Sandal Lake

Lake Sandal, which serves as a water source for the Kondopoga hydroelectric power plant, is located in South Karelia. The deep-water reservoir lies in a narrow basin. It is stretched in meridional direction for more than 40 km and is one of the old splashes of the huge Onega Lake. The lake has an area of 152.4 km² and was named Sandalsky Reservoir for its large size.

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Sandal is an eco-friendly body of water. The northern and eastern shores of this lake are high and rocky, while the western and southern shores are low-lying and in some places marshy. Karelian birch and spruce trees grow on them, and sandy shoulders are very rare. The average depth of the reservoir is 12 meters, and the maximum depth reaches 58-65 meters.


In these places there are routes of water tourists, and in summer on the reservoir you can often see many groups on kayaks, boats and catamarans. Travelers are attracted by the picturesque expanse of Sandal Lake, which is up to 7.3 meters wide. Travelers come here to admire sunsets, pick berries and mushrooms, and, of course, to fish. In the winter time on the Karelian lake come fans of skiing and snowmobiles.


The water in Lake Sandal is considered one of the cleanest in Karelia. Due to ferrous compounds, it has a yellowish tint, and the transparency of the water reaches up to 2.5 meters. Even on the hottest day, the temperature of the surface layer does not rise above +19 ° C, so swimming in Sandal is rare.


There are 79 islands on the reservoir. The northern end of the lake is removed from people and is considered the most attractive for tourists who move by water. Here is a small island Lychny, where almost all travelers try to get to. The reason for this interest lies in the old wooden church of Peter and Paul, which is the oldest monument of wooden architecture on the territory of the Kondopoga district. It was built in the 20s of the XVII century.


History of Sandal Lake

In 1928, work began on the creation of a hydroelectric power plant in Kondopoga. An artificial dam was built on the Sandalka River flowing out of the reservoir, and the resulting water flow was redirected through Nigozero and a man-made channel to the hydroelectric power plant.

Since 1936, after the construction of a dam on the Suna River, Lake Sandal became part of the Paleozero Reservoir, which provides the operation of the Kondopoga hydroelectric power plant. Its water level rose by 1.5-2 m, the surrounding area was flooded, and neighboring Gabozero from an independent body of water became a bay.


Today Lake Sandal is a regulated body of water, and its water level depends entirely on the operation of the hydroelectric power plant. It increases significantly in summer and drops sharply in winter.

Ancient Church

A small picturesque church on the island of Lychny has long attracted many travelers. It appeared in 1620. The wooden church was the first among the tent churches of Prionezhye and laid the traditions of local wooden architecture. One of the most beautiful parts of this church is the porch, from the upper platform of which opens a beautiful panorama of Lake Sandal and its green shores.


The temple has a traditional composition of “octagon on a quatrefoil”, a rectangular altar and refectory. The size of the upper tier is slightly larger than the lower tier, and because of this the church looks somewhat squat and disproportionate.


The modern Peter and Paul Church differs from the original construction. During its long history, the wooden church was expanded several times, its windows were expanded and both porches were rebuilt. In addition, the hipped bell tower adjoining the refectory was demolished. In 2002-2004 the restorers carried out a large-scale restoration of the ancient monument. They replaced all the rotted veins of the log cabin, leveled the floors in the church and refectory, restored the roof and porch, as well as put on the temple a new chapter, covered with a scaly plowshare.


Inside the temple looks very ascetic, its original decor has not been preserved. Many of the old icons have been lost, and on the remaining faces of the saints are barely recognizable.


Part of Lychny Island has been cleared from the forest for arable land. Ridges of stones can be seen everywhere. In summer, people live in ten houses, like dacha dwellers. Once in a while services are held in the Peter and Paul Church, and from time to time volunteers come to clean the church. There is a small cemetery next to the church. In one of the old graves rests the clergyman’s wife, who died in 1868. And the newest burial dates from 1988.



There are about 50 species of fish in Sandal Lake, and pikeperch, pike, bream, roach and perch are especially plentiful. In addition, fishermen can catch rainbow trout, whitefish, whitefish, ash, burbot, minnow, bleak and small smelt. After the construction of a hydroelectric power plant in Kondopoga, the water level in the lake has stabilized, and the fish stocks in Sandal are getting bigger every year.


From June to August, people come to the reservoir to catch pike, pikeperch and perch. In summer also bite well ruff, mayfly, herring, roach, roach and ruff. Some people catch fish from the shore. But connoisseurs advise fishing from a motor or paddle boat, which can be rented from locals or at recreation centers.


In the fall on Lake Sandal go for pikeperch, pike, perch, burbot, whitefish and ripple. However, it should be borne in mind that on an open body of water in the off-season often rise strong waves.


Where to stay

Most tourists traveling in these areas sleep in tents. For those who want a more comfortable accommodation, there is a recreation center “Camping Sandal” on the lake, which is located 4.2 km from the village of Sopokha.

On the territory of the base there are four residential buildings, guarded parking lot, beach, cafe, tables for table tennis, volleyball court and equipped places for picnics. Here you can rent bicycles, boats and boats, fish, steam in a Russian bath and make independent excursions around Lake Sandal.


How to get there

Lake Sandal lies to the east from the highway E-105, connecting Petrozavodsk and Medvezhegorsk, and to the north from the town of Kondopoga. To get to the lake by rail, you need to go to the station “Kondopoga”. From here, Sandal is reached by cab or by boat via Nigozero.
