Pskov Kremlin (Pskov Krom)

The Pskov Kremlin is a large-scale fortification structure, preserved in the ancient city since the Middle Ages. The powerful fortress occupies an area of 3 hectares in the historical center of Pskov, on a high bank near the confluence of the Velikaya and Pskova rivers. The Pskov Kremlin is a magnificent architectural monument, which has no analogues in Russia. Pskovites are sure that only those who have seen the walls of the Kremlin, will be able to understand the soul of the ancient city.


Video: Pskov Kremlin

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The old name of the Kremlin is Krom (fenced area). The walls and towers of the ancient fort have a long history. They have seen popular revolts and free Pskov veche, raids of Livonian knights and Nazi occupation. Many times ancient Krom was subjected to destruction and rebuilt again.


The fortifications were laid at the beginning of the spread of Christianity in Russia (X-XI centuries), and when the Veche republic ruled here, they were rebuilt in stone. For a long time, the Pskov Kremlin was considered the best in the country. During its heyday it had five belts of stone fortifications. Powerful walls stretched for 9 km and protected the territory of 215 hectares. Between them there were many passages, created so that the defenders could change positions and fire in different directions. Approximately at equal intervals stood 40 towers equipped for shooting, and the inside of the Kremlin could be reached through 14 gates. At the same time the oldest part – the Krom and the Trinity Cathedral remained the heart of the entire fortification.


Inspection of the territory of the Pskov Kremlin has become a mandatory part of all city tours, so inside the Krom you can see a lot of domestic and foreign travelers. A walk along the powerful gray walls and the large Trinity Cathedral allows you to feel the spirit of the Middle Ages, and a visit to the museums introduces you to the traditions of Russian fortification architecture.


Entrance to the territory of the Pskov Kremlin is free of charge. It is open to visitors every day, without weekends from 6.00 to 22.00. The Kremlin museums welcome guests on all days, except Monday, from 11.00 to 18.00.


History of the construction of the Pskov Kremlin

During archaeological excavations it was found that the first settlement on the arrow of the Velikaya and Pskova appeared in the V-VI centuries. People began to settle these places for several reasons. Living near the river gave them water, the opportunity to fish and an excellent shipping route. The river provided access to Lake Peipsi and the nearest settlements. The surrounding forests abounded with game, berries and mushrooms. The elevated position was of strategic importance, it allowed to control the surrounding terrain and in time to notice the approaching enemy.


In the X-XI century, the first earth ramparts appeared on a high promontory between two rivers. This was the period when Christianity was emerging in Russia, so inside the Pskov fortifications erected the first wooden temple, consecrated in honor of the Holy Trinity.


Pskov occupied a border position, and its inhabitants were constantly concerned about defense. Thanks to their efforts, the northwestern frontiers of the young Russian state were always under reliable defense. Earthen ramparts and high log walls resisted enemy raids year after year, allowing the heart of the state, Moscow, to buy time to gather the necessary army.


In the Middle Ages, the city and surrounding lands were ruled by the Pskov Veche Republic. The majestic Krom with the Trinity Church played the role of its administrative and spiritual center. Inside the Pskov Kremlin there was a large square where the crowded people’s vechem gathered.


As the years passed, the city grew, and military technology improved along with it. Changes to the Pskov Kremlin were caused by the constant threat from western neighbors who wanted to seize Russian lands. To strengthen the fortress’s defenses, it was built of stone and the most powerful artillery of the time was placed on the walls.


Another measure of protection was the construction of a new defense line. The fortified Dovmontov city appeared to the south of the fortress wall in 1270-1280. The new fortifications were named Dovmotnovy in honor of the Lithuanian prince who erected them. When the construction was finished, the territory inside the fortress began to be called Zastenie.


At the beginning of the XIV century, the medieval Kremlin was again expanded. Around Zastenie appeared an additional stone ring, and 50 years later the locals built a stone wall of the Old Town, creating another belt of defense to make it more difficult for attackers to seize Pskov. But even this was not enough! By the end of the XV century fortress walls enclosed the part of the city to the north of the Pskova River, the so-called Zapskovye.


The beginning of the XVI century was marked by the entry of the city into the gaining strength of the Moscow principality. During this period, the Pskovs built fortifications on the Velikaya River itself. Stone walls were erected across the river above and below Krom. They stretched from bank to bank and blocked the riverbed with barriers in the form of lowering metal grids. Thanks to these measures, reliable protection of the city was provided from all sides, and no ship could not pass to Pskov undetected.


Churches and civil buildings

The architectural ensemble of the Pskov Kremlin looks beautiful: it is characterized by harmony, beauty of lines and fits perfectly into the modern urban development. In the center of the Krome rises a huge cathedral of the Holy Trinity. Today it is the cathedral of the Pskov diocese. The modern temple is the fourth on this place. Its history began in the X century with a wooden Trinity Church, which appeared in Crom by order of Princess Olga. The church, erected at the end of the XVII century, has survived to our days.


The snow-white six-column cathedral has a height of 78 meters. For a long time it was the largest building of the city. It is a functioning Orthodox church, in the four aisles of which regular services are held. Next to it stands a tall bell tower with a clock.


Travelers who find themselves in the Pskov Kremlin, be sure to look in Dovmontov City. This is the name of the complex of buildings located to the south of the main territory. They appeared in the XIII century and were uncovered by archaeologists during large-scale excavations. In Dovmontov’s city you can see fragments of defensive walls and foundations of several churches.


Of great interest to tourists is the Order Chamber, which is located at the southern wall of Krom. Rectangular in plan, the building was a civilian building, but was erected according to all the rules of fortification art – the walls of the chamber reach a thickness of 2.3 meters. Nowadays the building is covered with a four-pitched roof, and inside you can see a variety of exhibitions and the restored interior of the voivod’s chambers.


All those who enter the Kremlin through the Trinity or Great Gates do not enter its territory immediately. At first they find themselves inside a powerful fortification structure – “zahab”. Its name was derived from the obsolete word “ohaben”, which meant “sleeve”. The narrow, bent corridor is surrounded by high walls, and the enemies inside it became very vulnerable to the defenders of the fortress, who could fire at the enemy from any side. Fortresses in Europe also had similar traps, and called them “zwingers.”


The powerful walls of the Pskov Kremlin are made of hewn gray stone. They rise to a height of 6-8 meters and reach a thickness of 2.5 to 6 meters. The upper part of the fortress walls is equipped with platforms for passage, protected by a wooden roof. The longest wall (435 m) has been preserved on the eastern side. And in the south of the Pskov Kremlin you can see the shortest section of the wall (88 m), which is often called “percy” – from the outdated word for chest.



The majestic towers of the fortress were built to house artillery and riflemen. There were once 40 of them, but numerous wars and especially the long period of Nazi occupation during the Great Patriotic War led to much destruction.

Today along the walls of the Pskov Kremlin you can see 7 towers rising to a height of up to 35 meters. They have different shapes, because they were erected and reconstructed not at the same time, but as military technology and fortification art were developing.


One of the oldest towers is located in the northern part of the Pskov Kremlin. It is called Kutekroma or Kutniy kostrom. Such a name was formed from old Russian words. “Kut” means “corner”, “krom” is an obsolete form of the word “kremlin”, and “kostrom” used to be called “tower”. Thus, “Kutekroma” is a tower located in the corner of the fortress. The round fort was erected in 1400. It has five tiers, with an average diameter of 10.5 meters and a height of 30 meters. The squat tower looks very picturesque, and from whichever side you approach Kutekroma, it attracts the eyes. It is not by chance that the old tower is often called “Red”, i.e. “beautiful”. There is an opening in the wall near it, through which visitors to the Kremlin can get to the observation deck.


Kutekroma was not always as we see it now. The ancient tower was destroyed several times during enemy raids. It suffered especially badly in the early 18th century, during the Great Northern War between Russia and Sweden. The half-destroyed fortification was not restored for a long time, and on its place there was even a picturesque gazebo, where Alexander Pushkin visited. The original appearance of the old tower was returned only in the 1960s.


Other towers of the Kremlin

Around the same time as Kutekroma, the Trinity Tower (1400-1401) appeared on the territory of the Pskov Kremlin. It also has other names – Lubyanskaya, Velikaya and Chasovaya. The old tower stood until 1787, and was rebuilt together with the Trinity Gate in 1988.


The history of the squat Vlasyevskaya Tower begins at the end of the 15th century. The square in cross-section fortification was named so because in the Middle Ages the Vlasyayevskaya Church was located next to it. The old tower served to protect the territory of the Pskov Kremlin from the Velikaya River. It is characterized by a large observation loft and a high hipped roof. This tower is passable, and in the old days people entered the Kremlin through it from Zavelichye.


In the Middle Ages, the Old Torg was located inside the Pskov Kremlin, and merchants and Pskovites reached the place of trade through the gates of the Vlasyevskaya Tower. Wagons loaded with goods passed through the city customs office located in the tower. At night the tower gates were closed and armed guards were on duty until morning. In the 60s of the last century, the half-destroyed Vlasaevskaya Tower was rebuilt, and it acquired a modern look. In 2010, the Pskov Kremlin suffered a severe fire. The wind-blown fire destroyed the wooden tent of the Vlasayevskaya Tower, but it was rebuilt after a while.

There are other passage towers in Brome. You can get to its territory through the Holy Gate, above which rises the Rybnitskaya Tower, built in the XV century to access the Kremlin from the Pskova River. In those days, the downhill slope was the Rybniki, a trading district of Pskov, which gave the tower its name.


The original building has not survived to this day. It became dilapidated and was dismantled. The modern Rybnitsa Tower appeared in the 1970s, thanks to the efforts of Pskov restorers. This fortification also suffered from a large fire in 2010, but was, like the Vlasaevskaya Tower, reconstructed.


Dovmondova or Smerdia Tower is interesting because its restoration was carried out by the famous Russian architect Konstantin Andreyevich Ton. Builders put the tower together according to his design in 1866, during the next reconstruction of the Pskov Kremlin. Obviously, the talented architect brought many new elements into the construction, and the tower became similar to the medieval castles of Europe. The multifaceted structure is crowned by a metal weathervane in the form of a flag, which depicts a Russian warrior.


Overhanging the Pskova valley is the Snetnaya or Middle Tower, one of the tallest in the Kremlin (35 meters). It has an impressive diameter of 11 meters. It is known that in addition to its defense functions, the tower served as a place where they kept food for the dogs guarding the Kremlin. Snetnaya Tower got its modern look in 1973.


One of the most picturesque towers of the Pskov Kremlin stands near the mouth of the Pskova River. The squat structure with a diameter of 16 meters is called the Flat Tower. It harmoniously fits into the surrounding landscape and looks beautiful both from the Velikaya River and from the Pskova River. It is the only tower of the Kremlin that has not been rebuilt for several centuries. It has retained its original proportions and is nowadays well restored.


How to get there

The territory of the Pskov Kremlin is located in the city center, on the right bank of the Velikaya River, north of the Olginsky Bridge. If you use public transportation, you can get to Krom by buses #1, 7, 7A, 11, 15, 18, 19, 25, 30, as well as by shuttle buses #4A, 51, 51A. You need to go to the stop “Lenin Square”.


In summer time many people use water cab services and get to the Pskov Kremlin by river, especially since the pier is located right under the fortress wall, on the bank of the Velikaya River.
