
Shepsie is a village in Krasnodar Krai, located near the western border of Sochi, at the mouth of the river of the same name. In the picturesque valley surrounded by mountains, about a dozen year-round vacation homes, resorts and summer children’s camps are open. Mild climate, gentle descent to the sea, transportation accessibility, low prices compared to Sochi and Tuapse attract families with small children. In Shepsie there is no noisy entertainment, but they are in abundance offer neighboring towns, which are easily accessible by train or bus.


Despite the modest size of Shepsie, which is permanently inhabited by about 3000 people, the village has everything you need – a small market, chain stores “Magnet” with ATMs Sberbank, post office, medical center, souvenir stores. Prices in stores are quite high, so those who plan to cook on their own, it is cheaper to buy food in Tuapse. Bank cards for payment are not accepted in all boarding houses, hot water is usually given on schedule.


Video: Shepsie


History of Shepsie

The exact date of the founding of the village is unknown, locals count the time since the appearance of Russian-Ukrainian settlers in 1888. Later they were joined by Greeks, after 1915 – Armenians who fled from Turkey. The newly arrived settled in farms, separately from each other. At the end of the XIX century the surrounding lands were acquired by a large official Alexander Petrov, who played an important role in the development of the railroad network in the European territory of the country. His estate was named Shepsie, which means “Storechnaya” in Adyghe, after the nearby 15-kilometer river. Nowadays the museum “Engineer Petrov’s Dacha” is opened on the territory of the Shepsie boarding house, which is constantly expanding its exposition. Shepsie received the status of a village only in 1923. In Soviet times it was developed as a tourist object for quiet family vacations.


Dolmen Shepsie

In 2012, on the territory of the village, on the right bank of the Shepsie River, was discovered a burial of about 5000 years old burial of the Early Bronze Age with signs of transition to the Middle Bronze Age. The dolmen was built of stone slabs, partially eroded by water. Inside were the graves of at least two dozen people buried for 300 years. A new body was placed in the ancient crypt only when the previous one had already decomposed. Household items, weapons and jewelry were left with the dead. Shards of dishes, a knife, a ring, an arrowhead and parts of beads have survived to our time. To tile dolmen lead horseback riding excursions cost from 800 rubles per hour.



The central pebble beach of the village lies next to the railroad tracks. They are crossed over the top or, in the north of Shepsie, under the railroad bridge. The length of the beach is about 700 meters, it is available to all vacationers. A lifeguard is on duty on the beach, there is a medical center. Adjoining the central beach are more well-maintained areas of the coast, for which are responsible Shepsi vacation homes and resorts.


Water temperature already in June reaches +25 °C, the bathing season lasts until October. Where the river flows into the sea, in calm weather a pebble spit is formed, disappearing during storms. The descent to the sea is gentle, the water is always clear, in the south of the main beach there are reefs where you can snorkel.


Active recreation in the vicinity of Shepsie

In addition to swimming and standard water attractions Shepsie guests will be offered a horseback ride from the local base. The cost of a ride – from 1000 rubles per hour per person. In the neighborhood, especially along the Shepsie River, it is easiest to move on off-road vehicles and quad bikes – in the arsenal of services there are also such services. By jeep you can get to the 30-meter cave in the Staff Mountain 579 m high, 8 km from the village. Its entrance is very narrow – only 60 cm – and low – no more than 1.5 m, then the cave gradually widens to 1.5 m and deepens to 4 m.



At 12 km from the river mouth there is a five-cascade waterfall, you can get there only by jeep. More accessible is a 12-meter three-cascade waterfall in the upper reaches of Golubka, a tributary of Shepsie, near hydrogen sulfide springs. The waterfall “Five Families”, located near the farm Shepsie, is named in honor of the heroes, who at their own expense extended the water pipeline here. From the village of Shepsie to the attraction 40 minutes on foot, in summer the stream dries up, but still worth going to it because of the spectacular limestone outgrowths.


Therapeutic vacation

Tourist establishments Shepsie do not specialize in therapeutic recreation, but provide recovery and rehabilitation services for an additional fee. Only the sanatorium “Change”, built in 1996, includes in the cost of accommodation medical procedures of a wide profile, physical therapy, massage and physiotherapy. In the off-season the sanatorium accepts children’s groups. In residential buildings, connected to the dining room by a covered passage, guests are provided with rooms of categories from “economy” to “suite”. The sanatorium has its own pebble beach with a safe passage to the water.


Pensions and recreation centers Shepsie

Pension “Mayak” with multi-storey buildings and cottages enjoys well-deserved attention of tourists. Guests are offered to undergo a course of rehabilitation after respiratory diseases, with osteochondrosis, scoliosis and fatigue, works program for weight loss. To improve the work of the gastrointestinal tract patients are prescribed water from its own sources. “Mayak” owns a clean pebble beach with water attractions, a spacious park with signs on which are written the names of plants, areas for sports and dancing. Pension works from mid-May to mid-October, at the peak of the season the cost of accommodation is 2100-3000 rubles per day.


Recreation Center “Energetic” is located in the park area Shepsie, 200 meters from the sea. The base has two buildings with 2, 3, 4-bed rooms. In the cost of living, reaching up to 2500 rubles per day at the height of the season, includes meals. You can rent housing from private citizens in the village and come to the base for breakfast, lunch and dinner for 900 rubles a day.


Children’s camps

Pension “Yubileiny” specializes in children’s recreation. For young guests who came to Shepsie without parents, in the coniferous forest are equipped with 3-4-storey buildings. Families with children can rest in a remote building, and the child is allowed to participate in entertainment programs of the camp. Own beach is located 400 meters from the residential buildings. On the territory of the boarding house opened Palace of Culture for 500 spectators, 3 sports grounds.


From May to September on the basis of boarding house “Shepsie” operates children’s camp “Positive” with three-week shifts. At the disposal of guests two residential buildings surrounded by relic trees, a separate dining room, dance hall, gyms, cafes. The cost of children’s voucher – up to 1550 rubles per day at the peak of the season, living in a boarding house will cost 100 rubles cheaper.


Where to stay

More reliable and ultimately more profitable to stay in resorts and vacation homes, occupying the entire coastline of Shepsie. You can rent housing in the private sector or low-rise hotels along the highway. Formally, Shepsie is subordinate to the surrounding villages for 18 km along the sea. In addition to the village, tourists stay at private accommodation in Dederkoy and Vesna.


How to get there

To get to Shepsie, travelers first get by plane to Krasnodar airport, then to Tuapse or directly to the village by cab or bus. The road runs through the picturesque foothills of the Caucasus Range and takes 2.5-3.5 hours. You can also take a train to Tuapse station. Then vacationers catch a cab or take a shuttle bus to Shepsie, the trip takes 10-15 minutes.
