Postojna Cave

Postojna Cave is the most visited cave in Europe, located near the town of the same name, 44 km southwest of Ljubljana. Postojnska jama (Postojnska jama; guided tours daily May – September every hour 9.00-17.00, April, October 10.00, 12.00, 14.00, 16.00, November – March 10.00, 12.00, 15.00, entrance fee, stretches for 20 km. About a quarter of the halls and passageways are open to the public. The one and a half hour tour begins with a ride on a small train through lighted tunnels and grottoes with stalactites and stalagmites (3.5 km). The remaining 1.5 km tourists walk the remaining 1.5 km. You will see the stunning Concert Hall, which can accommodate up to 10 thousand people. At Christmas, a special concert of holy hymns is organized here.


At the entrance to the cave there is a speleological station where you can watch a short film about karst caves, see cave dwellers, including the mysterious “human fish” (flesh-colored Salamander). It is impossible to even imagine that a living creature could live in such conditions.
