Škocjan Caves

Škocjan Caves are listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Every year the caves are visited by 90 thousand sightseers. Don’t forget to wear a warm sweater and sports shoes! The caves are located 26 km southwest of Postojna and 5 km southeast of Divaci. The tour lasts 1,5 hours. During this time you will walk 2.5 km of the 6 km total length of the cave.


General Information

The main attractions are the Quiet Hall, decorated with stalactites and stalagmites, and the unforgettable Whispering Cave – an underground gorge 300 meters long, 60 meters wide and 100 meters high, formed by the emerald green River River, whose murmuring echoes under the vaults of the cave. A narrow bridge Cerkvenik (45 m high) crosses the river. The Škocjan Caves Park is crossed by the well-marked Škocjan Educational Trail. During the walk you will get to know the natural and cultural features of the region.


Skocijancke jame; guided tours June – September daily every hour 10.00-17.00, November – March Mon – Sat 10.00, 13.00, Sun 10.00, 13.00, 15.00, April – May daily 10.00, 13.00, 15.30, entrance fee; www.park-skocjanske-jame.si
