Lake Pleshcheevo
Lake Pleshcheyevo is a national park in the Yaroslavl region, created to preserve the historical landscape around Pereslavl-Zalessky, one of the hubs of the Golden Ring, and the water body of the same name. The territory of the reserve is open to tourists who prefer a quiet family vacation in nature and do not expect a high level of service.

Video: Lake Pleshcheevo
Contents- History of the park
- Geography of the national park
- Beaches and campground on Lake Pleshcheevo
- Dendrological garden
Natural sights of Lake Pleshcheevo - Man-made sights
- Active recreation on Lake Pleshcheevo
- Hunting and fishing
- Information for tourists
Park History
The surroundings of Lake Pleshcheevo have attracted people since ancient times: Finno-Ugric and then Slavic tribes settled along its shores, as evidenced by numerous archaeological finds. Pagans used to set up kapis on the nearby marshes, using blue-colored stones to build idols. According to Alexander Ostrovsky’s idea, it was here, in the area of Berendeyev Swamp, that in times immemorial lived the legendary people who gave shelter to the Snow Maiden from the play of the same name. Originally the lake was called Kleshchino, like the town found by archaeologists on its shores.

Geography of the national park
Almost half of the 23.8 thousand hectares, the total area of “Pleshcheyevo Lake”, is occupied by forests, the rest is divided between marshes, water resources and fields. On the territory of the park there are 790 species of plants and more than 400 species of animals, some of them are included in the Red Book. The water body, which gave its name to the protected area, is more than 30 thousand years old. According to scientists, the lake was formed when glaciers retreated from the European territory of modern Russia. Over the years, the relief of the lake and the character of the surrounding terrain changed: now most of the shore is flat, with small hills at a distance of 100-200 meters from the water. Lake Pleshcheevo freezes at the end of November, sometimes later, the ice opens in April. Numerous springs make the water clean and transparent, but they also pose a danger to fishermen who come here in winter.
Impassable swamps are concentrated near the northern borders of the reservoir, traveling here alone in search of pagan antiquities is categorically not recommended: it is dangerous, besides, there are ancient monuments in more accessible places. As for the stories about untold treasures buried in the swamps, it is true, but they have long been dug up by archaeologists. You can admire the antiquities in local museums. There is another danger associated with the bogs: active peat extraction was suspended 20 years ago, and since then peat bogs are poorly controlled and burn in hot dry weather.
Beaches and campground on Lake Pleshcheevo
Recently, access to Lake Pleshcheyevo has become paid, but the prices in the park are symbolic: 50 rubles per day for one person. You can pay for the service at the cash desk at the exit to the embankment. Here you can rent a barbecue for 150 rubles, take an equipped place of rest with benches and a table for 300 rubles. A separate section of the shore, in the area of Alexander Mountain from the north-east of the lake, is allocated for the installation of tents. You can bring a tent with you or rent it for 500 rubles per day for four people. Those who prefer to rest in nature with comfort, stay in a guest house for 8 people in the place Kukhmar with daily rent. The cost of living in a cottage with a fireplace and billiards – 15000 rubles per day on weekends, on weekdays twice cheaper.
.Swimming is allowed on a vast stretch of shore in the vicinity of Alexander Mountain, or rather, a hill about 30 meters high. The relief of the bottom allows you to safely go 100 meters from the shore, deep places begin further away. For photography the best views are from the Alexander Mountain and in the southern part of Lake Pleshcheevo. In rent paddle boats for 200-300 p. per hour, organized excursions on a 10-seater motorboat for 2.5 thousand rubles per group by appointment.
Dendrological garden
In the southeastern part of the national park “Pleshcheevo Lake” there is an arboretum garden. Established more than half a century ago, now it occupies 58 hectares and exhibits more than 600 species of trees. Everything began with the labors of the forester Sergey Kharitonov, now the garden bears his name. There are 8 thematic zones in the arboretum, the most extensive collection is from North America. Visitors can see the cascade of ponds surrounded by leaning trees, thuja alley, Kraskovsky pond with a gazebo on the bank, fruit garden. The garden staff has developed 4 excursion routes for 1-1.5-hour walks of 2-2.5 kilometers. Young children will be interested in the “Fairy Tale Trail” route with plants featured in folklore of the world’s peoples and wooden sculptures.
The garden welcomes guests all year round and asks them to observe simple rules of behavior. Tourists should not leave the paths, because it is easy to get lost in the park, besides, there are snakes in the grass. It is forbidden to swim in the ponds, taste the plants, as there are poisonous species in the garden. In season, mosquito repellent is highly recommended. Tourists purchase a one-time ticket for 100 rubles or a subscription for a month, six months or a year. Additional services include a wedding photo shoot, carriage or bicycle rental.

Natural sights of Lake Plesheevo

Information for tourists
The National Park “Pleshcheevo Lake” is located 130 km northeast of Moscow along the Yaroslavskoye highway with an exit to Pereslavl-Zalessky. For this route traffic jams at the exit from the capital and at the exit in the Yaroslavl region are typical, so for 150 km of the way it is necessary to make more than 3 hours of driving. Having passed Pereslavl, travelers pass Nikitskaya Sloboda, from there far from ideal road leads to the Alexander Mountain. The parking lot next to the lake can be crowded.

Where to stay

The park is designed for year-round visiting. Even in the summer season the weather on Lake Plescheevo can change dramatically, you should take warm clothes with you. Besides the park property, guest house, there are several tourist bases and hotels with different prices in Pereslavl and its surroundings. In the southwest, the park-hotel “Veslevo” is waiting for guests: A 4-storey hotel with 16 rooms with all amenities, a bathhouse and sauna, a dining room and a cafe “At the Miller”. The company owns cottages for accommodation with pets, with kitchens of different capacity. The guests will be entertained by horseback riding and camel riding, paintball. In the city center, next to the St. Nicholas Convent, there is a guest house “Nikolin Park”, with free parking and air conditioning in the rooms.
.Catering issues
There are no public catering facilities on the shore of Lake Pleshcheyevo, you bring food with you or visit restaurants, canteens and cafes in Pereslavl. Among those that have earned good reviews are the cafe “Montpensier” on Red Square, La Forêt near Narodnaya Square and the restaurant at the hotel “Albitsky Garden” on Kardovskogo Street.