Singing Terraces

Singing Terraces is an unusual orchard in the form of a huge amphitheater, a unique monument of landscape architecture not only in Ukraine, but also in Europe. The structure is located on the bank of the Merla River near the village Gorodneye, Kharkov region of Ukraine. They are garden terraces reinforced with brick walls of concave shape, due to which a specific acoustics is created. If you stand in the center of the area in front of the terraces and start singing, then without any microphones your voice will reach the farthest corner. In windy weather it seems that the terraces themselves make melodious sounds. According to one of the legends here rested and gave a concert here famous Russian bass Fedor Chaliapin.



In 1709, even before the creation of this architectural monument on this place there was a famous military battle – the Northern War with the Swedes. The Swedes, naturally, were defeated. After so many years only a white stele, which can be found on the edge of the village, reminds us of this.

Singing terraces appeared later, in the 19th century and were founded by Pavel Kharitonenko. The landowner Pavel Kharitonenko wanted to grow here various rare and exotic plants, which by definition could not grow here due to the peculiarities of climatic conditions. Lack of solar heat, nutrient-poor soil and other negative factors were an obstacle. And then the landowner came up with an idea, the result of which today can be seen by everyone who comes to this place. Six terraces in the form of an arc were built on the masonry. This arrangement provided constant sunlight to the plants. In addition, the stone also accumulated heat and all together – provided fruit trees with the necessary thermal energy, so necessary for their growth.


The heat capacity of the brick and copper drainage system made it possible to create a garden with tree species that are not normally grown in this climate. Due to the unconventional shape of the garden, it seems that sounds are amplified several times here. The sound of leaves and birdsong create a unique natural melody.


Singing terraces today

Now this place is used as a stage for one of the Ukrainian ethno festivals. If you climb to the top terrace you will see a charming plain landscape with a pond and a grove.


This place belongs to the state farm “Globovsky”. Its main specialization is the cultivation of apples. So it is best to visit this place during flowering or harvest. Singing terraces of Gorodnego are protected by law as a cultural monument.