Sri Mariamman Temple

Sri Mariamman is the oldest Hindu temple in Singapore, a place of worship for Singaporeans of Indian origin and an interesting attraction in the city. What is surprising is that this temple is not located in the Indian quarter, but in the heart of the Chinese quarter. However, other people’s religions do not offend the feelings of the Chinese at all, and they treat it very tolerant.


General Information

This majestic structure is almost the same age as Singapore. The founder of Sri Mariamman Temple is considered to be an Indian, Naraina Pillai, who came to the island with the East India Company. In 1823, after much debate, he received a plot of land to begin construction – the first wooden building appeared here in 4 years. Later, in 1843, it was replaced by a more reliable brick temple, the main part of the buildings that have survived to our days dates from 1862 to 1863. In 1903, the first small, then still three-level gopuram (gate tower) was built in front of the temple, and in 1915 it was replaced by a modern, brightly colored six-level one. The last reconstruction of the entire temple complex was carried out in the mid-twentieth century.


This temple is dedicated to the goddess Mariamman, who, according to Hindu beliefs, gives life, sustenance and protects people from disease and other calamities. Inside the temple, there is still a small statue of the goddess, installed here back in the year of discovery by Naraina Pillai himself. The Sri Mariamman shrine is most famous for the tiered, beautiful, elaborately decorated gate tower that adorns the entrance to the temple grounds. On it one can see hundreds of elaborately carved and brightly colored figures of Hindu gods, ordinary worshippers, and exotic monsters.


The road to the temple leads through an arcade, the vault of which is decorated with beautiful frescoes, as well as various sculptures. Everyone can enter the temple (except for the room at the main altar), but only barefoot – it is customary to simply leave shoes at the entrance. By the way, according to the Hindu tradition, before entering the temple, you should ring a bell (there are several of them here) to warn the gods about your visit, and before leaving to ring again – as if saying goodbye to them. At the same time you can make a wish – many believe that it will definitely come true. Inside the temple is beautiful, unusual and richly decorated, everywhere reigns bright colors, windows are decorated with stained glass – there is something to see. You can visit the Sri Mariamman shrine for free, but for the right to take photos on the chromium territory you will have to pay about 3 Singapore dollars.


If you go to Singapore in October, you will definitely get to the bright festival Timithi, made in honor of the deity Draupadi. This is the main heroine of old Indian legends. According to legend, the goddess walked barefoot on hot coals to prove her purity and innocence. Every year many Hindus dare to repeat Draupadi’s daring feat during the festival. Thousands of people come to Singapore just for this spectacle, and usually the number of spectators colossally exceeds the number of direct participants in the exhilarating ritual.


This festival begins at 2pm at the Sri Srinivasa Perumal temple, then a huge procession, led by a priest, goes to the Sri Mariamman temple. At the temple, however, they prepare for the ritual in advance and make a large pit, filling it with dry trees. The wood is set on fire and when the wood turns into coals, the priest along with his followers crosses the pit. All participants are dressed in yellow robes. Next, people pass through a special container of milk and rub turmeric, an exotic spice, on their feet. After all this, the ground is also colored yellow. Only men are allowed to perform the rituals. The temple believes that those who are pure in spirit, strictly observe fasting and avoid seductive pleasures can pass the test worthily. Sometimes it happens that a couple of people do get burned during the ritual. Visit the temple and you will experience mental harmony and find the balance you have been looking for for so long!


Sri Mariamman Temple is located at 244 South Bridge Road. The nearest subway station is Chinatown. You can also get there by cab and buses 61, 166, 197 to Sri Mariamman station.
