Russian Bridge in Vladivostok

Russian Bridge is a unique in its scale and complexity of construction, spanning the Eastern Bosphorus Strait and connecting Nazimova Peninsula with Russky Island. Second in size only to the French viaduct Millau, the Russian Bridge has become a symbol of modern Vladivostok and one of the main attractions of Primorsky Krai.


Video: Russian Bridge


Where it all began

The issue of building a bridge, which will establish regular communication between Vladivostok and Russky Island, was raised back in Tsarist Russia. All this time the locals had only two possible options for crossing to the mainland: a ferry, as well as walking across the layer of ice covering the strait in winter.

Russian Bridge

Design and construction

In 2007, the Mostovik Research and Production Association received permission to create a design for the future bridge. Among several options proposed by engineers, the cable-stayed structure was favored. The foundations for the future structure were to be pylons, which would “carry” the main weight of the bridge. An elaborate system of cables (cables) was to be responsible for load distribution. Metal cables were attached to different points of the pylon in the form of a fan, giving the structure maximum stability.


The main difficulty with this was the too short time allotted for the design of the Russian Bridge. It was necessary not only to develop a site plan, but also to take into account such negative factors as unstable weather conditions, high seismic activity in the region, and seasonal temperature fluctuations. In addition, it was necessary to take into account the inevitable collision of ships passing through the strait, as well as the half-meter ice crust formed on the water surface in winter. However, despite all the difficulties, the project was fully completed and handed over to construction companies in 8 months, which became a kind of world record.

Construction of the Russian Bridge” alt=””/>

Work on the construction of the Russian Bridge began as early as September 2008. The construction was entrusted to the general contractor USK MOST, the French company Freyssinet undertook the creation of the cables, and the lighting project was handled by a Russian team of specialists from MT Elektro.


A special type of cables with a ribbed surface was created specifically to reduce the load on the structure. It was supposed that the network of “grooves” applied to the cables would drain rain drops as well as air currents, thus increasing the endurance of the Russian Bridge.

Vanty of the Russian Bridge

The construction of the structure was carried out sometimes in extreme conditions. Sharp gusts of wind, low temperatures – all these negative factors were invariable companions of installation work. As an example, it is enough to cite the fact that the last consoles, which were to close the structure, were installed at night. Since the parameters of the metal blocks can change under the influence of sunlight, and the maximum precision is required for the jointing of the grooves, the work was postponed until night time.


Russian Bridge records

The Russian Bridge can be considered a record-breaker on three counts at once:

  • The structure has the highest pylons (supporting elements of the structure) – 324 m.
  • .
  • Compared to all existing similar structures, the Russian Bridge has the maximum cable-stayed span (1104 m).
  • The longest cables (cables attached to the pylons) were used in the construction of the bridge – from 135 to 580 m.

The total length of the structure, including trestles, is 3100 meters. The length of the bridge itself is 1885.53 meters. On August 29, 2012, the structure passed the durability test with honor, having withstood the destructive pressure of the Pacific typhoon “Bolaven”. A few days later, on September 2, 2012, the official opening of the working traffic on the roadway of the Russian Bridge took place, which was attended by Dmitry Medvedev. The solemn event was timed to coincide with the city day, marking it with a festive fireworks display.

Ship under the Russian Bridge

Elegance Incarnate

Despite the fact that the main function of the Russian Bridge is transportation between the island and the mainland, the aesthetic characteristics of Vladivostok’s most modern landmark can cause genuine admiration. The fantastic view of the structure opens up at night when the architectural illumination is turned on. Professionally constructed lighting creates an optical illusion of flight. The bridge seems to float above the dark strait.


Complementing the futuristic look of the Russian Bridge are the cables themselves. Painted in the colors of the Russian tricolor, they give the composition a special, unique color and unusual solemnity. To fully appreciate the true power of the architectural concept, it is enough just to drive from the mainland to the island. Only by driving along the highway leading across the bridge, you can really get a sense of the thoroughness and amazing beauty of this unique structure.

Frigate ‘Nadezhda’ against the background of the Russian Bridge
Evening illumination of the Russian Bridge

Interesting facts

  • Three designs for the cable-stayed bridge were originally proposed.
  • The structure is strictly monitored and its condition is monitored 24/7 by satellite systems.
  • The image of the Russian Bridge can be seen on banknotes with the denomination of 2000 r.

How to get there

Address of the Russian Bridge: Vladivostok, Eastern Bosphorus Strait, Barkhatnaya St.


The easiest way to get to the main seaside attraction is by bus. Routes #15, 22, 29, 74 and 76 run across the Russian Bridge. A more comfortable and, accordingly, more expensive option is a cab.
