
Pshada is one of the picturesque places in the south of the Krasnodar Territory. This is the name of the river valley and a large, surrounded by mountains village, which is part of the resort area of the city of Gelendzhik. The distance from Pshada to the seashore is 11 km, and to the center of Gelendzhik – 33 km. In translation from Adygean language “Pshada” means “windless valley”. Strong winds in the valley of Pshada are really rare. The climate here is mild, and therefore the foothills are drowned in greenery.

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There are so many natural attractions around Pshada that it is impossible to see them all in one day. These places are widely known, thanks to the ancient megaliths. In the village and its vicinity there are more than 70 dolmens erected in the Bronze Age and Iron Age – the same period when the Egyptian pyramids were built. For this reason, Pshada has become a real Mecca for lovers of antiquities and fans of esoteric tourism.


From the village up the picturesque valley take excursions to the famous Pshada waterfalls – a cascade, which is located in the middle reaches of the river. In Pshada you can see a lot of amateur tourist groups, whose routes are laid on the sights of the North-West Caucasus. From here they climb the rocks of Grey Monasteries or Krasnodar Pillars, and also make ascents to Mount Papai – the westernmost rocky peak of the Main Caucasus Range. Most often travelers come to Pshada by pass and do not stay overnight. They stop here during bus tours or safaris, which take place on jeeps and trucks.


Along the river Pshada and even more so in the valleys of its tributaries there are no asphalted and unpaved roads, and there are only old logging tracts. Even in low water, up the river valley can pass only cross-country vehicles.


Those who plan to travel along the Pshada on foot, should keep in mind that moving along mountain trails and canyon-shaped river valleys requires a good physical shape. For hiking along the Pshada you should have trekking shoes, as well as tourist equipment for overnight stay in the field.


History of the village of Pshada

People began to inhabit the fertile land around Pshada since the Stone Age. In 1837 a Russian outpost appeared here, and then a village grew up in its place. In 1866 in Pshada built a wooden Orthodox church, consecrated in honor of the Great Martyr Dmitry Solunsky. This church has not survived to this day. A new Orthodox church, dedicated to the same saint, was rebuilt in the 2000s on School Street.


Now in Pshada lives about 2.7 thousand people. There are no industrial productions in the village, so the locals are engaged in gardening, beekeeping and receive tourists. Around Pshada there are many orchards, and peaches, apples and hazelnuts grown here are famous far beyond the borders of the Gelendzhik district.


Hotel business in Pshada is almost undeveloped. The reason is that coming to the Black Sea coast tourists prefer to stay in coastal resorts by the sea. The demand for accommodation in Pshada itself is low, and in the village there are only two guest houses and one private mini-hotel. There is also a market and a cafe in Pshada.



The Pshada Valley is the only one on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus where you can see so many dolmens. Some of the ancient monuments are preserved in very good condition, and some megaliths are half-destroyed.

Most of the Pshad dolmens are rectangular structures made of four vertically placed slabs. From above they are covered with another slab. Each part of the dolmen is hollowed out of sandstone and weighs more than a ton. One of the vertical slabs usually has a round hole in it.


At the time when the Caucasian dolmens were erected, there were no jacks and other construction equipment, so it is a mystery to scientists how the people who lived then managed to build them in such large numbers.


Another unresolved question is the purpose of megaliths. There are different points of view on this issue. Some scientists are sure that dolmens were needed for astronomical observations. Others say that they were used for ancient cult rites. This idea is suggested by mysterious drawings, ornaments and patterns preserved somewhere on the stones. Most researchers agree that the megaliths served for the burial of the dead, that is, played the role of large stone crypts.


Two dolmens can be seen right in the village of Pshada. The most popular with tourists monolithic dolmen called “Heart of the Mother” and is located on Kubanskaya Street. More than 20 megaliths of varying degrees of preservation are scattered on the slopes of the low mountain Tsygankova – above the village building.


On the left bank of the river there are 18 dolmens, and on the right – 20, and on the right bank are the largest in size and best preserved megaliths. Near the Skull Cave, not far from Pshada, there is an unusual trough-shaped dolmen.


A group of four Bambakovsky megaliths is located 4 km southwest of the village. They are located on the Dolmen farm, south of the M-4 “Don” highway. About 5 km above Pshada, on the left bank of the river, in a place called Shirokaya Pshadskaya Shield, there is a dolmen village popular among tourists. Here you can see 8 well-preserved and two half-destroyed megaliths.


Pshadskie waterfalls

There are about 100 picturesque waterfalls in the valley of the river Pshada and its tributaries. For the most popular of them is fixed the name “Pshadskie”, although they are not on the river itself, and in the valley of its right tributary – the Red River, 20 kilometers above Pshada. Eight picturesque waterfalls of different sizes are located close to each other, so you can see the whole cascade in an hour.


The largest of the waterfalls – Olyapkin – is about 9 meters high. Another waterfall is slightly smaller (7 m) is located above, in the valley of the Vodopadny brook – the right tributary of the Krasnaya River. The height of the other six Pshad waterfalls varies from 1 to 4.5 meters. Near the cascade of waterfalls are houses tourist shelter “Pshada”, where groups of amateur tourists like to stay.


At the height of summer there is not much water in the river. But even with a small amount of water Pshadskie waterfalls present a spectacular sight. Olyapkin waterfall descends into a small lake – the so-called water well, which the water washed out in the stone bed of the river. Tourists who come here like to swim in this natural body of water. The cool water of the mountain river is very pleasant and refreshing after a tiring hike.


To Pshada waterfalls can be reached by cross-country vehicles – cars UAZ, GAZ-66 or ZIL-131, which are available in the village of Pshada. Their rent can be arranged with local residents. During the summer tourist season to the waterfalls from Pshada take several times a day.


Those who want to reach the waterfalls on foot, should expect that you will have to spend the night in tents, because the road to the waterfalls and back takes 2-3 days. Hiking in the valley of Pshada has its advantages. During it you can admire the clean mountain river, picturesque streams and beautiful rock outcrops. The valley of Pshada is forested. Oak, beech and hornbeam trees grow here. In summer time tourists are accompanied by birds singing all the way. There are also animals in the forest, but they are usually fearful and try to avoid meetings with people.


In the side tributaries of the river Pshada also have many waterfalls. Especially beautiful are considered those that are located in the valleys of Gorlyanov brook, in the upper reaches of the river Tkhab, on Melnychny brook and in the Kochkarskaya gap.


Fishing and apiary ponds

In addition to traveling to dolmens and waterfalls, in Pshada you can go fishing and visit apiaries. In total, there are four stocked ponds in the vicinity of the village. One of them is located in the valley of the Doguab River, the second – on the territory of Filippovskaya estate, at the end of Kubanskaya Street, and two more – in the recreation park “Yin-Yan” on the outskirts of the village (Rechnaya Street).


Park “Yin-Yan” is very popular with tourists who vacation in Pshada and Krinitsa. It is considered an excellent place for family and corporate recreation. Having come here, you can undergo mud treatment and massage procedures, as well as have a picnic with friends in gazebos with a barbecue. The two park ponds are home to carp, carp and amur. Here you can fish with your own tackle or rent the necessary fishing equipment.


In “Yin-Yang” come for half a day and several days. For those who want to spend the night on the territory of the park, small houses are built. If desired, for guests organize horseback riding, jeep travel in the valley of the Pshada, as well as paintball tournaments.


Pshada has a mild climate and many flowering plants, so there are several apiaries in the vicinity of the village. One of the largest is located on the territory of the farm “Dolmen”. Tasty mountain honey is sold at the market Pshada, as well as at equipped trading platforms, stretching along the highway M-4 “Don”, at the entrance to the village.


How to get there

Since Pshada stands on the federal highway M-4 “Don”, it is not difficult to get here by car. The nearest airports to the village are located in Gelendzhik, Anapa and Krasnodar. The distance from Gelendzhik and Dzhubga to Pshada is the same – 33 km, and the approaches are convenient from both sides.


Those who come to the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus by train, take tickets to Novorossiysk or Tuapse. From Novorossiysk and Tuapse to Pshada is about 70 kilometers. Pshada is connected with Krasnodar, Novorossiysk, Tuapse, Anapa and Gelendzhik by regular bus service. In addition, many intercity buses pass through the village. If desired, it is not difficult to get to Pshada by cab.
