a dip in the cool water – Noreste Bahia Bay, which is located in the northeast of Taboga.


The north coast of the island is a great place for fishing. For vacationers there are many all sorts of options, because it is absolutely no coincidence that San Pedro has been a town of fishermen for centuries. For a small fee, you can ask local skillful fishermen to share their knowledge and show good fishing spots. It is also possible to rent a boat to go fishing on your own. You can also simply fish with a fishing rod from the pier. There are marlin, yellowfin, Pacific sailfish, amberjack, marlin, rusterfish, cubera snapper, corvina and wahoo in the local waters.


The fun doesn’t end there. The Isle of Flowers has a pronounced volcanic origin. Visitors interested in hiking will be very curious to conquer the two local mountain peaks. Their height is not very high, but the process of climbing will bring a lot of pleasure, as the island is incredibly beautiful nature. The highest point here is El Vigia, which rises 400 meters above sea level. At the top they have installed the most visited panoramic platform, which will offer a truly mesmerizing view of the nearby islands and the Pacific Ocean itself.


Taboga has changed a lot in 450+ years, but it still retains its charming atmosphere and the simplicity of days gone by. There are no exorbitant prices, no honking cars, no crowded streets. This place is a real paradise with warm sunshine, lots of flowers, quiet surf. That is why not only tourists come here for vacation, but also Panamanians themselves, who want to escape from the city’s tiresome bustle and plunge into the pristine world of nature.
