Cemetery of Staglieno (Cimitero monumentale di Staglieno)
Cemetery of Staglieno is one of the most famous monumental cemeteries in the world, located on the outskirts of the Italian city of Genoa. For its large number of highly artistic tombstones and sculptures, Stalieno is often referred to as a cemetery-museum. The necropolis covers 33 hectares and contains about 2 million graves.

Video: Staglio Cemetery
General Information
After entering the Stalieno Cemetery, visitors enter a small square with a statue of Vera holding a large cross. Behind it rises an exact replica of the Roman Pantheon, reached by a marble staircase of 77 steps. From the Pantheon in two directions branch off covered galleries, where the rich Genoese are buried.
In the families of wealthy citizens has become a tradition to decorate the graves of relatives with luxurious marble monuments, so in the cemetery Stalieno can be seen hundreds of beautiful elegant sculptures, which depict not only the deceased, but also their inconsolable relatives. To make it easier for visitors to navigate, the galleries have designations of the most famous graves and the names of the sculptors.
.One of the most popular graves is that of Italian politician and writer Giuseppe Mazzini. In 1872, more than 50,000 people came to his funeral, and the funeral ceremony turned into a rally against the country’s government.
The Stalieno Cemetery grounds are open daily from 7.30am to 5pm. Entrance is free of charge.
History of Stalieno Cemetery
In the early 19th century, the territory of Italy was occupied by French troops. In 1804, Napoleon Bonaparte issued a decree forbidding burials in towns and in front of churches. In order to fulfill it, it was necessary to move all cemeteries outside the urban development.
In Genoa, the architect Carlo Barabino was commissioned to design a large monumental cemetery. According to his proposal, the new necropolis was to be planted with myrtles, and in the central part was planned to install a small copy of the famous Pantheon.
However, the Barabino project was approved only in 1835, after a plague epidemic claimed the lives of many residents of Genoa. The construction of the cemetery began as early as 1844 under the direction of Barabino’s pupil, Giovanni Batista Resasco. The first burials in Stalieno were made in January 1851.
.How to get there
The Stalieno Cemetery is spread out on the northern outskirts of Genoa. From the metro station “Piazza Principe” there is bus number 34 (30-40 minutes) and from the metro station “Brignole” there is bus number 14 (15 minutes). Get off at the “Cimitero Monumentale di Staglieno” stop.