Santa Maria delle Grazie

Santa Maria delle Grazie is a church in Milan that houses one of the most famous frescoes in the world, Leonardo da Vinci’s The Last Supper.


General Information

It was built from 1469 according to the laws of late Gothic under the direction of Guiniforte Solari. But already in 1492 Bramante rebuilt the church choirs and the powerful dome; the lancet arches and the cross vault in the longitudinal nave still contain late Gothic elements, while the central structure in the eastern part bears early Renaissance features. At the end of the left side aisle is the entrance to the chapel with the image of “Maria delle Grazie”. The church’s cloister was also designed by Bramante.


Last Supper

The refectory (separate entrance on the left side of the church) houses one of the world’s most famous paintings, Leonardo da Vinci’s “The Last Supper.”

The refectory is the home of one of the most famous paintings in the world, Leonardo da Vinci’s “The Last Supper”.

Visitation by prior request only.Tel: 199 199 100;From abroad 00 39/02 89 42 11 46.


Leonardo worked on the fresco occupying the northern wall of the refectory from 1495 to 1498. The painting depicts the scene when Jesus Christ tells the apostles that one of them will soon betray him. This work is famous primarily for its striking composition and psychologism in the depiction of the apostles. The fresco has been restored seven times. As a result of the last restoration works – they lasted 20 years and ended in the middle of 1999 – the original play of light became obvious: it seems that in the painting it flows from the western window of the refectory. “Crucifixion” on the south side was created in 1495 by Donato da Montorfano.
