St. Mary’s Basilica

St. Mary’s Church or Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a 14th century church located in the northeastern part of Krakow’s market square. The asymmetrical towers and spires of the church surrounded by turrets are one of the most famous views of Krakow. An east-facing church was built on this site as early as 1220, a tradition that has survived to this day, as the 14th-century St. Mary’s Church, built on its foundations, is also located at an angle to the square.


General information

The main entrance to the St. Mary’s Church (facade with a Baroque portico) is only for parishioners coming to Mass. Tourists are asked to enter through a side entrance (from St. Mary’s Square) near the Market Square. The interior is a riot of ornamentation, colors and magnificent frescoes by Jan Matejko in blue, green and pink tones. The ceiling of the main nave is bright blue, with golden stars.


The main attraction is the magnificent altar under five tall columns with bright stained glass windows, a masterpiece of Polish Gothic art. It took the German artist Feit Stoss (Wit Stwosz) 12 years to create it. The central part of the altar depicts the repose of the Virgin Mary, and the casements depict scenes from the life of Christ and the Virgin Mary. A massive crucifix hangs over the central nave, and in the back of the basilica, behind the organ choir, one can admire Art Nouveau stained glass windows by the Krakow artist Stanisław Wyspiański. The ceremonial opening takes place daily at 11.50 a.m.


Every hour, a trumpeter appears on the high tower of the Basilica of St. Mary and plays the heynal, an alarm signal first sounded in 1241 as a warning of the approaching army of the Tatar-Mongols. This tradition is several centuries old. The sound of the trumpet is interrupted at the half-stroke, a memory of a lone trumpeter struck down by an enemy arrow as he warned the city of danger. Watch the trumpeter from the narrow alleyway south of the church as he finishes playing and waves to the people gathered below. From May to August, tourists are allowed to climb this tower (admission for adults/discounted 5/3zt).


Market, 4;admission for adults/discounted 6/4zt;11.3-18.00 Mon-Sat. 14.00-18.00 Sunday
