Socotra Island

Socotra Island is the largest piece of land in the archipelago of the same name, located in the northwestern Indian Ocean in Yemen. The main town on the island is the settlement of Hadeibo (Hadibo). The name “Socotra” comes from Sanskrit and means “Island of Happiness”. The archipelago is the pearl of Arabia, as unique flora, fauna are preserved here. The pristine nature of Socotra attracts scientists, ecotourism enthusiasts and relaxed vacationers.


Video: Socotra Island

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Geography and climate

The jewel of Socotra is its unusual trees
In the depths of the island
Ocean View


Supposedly in the 1st millennium B.C. representatives of South Arabian tribes arrived on the islands and became the discoverers of Socotra. After 7 centuries the Greeks got here, and closer to the mark of our era, the Indians settled here. The Portuguese tried to capture Socotra in 1507, but were defeated and retreated.

World War II T-34 tank
White sand beach

For a long time, the island of Socotra was completely isolated. This was largely responsible for preserving its natural and cultural uniqueness. The first research expedition visited the island only in 1880. Isaac Balfour led the British group of scientists. The results of the research simply stunned the scientific community: in less than 50 days about 200 new plant species were discovered on the island. Until now, the flora and fauna of local places have not been studied to the end.


From the late 19th century to 1967, these lands were under British protectorate. Today the archipelago is part of the state of Yemen.

Among travelers this destination is still not too popular, so the island has avoided the devastating impact of a large flow of tourists.

Mountains of the island surrounded by lush vegetation

Flora and fauna

The biodiversity of the archipelago is its main wealth and attraction. Several tens of millions of years ago Socotra separated from the mainland of Africa, since then it has been virtually isolated. That is why many relict species, which are not found anywhere else on Earth, have survived here. For example, 95% of land-dwelling mollusks, 90% of reptiles, over 70% of birds, and 30% of plants exist only on the archipelago. This haven of unique species is sometimes referred to as the Galapagos Islands of the Indian Ocean.


Dracaena cinnabar-red (or dragon’s blood tree)” alt=””/>

An old Indian legend tells us that long ago in the Arabian Sea on the island of Socotra, there lived a bloodthirsty dragon that attacked elephants and drank their blood. But one day an old and strong elephant fell on the dragon and crushed him. Their blood mingled and soaked the land around them. On this place grew trees called dracaenas, which means “female dragon.”

In 2003, Socotra was listed as a UNESCO biosphere reserve. Travelers have the opportunity to observe in the natural environment the rarest varieties of animals, birds and plants: cucumber and dragon blood tree, giant scarlet, nectarberry and so on. Some of them only live in limited habitats in the interior of the island. For this reason, tourists are prohibited from taking out or importing any biological objects, destroying plant communities, and driving cars off paved roads.



Socotra’s coastal waters are unusually rich in tropical fish, coral and plants. Several major ocean currents bring a cocktail of marine life here. Scientists have recorded no less than 253 species of coral, more than 700 varieties of fish, 300 different crustaceans. Among the larger inhabitants are whale sharks, moray eels, rays, long-finned whales, bottlenose dolphins, and sperm whales.

Sunset on Socotra
The village of Qalansiya

The best time for windsurfing enthusiasts to come here is in the summer, June-September, when the steady monsoons start blowing from the southwest. The speed of these winds often reaches 30 meters per second. Among fans of this sport the most successful places are considered the beaches near Kalansiya and Hadibo, Cape Shaub and Ras Arsel, as well as the southeastern tip of the island.


In winter, the monsoon blows from the northeast, which creates favorable conditions for kiting. The best spot is considered to be the northern part of the coast of Socotra Island.

Despite the prevalence of extreme sports, most tourists prefer a relaxing vacation: swimming in the warm tropical sea, excursions to picturesque caves and canyons, mountain walks, acquaintance with the most colorful representatives of flora and fauna.

Inside Dogub cave. South of Socotra
Vegetation of the central part of the island
Natural harbor in the north of the island
Lake among the rocks


Local guy with a camel at the campground

Socotrians are friendly and cheerful people with an optimistic outlook. They treat their lands with care: they do not cut down live trees, strictly adhere to the alternation of pastures when grazing cattle. It is largely due to this attitude to nature that today we can observe such a rich world of the archipelago. The traditional occupations of the inhabitants are fishing, cattle breeding (goats, sheep), cultivation of some rare plants that are used by pharmaceutical and cosmetic companies all over the world.


Interestingly, trade routes and various sea routes leading to India and Africa have passed by the islands since ancient times, so sophisticated divers can see many shipwrecks. The most difficult reefs are near Cape Ras Arcel, so there are many remains of ancient ships. Off the coastline of the town of Calencia on the island of Socotra rests the ship Sunrise, which has long been home to numerous marine life.

Underwater World of Socotra

Tourist Information

The tourist infrastructure of the islands can hardly be called very developed, but the requirements of the average traveler will be more than satisfied. Everyone has access to hotel or camping accommodation to choose from. You can get to Socotra not only as part of organized tours, but also on your own.


The most convenient way to get here is by direct flight from Sanaa, the capital of Yemen, or Dubai (UAE). There are also irregular sea connections to Oman. Most travelers come to the island from the Yemeni side – this is the optimal route. There is an airport only in Hadibo, so you arrive immediately on Socotra Island.

A pack of dolphins off the coast of Socotra

It is worth taking into account that the military-political situation in Yemen is far from stable, so the transportation of tourists to the archipelago may be irregular. Nevertheless, the situation on the island itself is calm, remote military actions will not affect it. Today it is a question of separating Socotra into an autonomous province with the right of its own visa control. But the authorities of the island and Yemen assure that this will not complicate the movement of travelers, so your trip to this extraordinary tropical land you can plan fearlessly.


Tourists have a unique opportunity to see the rarest natural beauty on Earth, so it is definitely worth visiting the islands of the archipelago. It is not difficult to plan an independent trip, but it is worth taking care of obtaining a visa to Yemen in advance. The effort will be more than repaid – nowhere else in the world you will see what Socotra Island has to offer!
