Shalakhovskoye Reservoir

Shalakhovskoye Reservoir is a fish-rich artificial reservoir on the Tsna River, located in the Egorievsky District of the Moscow Region. The picturesque reservoir lies 116 meters above sea level and is surrounded by extensive intact mixed forests and spacious floodplain meadows. It stretches from east to west for 7.5 km and has an average depth of about 2 meters. At the same time, the maximum depth of the reservoir near the dams reaches 4.5 meters.



The Shalakhovskoye Reservoir is fed by the streams and swamps of the Western Meschera. Two dams divide it into three parts. The Tsna and Studenka rivers flow into the upper third of the reservoir, the Popovka river flows into the middle, and the Konyushka river, which forms a large branched bay, flows into the lower part. The coast is highly indented and has many small bays and wetlands. During the year, due to snowmelt and rainfall, water level fluctuations in the reservoir are up to half a meter.


The area around the Shalakhovskoye Reservoir is surrounded by a nature reserve of regional significance “Tsna”. Since 1985, the shore, where a large colony of gray herons lives, has been declared a regional natural monument. Besides, the vast wetlands are a favorite nesting place for gray cranes, white-tailed eagles, mossy-footed owls, great spotted eagles, ospreys, gray-headed woodpeckers and grouse. And several species of waterfowl can be seen in the thickets of semi-aquatic vegetation.


The bottom of the reservoir is flat and covered with sand and a layer of silt. There are many fish here, which are fed by birds of prey. In the floodplain of the Tsna River, above the reservoir, there are several ponds, where they breed crucian carp and carp, so these places are favorite with fans of fishing.


In summer, in the forests and on the edges of the forests ripen a large number of mushrooms and wild berries – blueberries and blackberries. In good weather, vacationers and families with children come to the sandy shores near the dacha village, so fishermen try to choose more secluded places.


Fishing on the Shalakhovskoye Reservoir

Fishermen come to Shalakhovskoye Reservoir in the summer months and in winter. Here they come for large carp, pike, crucian carp, bream, roach and perch. Most fishing here is paid, and only on a few isolated reservoirs you can fish for free.


More catchable places are in the southeastern part of the reservoir, which is not difficult to access by car. The shores here are covered with thick sedges and are excellent hunting grounds for predatory fish – pike and perch. Fish on the Shalakhovskoye reservoir are caught from the banks, from dams, as well as from paddle and motor boats. Usually local fishermen make bait from groats “Hercules”, oparyrs and steamed corn.


Information for tourists

Near Shalakhovskoye reservoir, as well as throughout the Meshchera, there are snakes. Harmless snakes can be easily distinguished by two yellow spots on the head. To avoid being bitten by vipers, it is better to walk along the shore in closed shoes, and when picking mushrooms and berries be careful and use a stick to push the grass in front of you.


The area around Shalakhovskoye Reservoir is full of swamps, and there are plenty of mosquitoes. Especially a lot of gnus happens in the first half of summer. To make the trip comfortable, you should use repellents and have in your first aid kit anti-allergy medication.


The local colony of gray herons is very interesting to photograph. Those travelers who want to get high-quality pictures of birds, usually use tripods and telephoto lenses. A good pair of binoculars or a telescope will be useful for bird watching.


How to get there

Shalakhovskoye Reservoir is located 18 km east of the city of Egorievsk, near the villages of Inshakovo and Shalakhovo. From the capital here get here by Egorievskoye highway (121 km). Drive to the village of Porykino, and then turn left. After 7 km, near the barrier, fishing vouchers are sold.


Those travelers who get to the Shalakhovskoye reservoir by public transport, from Moscow take an electric train to Egorievsk, and then – by bus number 36 to the stop “Kovrevo” or “Bolshoye Gridino.”
