Riga Castle
Riga Castle is a medieval structure located in the heart of Old Riga. Ancient bas-reliefs, powerful towers, spacious halls and mysterious dungeons – this is how the building appears to tourists. In the Middle Ages, the Riga Castle served the valiant knights of the Livonian Order, and today it is used as the residence of the President of Latvia, as well as houses several museums.
.The location for the fortification was chosen for a reason. Near the River Daugava is a strategically convenient location. Here it is easy to see the ships that are heading to the port. Polish, Swedish and Russian administrations of all kinds used to sit in the Riga Castle. Now the ancient fortification is admired by tourists, and inside the work of the Presidential Administration is boiling.

- History of Riga Castle
- Appearance
- Pride of the ancient castle
Getting to know the inside - Underground secrets of the Riga Castle
- Present and future
- Tourist information
History of Riga Castle
The history of the building is one of destruction and restoration. The first castle was erected in Old Riga, where the Convention Court is located today. Its construction was started by Livonian knights in 1330 on the site of the former hospital of the Holy Spirit. During the civil war, the building was destroyed. Under the terms of the peace treaty, the townspeople undertook to rebuild the fortifications. The promise was fulfilled – that’s how the new building appeared.
.The truce did not last long – the inhabitants again began to feud with the Livonian Order, and at the end of the XV century the castle was destroyed. Only part of the tower of the Holy Spirit, which served as a lighthouse, survived. The constant clashes bored the Master, and he moved to Viland. According to the treaty, the Riga Castle was rebuilt again in the XVI century. Soon the Livonian Order ceased to exist, and the premises were occupied by Polish, Swedish and Russian rulers. Each owner expanded and changed the castle according to their views.
Initially the structure was used as a fortification, but later international treaties were signed here and foreign guests were received. For a long period of time the Riga Castle even housed a prison. In 1922, the President of Latvia took a fancy to the building and made it his own residence. Later it was home to the Council of People’s Commissars, the Palace of Pioneers, and a museum. But since 1995, the residence of the head of state has been settled inside again.
Riga Castle charms with its combination of grandeur and simplicity. There are no intricate passages or labyrinths in the structure. It is arranged extremely simply – it is a matter of military purpose. The thickness of the walls – about three meters – is a reminder of this. The Riga Castle is adorned with six massive towers: Lead, Erkernaya, Powder, North, Three Stars and Holy Spirit.
.The modern structure only remotely resembles the ancient one. Once the structure was located on an island created especially for it. The fortification was protected from cannon fire by an earthen rampart. Four buildings surrounded the interior. At the corners were towers – two massive and two smaller ones. All of them have been preserved. In front of the fortification there was a front castle. Two towers are considered to be the main ones – the Holy Spirit and the Lead Tower. The others had scaffolding rooms.
.The fortified three-story structure in front of the castle (forburg) served for household needs. Living quarters were located on the second floor – here lived the master of the order and the knights, there was a dining room and a temple, a meeting hall. The first floor was allocated for the defense of the structure and created there the economic rooms. According to the plan, the third floor was without a ceiling. The space served for shooting.
.For a long time the external appearance of the Riga Castle was not changed. In the XVII century – during the “Swedish period” – they started to reconstruct it. First, the house of the governor-general was built in the northern part. An ammunition depot was added to the east. A century later, the warehouse turned out to be unnecessary – it was replaced by a building of provincial facilities. Before the fortifications, the building was also renovated by changing the layout of the second floor. Large rooms were divided into several small ones, windows were enlarged, and one floor was made into two.
In the 19th century the Riga Castle was again transformed. It was decided to create a garden in the northern part of the castle, and the tower of the Holy Spirit was given to the observatory. However, the pointed spires of three towers were removed for this purpose. Right above the stables there was an annex – the royal chambers with a ceremonial hall. In the 20th century, the last time the Riga Castle underwent significant alterations. The lobby of the foreburg became more modern, and a checkroom was added. A festive hall for banquets was opened in the northeastern part of the castle.
.Pride of the ancient castle
When looking at the masterpiece, it’s hard to ignore the details. The main castle gates on the palace side are decorated with bas-reliefs. “Madonna and Child” is one of the most interesting. It is worth paying attention to the Erkerny Tower – it is made in the early Baroque style. The Riga Castle itself is considered to be an example of late classicism.
.Getting to know the inside
Today, life continues to boil in Riga Castle. Forburg replaced a block erected in the 17th and 19th centuries. After the Soviet period, the building was in need of repair. When construction work was done, the block housed the President’s residence, and the remaining rooms were occupied by museums.
The first room where guests get to is the lobby. It got its modern look back in the 40s – it was designed by Latvian architect Eugen Laube, who gravitated towards romanticism. A large oak staircase stands out, the path from which leads to the working premises of the president. The elevator located in the lobby is also antique. True, it was originally a cable elevator, but in 1995 it became modern – hydraulic. “Wrapping” remained the same: walnut wood, mirror and reclining armchairs with upholstery.
.The elevator takes guests up to the second floor or moves them to the Blue Foyer leading to the White Hall. Another elevator once operated in Riga Castle. It went up to the Tower of the Holy Spirit. Latvian personalities used to ride it up to get a panoramic view of beautiful Riga or to watch fireworks.
.The entire first floor of the Riga Castle is given to the head of state. To get to his office, you have to pass through a series of four rooms – an enfilade. Each room is themed, but they are united by a common style – Biedermeier. This is the name of Empire, filled with the spirit of home comfort. “Green salon” is designed for waiting and decorated with Latvian landscapes, “Red” is given to the adjutant of the president, “Blue” is occupied by the secretary. The last room of the chain is distinguished by its name – “Erker’s room”. The name is derived from the eight-pointed tower, which is located here on the corner.
But the most majestic looks the office of the president. Here the furniture of the pre-war years has been preserved – an oak table and chairs. The rest was created by copying ancient samples. Wooden panels, baroque chandeliers, masterpieces by Latvian artists – the restorers tried to fully recreate the interior of the past.
The staircase of the Riga Castle bears the imprint of the past centuries. When restoring this section of the building, they tried to copy the appearance of the XIX century. The steps, made of Belgian marble, did not even have to be changed – they have survived since 1862.
On the second floor there are several luxurious rooms: “Castle Salon”, “Dorothea’s room”, halls – Armorial and Golden. Would you like to see the history of the Riga Castle presented in photos? Your way to the “Castle Salon”. In addition to documentary photos, there are copies of castle images created in the 16th and 20th centuries. “Dorothea’s Room” is dedicated to famous people of the past – it is a gallery of portraits. You can spend hours looking at images of rulers whose fate is connected with Latvia.
>The Coat of Arms Hall was once called the Red Hall. But later it was decorated with coats of arms of Latvian cities and regions, which influenced the name. Above the doors is a large national coat of arms. The Golden Hall has not changed much since before the war. The main pride of the room is the floor decorated with gilded parquet. On the walls there are old landscapes and portraits, and on the ceiling there is a chandelier created on the model of the XIX century. The Golden Hall hosts famous persons.
On the penultimate, third floor – the Blue Foyer, the White and the Hall of accreditation of ambassadors. On the fourth floor are the Carriage House and the Hall of Celebrations. Today, the first serves as the President’s press center. A bas-relief with images of horses remains to this day.
.Underground secrets of the Riga Castle
There are underground passages leading from the building in several directions. It is believed that one of them united Riga Castle with the port, and the rest connected with the fortifications of the city. However, most of the tunnels were bricked up in the 19th century during the demolition of the ramparts, and the rest – during the Soviet era. But there are still cellar rooms, which were used during the war. It is believed that the underground passages led from here.
.In the towers of the Riga Castle were also casemates, where the enemies were tortured. Instruments used for torture have been discovered here. The unsightly stage of the building’s history is associated with the XVII century, when a prison appeared here. Locals believe that one of the castle’s inhabitants is the ghost of a medieval knight. They say that he walks around at night and moves furniture.
.Present and Future
The Riga Castle can look into the near future with confidence – it is being taken care of. In 2012, a major reconstruction began. The President and his office moved to the House of Blackheads for a while. But in 2013 there was a disaster – a severe fire. The roof, attic floor and some rooms were damaged. A part of the museums’ exhibits was burned. Until 2018 it was planned to restore the former grandeur of the Riga Castle.
Tourist information
Address: Pils laukums, 3.
.Riga Castle welcomes visitors daily from 10:00 to 17:00, on Wednesdays until 18:00. Entrance tickets cost 2 lats for adults and one and a half lats for children under 17 years old.